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FAA Operations & Performance Data provides access to historical traffic counts, forecasts of aviation activity, and delay statistics. Most of the following databases contain proprietary information and require a registered user name and password. You may request a login from FAA.


Aviation System Performance Metrics (ASPM): A broad collection of systems for reporting on the performance of approximately 29 airlines serving the 77 ASPM airports.

Operations Network (OPSNET): Official FAA Operations and Delay Data.

Count of Operations (CountOps): Hourly counts of air traffic activity at TRACONs, towers, and airports.

Traffic Flow Management System Counts (TFMSC): Traffic by Airport from TFMS flight messages.

Airline Service Quality Performance (ASQP): Traffic and Delay for Largest U.S. Carriers.

Flight Schedule Data System (FSDS): Flight Schedule Data.

Terminal Area Forecast (TAF): Official FAA Forecast used for Planning and Investment.

Legacy ASPM: The original ASPM interface. Developed with technologies that are no longer supported. Eventually, Legacy ASPM will be decommissioned.