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Charts & Graphs

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Below are some charts and graphs that detail various statistical data sets in different formats. Some are image files and others are Acrobat PDF files.


This chart details the 2014 ACCRA Cost of Living Index for five Kentucky metro areas.

Percent of Annual Job Openings 2012-2022
Based on our 2012-2022 long-term projections, this pie chart shows the distribution of all annual job openings for that period based on educational attainment.

Other Charts:
¤ Chart - Coal - Kentucky Coalmine Employment, 1927-2013
¤ Chart - Education Pays - BLS - Earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment
¤ Chart - Employment - Kentucky - 2001, 2009, 2013 - 3rd Qtr
¤ Chart - Employment by Eductional Attainment - Kentucky - 2004, 2009, 2014 - QWI Explorer
¤ Chart - Migration In - Kentucky - Where We Came From and Where We Went, State by State - NYT
¤ Chart - Migration Out - Kentucky - Where We Came From and Where We Went, State by State - NYTimes
¤ Chart - Pie Charts by Medicaid Payments and Recipients by Eligibility Catgegory 2010-2011


Average Monthly Workers Covered by UI, 2013
Using data from the QCEW program, this graph shows the average monthly workers covered by Unemployment Insurance for different industry sectors within the Commonwealth.

The chart above uses CES data and details the change in employment in various industries from 2005-2014.

Other Graphs:
¤ Graph - Age Cohorts -This year, Millennials will overtake Baby Boomers - Pew Research Center - January 16, 2015
¤ Graph - Government Expenditures as a Percent of GDP
¤ Graph - Minimum Wage adjusted and unadjusted from 1948 to 2013 - DOL
¤ Graph - Transfer Payments - United States 1960-2013
¤ Graph - Transfer Payments Line Graph - 1960 to 2012