Compare Health Costs & Quality of Care

in New Hampshire

NH HealthCost was developed by the New Hampshire Insurance Department to improve the price transparency of health care services in New Hampshire.

Know What
You Might Pay

Compare health care costs in the state of New Hampshire by insurance plan.

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Know The Care
You Can Expect to Receive

See how different facilities in New Hampshire perform.

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HealthCost provides New Hampshire residents a tool to compare estimated health care costs based on actual prices paid for medical and dental services in the state by insurance plan and by procedure including MRIs, dental cleanings, and Cholesterol tests.  It also provides an estimate for uninsured patients.  All cost information provided on this site is derived from data collected from New Hampshire's health insurers and stored as a part of the Comprehensive Health Care Information System (NHCHIS).  The data on the site will be updated quarterly. More information about the NHCHIS can be found here:

This website serves as a resource for you to make informed decisions about purchasing health care services.  The "About" section offers detailed information on the site's methodologies.


The New Hampshire Insurance Department collects information from insurance carriers and publishes a report annually on the insurance marketplace. At this time, this section links you to the report, but in the future, you will have the opportunity to use the data interactively. Please send us an email if you would like to be notified as the improvements take place.

Search by Facility:

Some facilities are more expensive than others, and some provide better care. See how your facility compares to others in New Hampshire: