If you have not previously registered, please click one of the links under Create a User Account to create a new User ID. To view KYLMI with limited access, click the Guest Access link.


  For help click the question mark icon next to each section.

Option 1 - Already Registered
User Name

If you have forgotten your user name and/or password, please click  Retrieve User Name or Password.

Option 2 - Try Us Out
If you would like to view KYLMI as a visitor to see what services are available, please click Guest Access.

Option 3 - Create a User Account
If you would like to become a fully registered user with KYLMI and have access to all of our online services, select one of the following account types. If you are not sure if you need to register on the system, learn more about the benefits of registering on page: Why Register?.

Analyst - Register as this account type if you are a labor market information or economic development professional looking to analyze area, occupation, and industry data over different geographical regions and time periods. Analyst accounts require administration approval before being allowed to access suppressed data.