REGStats: USDA Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Program Statistics

Keyword Search

Keyword Search Hints:

Select Agency, Program or Participation
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The USDA Program Usage Statistics page lets you create queries of the number of USDA program applicants and participants by race, ethnicity, and gender (REG). The interface consists of a series of selection boxes that act as filters to limit the data retrieved.

The Agency selection box lists the agencies that have data in the system. If no agency is selected, the query will retrieve data for all agencies contained in the database. You select one agency by clicking on it (with your left mouse button); the query will retrieve data for only that agency. You can select multiple agencies by holding down the control key when making selections. You can deselect an agency by holding down the control key and clicking it.

The Program selection box works the same way; you may select one or more programs from the list within the selection box to retrieve data for only the selected program(s). If none of the programs are selected, the query will retrieve data for all programs contained in the database.

The selection boxes update dynamically. When you make a selection in one box, the other boxes change to reflect values that remain after your selection is made. For example, if you select “FARM SERVICE AGENCY” in the Agency selection box, the values displayed in the Program selection box will update to reflect only programs associated with the Farm Service Agency.

Select Gender, Ethnicity or Race
(one or more)  Online Help


The USDA Program Usage Statistics page lets you create queries of the number of USDA program applicants and participants by race, ethnicity, and gender (REG). The interface consists of a series of selection boxes that act as filters to limit the data retrieved.

The Gender selection box lists the genders that have data in the system. If no gender is selected, the query will retrieve data for all genders contained in the database. You select one gender by clicking on it (with your left mouse button); the query will retrieve data for only that gender. You can select multiple genders by holding down the control key when making selections. You can deselect a gender by holding down the control key and clicking it.

The Ethnicity selection box works the same way; you may select one or more ethnicities from the list within the selection box to retrieve data for only the selected ethnicity(ies). If no ethnicity is selected, the query will retrieve data for all ethnicities contained in the database.

The Race selection box also works the same way; you may select one or more race from the list within the selection box to retrieve data for only the selected race(s). If no race is selected, the query will retrieve data for all races contained in the database.

The selection boxes update dynamically. When you make a selection in one box, the other boxes change to reflect values that remain after your selection is made. For example, if you select “HISPANIC” in the Ethnicity selection box, the values displayed in the other selection boxes will update to reflect only selections that have data for HISPANIC applicants or participants.

Select Location and Time
(one or more)  Online Help


The USDA Program Usage Statistics page lets you create queries of the number of USDA program applicants and participants by race, ethnicity, and gender (REG). The interface consists of a series of selection boxes that act as filters to limit the data retrieved.

The State selection box lists the states that have data in the system. If no state is selected, the query will retrieve data for all states contained in the database. You select one state by clicking on it (with your left mouse button); the query will retrieve data for only that state. You can select multiple states by holding down the control key when making selections. You can deselect a state by holding down the control key and clicking it. Note the State selection box also contains a US TOTAL selection.

The Year selection box works the same way; you may select one or more years from the list within the selection box to retrieve data for only the selected year(s). If no year is selected, the query will retrieve data for all years contained in the database.

The Period selection box also works the same way; data will be loaded for MID YEAR and FULL YEAR. You may select one or more periods from the list within the selection box to retrieve data for only the selected period(s). If no period is selected, the query will retrieve data for all periods contained in the database.

The selection boxes update dynamically. When you make a selection in one box, the other boxes change to reflect values that remain after your selection is made. For example, if you select “ALABAMA” in the State selection box, the values displayed in the other selection boxes will update to reflect only selections that have data for ALABAMA applicants or participants.

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