Welcome to Alabama Responds.

Alabama Responds is a web-based online registration system developed to facilitate health and medical response through identification, credentialing and deployment of Alabamians willing to serve in an emergency, as well as non-emergency situations.

Registration is open to Alabama's health and medical professionals, as well as others who live or work in Alabama and are willing to assist. During site registration, you will be required to provide basic personal and professional information. You will be able to update this information at any time as changes occur. You may want to gather licenses (personal and professional), and credentials before you begin your registration process.

Please remember that "volunteer" truly means volunteer. You can choose, at any time, to decline any request that you receive for deployment.

If you are now ready to enroll in Alabama Responds, you may do so by clicking on the "Register Now" button below. At any time, you may exit your registration and return later to finish and your data will be saved. If you have already completed or begun the registration process, please use the login area located on this screen.

For additional information, please visit http://adph.org/volunteer/