nd.gov - The Official Portal for North Dakota State Government
North Dakota: Legendary. Follow the trail of legends
Consumer Complaints

If you are a North Dakota resident - OR you live in another state and your dispute involves a transaction with a ND business - you can file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Division.

Please refer to "I Want to File a Complaint" for information on the types of complaints we handle. If you have a general inquiry rather than a complaint, you can e-mail us at ndag@nd.gov.

After screening your complaint we may refer you to a different entity (e.g. a professional licensing board or a private attorney). If the complaint is within our authority, we will try to mediate a resolution between you and the business.

Before Filing a Complaint

Sometimes you can get the result you are hoping for just by contacting the company's customer service department. If you do, be sure to note the date and time of your call, the name or employee number of the person you spoke to and what was said. If that doesn't work,you can try writing to the company. Use the "Sample Complaint Letter" as a guide.

File a complaint

If you prefer, you can download the complaint form and mail it in with copies of any receipts or other supporting documents.

To file a complaint against:
a licensed professional
(attorney, doctor, accountant, etc),
contact the licensing board.

Store Return Policies
Three Day Right to Cancel

Tip Sheets:

Online Classified Ad Fraud Tips
Gift Card & Certificate Tips
Telemarketing Fraud Tips
Wire Fraud & MoneyPak Tips

Consumer Alerts