Human Resources Management (HRM)
Enterprise Standards

HRM Enterprise Standards encapsulate laws, regulations, and policies (LRPs), documented terms and definitions, business rules, required business processes (if any), and business information needs relative to a specific HRM Enterprise Architecture (HRM EA) Capability/Sub-Capability. By promoting Department of Defense (DoD)-wide semantic consistency and uniform reporting within the HRM Functional Area, the HRM Enterprise Standards initiative enables the consistent application of policies within the DoD HRM community.

The HRM Enterprise Standards are aligned to the HRM EA Capabilities/Sub-Capabilities. The HRM EA is a segment within the DoD’s Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA), maintained by the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer (ODCMO). Visit the HRM EA Encyclopedia to explore the HRM Capabilities.

HRM Enterprise Standards consist of five elements:

  1. Authoritative Source - A law, Joint publication, DoD issuance, or government regulation which is binding on some aspect of HRM within the DoD
  2. Business Process Standard - The description of an HRM operational activity that includes a sequential list of required sub-activities directed by an Authoritative Source
  3. Business Rule Standard - An operational business rule derived from one or more Authoritative Sources which is intended to influence or guide HRM business behavior by placing a constraint on some aspect of the business
  4. Common Human Resources Information Standard (CHRIS) - A piece of information required by the HRM business in order to execute or evaluate the operation of the business. A CHRIS always has a name, definition, and reference. A CHRIS may also have permitted values and structural business rules. Its uses include the following:
    • Define information concepts embedded in HRM business processes and associated operational business rule standards to help ensure semantic consistency
    • Support interoperability by defining HRM EA products such as Operational Rules Model (OV-6a) (A selection of CHRIS has been incorporated into the DoD BEA)
    • Support certification of defense business information technology (IT) investments by their incorporation into the HRM investment review process
  5. Business Glossary Standard - A controlled HRM business vocabulary term or phrase for which its definition applies throughout the HRM Enterprise

HRM Enterprise Standards - click here to see the close-up and description.
Click to enlarge

HRM Enterprise Standards facilitate:

  • Consistent application of policies that support HRM across DoD
  • Semantic consistency within the HRM Functional Area
  • Functional context for HRM business processes, rules, glossaries, and data
  • Information standardization across the DoD HRM enterprise
  • Defense business IT investment certification support and alignment to Defense Business Council/Investment Review Board requirements
  • Standardized Reporting of HRM information

To access individual PDFs of HRM Enterprise Standards and CHRIS, please visit the index pages:

P&R; IM's Role
P&R; IM documents HRM Enterprise Standards based on public laws, regulations, and DoD-wide policies that govern civilian, military, and Military Health System HRM across the DoD. All HRM Enterprise Standards are reviewed and approved by the appropriate P&R; policy owners and are aligned to the HRM EA.

For more information on HRM Enterprise Standards, please contact the P&R; IM Representative.