Welcome to Gangfree.Utah.gov

Illegal gang activity is one of the most destructive forces in our State today.  The senseless violence and crime perpetrated by these groups destroys the lives of their victims, their families, and the perpetrators themselves.

Preventing our youth from becoming involved in these harmful activities is of critical importance to our state.    This website contains resources intended to help parents, youth, educators, and community members combat gang activity in their own communities.

Message From the Governor

Governor Gary R. Herbert, Gangfree.utah.gov, Gang prevention in Utah

Today, the meaning of a gang is vastly different from what it was for me and my friends—a simple group of neighborhood kids that were always together, riding bikes and building forts. Rather, today’s criminal gangs and their illegal activities have become one of the most destructive forces in our communities. The senseless nature of the violence and crimes perpetrated by these groups destroys futures and lives. Keeping our youth involved in positive activities and away from these dangerous groups is critical.

The Governor’s Gang Task Force was created to partner with local communities to help reduce gang violence and gang-related crime. Crimes committed by gangs affect all of us. Together, may we work as neighborhoods, communities and a state to end criminal gang activity.

-Governor Herbert