Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence

Public Awareness

"This Isn’t Love" Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Campaign

About the Campaign

This campaign consists primarily of "social media" and electronic distribution of the components. The intent of the campaign is to get teens thinking that some of the behaviors they may be experiencing or inflicting (possessiveness, jealousy) are not signs of love. They are signs of control and they are forms of abuse.


"This Isn’t Love" Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Campaign Poster

You can help raise awareness by displaying this poster throughout your school or organization. It can be printed out in color or black and white on 8-1/2" x 11" paper and distributed throughout your organization. View a text description of the poster.

The poster includes a QR code. Someone with a smart phone can download a free QR code reader app. Then they can point their phone at the code and it will take them to OPDV’s “Respect Love, Love Respect” website, where they will find much information on dating abuse for teens, family and friends.

Other poster sizes:

Activities for Schools and CommunitiesOPDV’s dating abuse website Respect Love, Love Respect logo

In addition to the web banner and poster, there are many other activities or programs that your school or organization could plan for Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month -- or any day, for that matter. This is a problem teens are experiencing 365 days out of the year.

To learn more about Dating Abuse, visit OPDV’s website Respect Love, Love Respect