California Department of Transportation

TransPLANT - Caltrans Highway Planting Database and Specification Tool

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TransPLANT is a tool to aid Caltrans Landscape Architects select regionally appropriate plant species for erosion control, revegetation, biofiltration, and other highway planting situations. Before recommending grasses, forbes and plants, ransplant takes into consideration factors such as elevation, rainfall, soil type and regional plant communities.

TransPLANT is intended to supplement, not replace, knowledge of local areas held by District personnel. Site visits to project locations are still recommended before selecting plant material. Plant Materials included in Transplant are primarily those species commercially available as either seed or live plants.

This tool is not appropriate for the restoration of wildland vegetation where genetically site specific species are the only alternative.

Not for commercial sale or distribution.

No warranty is expressed or implied

Neither Caltrans nor the State of California shall not be held liable for any project failures, for any incidental, accidental, or consequential commercial losses, or for any other damages.

transPLANT is an advisory aid to Caltrans Landscape Architects as they develop specifications for erosion control, revegetation, biofiltration, and other highway planting projects.

Use of transPLANT is intended to supplement, not replace, knowledge of local areas held by District personnel. Site visits to proposed project locations are still recommended before specifications of plant materials are made.

Plant Materials included are primarily those species commercially available as seed or live plants. This tool is not appropriate for development of wildland revegetation specifications where local native species are the ecologically sound management alternative.