Introduction to PPPL Offsite/Remote Computer Access

Updated May 6, 2010

These instructions are for use by PPPL personnel and others who have a legitimate reason for using computer resources at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). Remote access to computer equipment located on PPPL networks requires pre-authorization. Only users with approved, enabled computer accounts and valid SecurID tokens can use the access methods described here.

*** SPECIAL NOTE: Use of PPPL's Virtual Private Network (VPN) for remote access is strongly encouraged for better security ***

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Access

VPN is the most secure and preferred PPPL remote access method. For detailed instructions on use of VPN, visit the VPN help page:

Instructions for using VPN (new VPN system on-line as of 5/7/2010)

If use of VPN is not possible, use the firewall authentication method described below.

PPPL Firewall Authentication

Instructions for using firewall authentication (not recommended)