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Kentucky Board of Licensure and Certification of Fee-Based Pastoral Counselors

Kentucky Board of Licensure for Pastoral Counselors

The purpose of the Board of Licensure for Pastoral Counselors is to administer and enforce the statutory authority and to monitor the needs of the consuming public. The board certifies all eligible candidates for entry into the profession as a pastoral counselor. It recommends appropriate changes in the law to assure fairness and equality. The board conducts formal hearings when necessary and prosecutes by due process any violators of KRS 335.600 to 335.699.

June 2016
Important Notice Regarding New Online System
You must create a brand new username and password.
Old One Stop Usernames and passwords are no longer valid and will not work.
v  Social Security number is used strictly as an identifier to accurately match old system data to new system data.  It will not remain within public view and has strict security.
v Please pay close attention to the required fields when registering your account. 
v When individual Board�s online renewal is completed, we will use the valid email address to communicate any new features or procedures. After your new user account is set up, you can print a new card or certificate. Legacy License Number and License Number will show identical licensure status and are valid to use today.

The Office of Occupations and Professions suggests completing your renewal at least two weeks prior to your expiration date.