LIO Services

Session Materials

The LIO can assist you with printed copies of bills, journals and weekly status reports as well as instruct you on how to locate the information via the Internet. Legislative Information Publications contains a variety of materials designed for a better understanding of the legislative process, along with information on how to identify and contact committee members.


Public Opinion Messages are brief electronic mail messages sent from citizens to a legislator or committee to express an opinion on a matter facing the legislature. POMS may be dictated over the phone, faxed to the LIO or delivered in person. Online POMS may be sent directly at

POMS may only be sent while the legislature is in session.


Constituents have access to committee hearings via the Legislative Teleconferencing Network. When a bill of interest is scheduled to be heard by a standing committee, the LIO can access the hearing for participants to listen or testify on the issue. Please call the LIO to confirm the hearing information or to be added to the notification service.

List of Additional Items Available

Landlord-Tenant Booklet

Voter Registration Application

AK Permanent Fund Dividend Applications

AK Legislative Pocket Directory

AK Business License Applications

Directory of State Officials

Alaska's Constitution, A Citizen's Guide