Various photos showcasing Virginia highlights in economy, education, health, public safety, natural resources, transportation, and government.

Measuring Virginia

Virginia Performs shows you how the state is doing in areas that affect the quality of life for you and your family. Explore these pages (horizontal main menu above) to learn more about Virginia's performance from region to region and compared to other states. For more data about your own community, you can explore our regional and locality performance maps. You can also see how Virginia state government is working on your behalf on our Agency Planning and Performance pages.

Measuring What Matters

2016 Scorecard at a Glance: Trend Changes

Maintaining to Improving Improving to Maintaining
Personal Income Energy
Employment Growth  
Health Insurance

2015 marked the 2nd consecutive year that average per capita income has risen in the state; even better, the increase from 2014's average rose by more than 3 percent -- the biggest year-over-year jump in at least a decade. At the same time, Virginia's average job growth rate in 2015 was 2.2 percent, reversing three consecutive years of declining growth.

In other good news, the number of Virginians without health insurance has now fallen: The state's uninsured rate went from hovering between 14 to 15 percent across 2009-2013 to just 12.5 percent uninsured in 2014, thanks largely to the Affordable Care Act.

But it wasn't all unmitigated good news, as Virginia's performance in energy went from Improving to Maintaining. Both per capita energy consumption and CO2 emissions rose in 2014, yet the state has also shown little improvement in its use of renewables in well over a decade: Electricity generated from renewable sources stood at 5.3 percent in 2003 and was just 6.2 percent in 2014.

For a different aggregated view of indicator performance on Virginia Performs, check out our Indicator Trends table.

New Workforce System Report Card

The latest edition (4th) of the Virginia Workforce System Report Card has been updated to reflect the evolving landscape of workforce development in Virginia. Much of the data available in previous versions of the report card remains, but in support of new, refocused indicators, along with new data. Among the changes: new workforce goals for special populations such veterans and the disabled, as well as a clearer emphasis on a range of workforce credentials.

And don't forget to check out the interactive report card dashboard!

Priorities Assessment

Virginia Performs now offers additional tools for assessing progress on Virginia's highest priorities. Many priorities go beyond organizational boundaries and require cooperative effort in order to affect performance in a meaningful way.

Tools for gauging that progress include Governor McAuliffe's 2014 Enterprise Strategic Priorities, as well as issue-focused report cards that have been collaboratively developed, often with partners outside state government.

Priorities Assessment content is available from any page on the site via a text link at top right.

From the Governor of Virginia:

The Commonwealth of Virginia is a spectacular place to live. We treasure the heritage and resources that contribute to our high quality of life, but it takes constant planning and fine tuning to maintain this quality and make needed improvements.

This website, brought to you by the Council on Virginia's Future, shows you how we measure the state's performance, plan for the future and monitor our progress. Explore the links above to see how we're working to make Virginia strong and healthy.

-- Governor Terry McAuliffe