Catalytic Site Identification

Biochemical and Biophysical
Systems Group

The catalytic site identification web server allows you to use a very fast structure-matching algorithm to search for matches between catalytic sites and proteins.  You can define your own catalytic sites and match to all PDB proteins; or you can upload a protein structure file and match to all catalytic sites (from the Catalytic Site Atlas and elsewhere).  In addition, you can browse our database of matches between all catalytic sites and all PDB proteins.  In each case the matches can be visualized with the Jmol viewer.  See: Rapid catalytic template searching as an enzyme function prediction procedure and Web server to identify catalytic sites throughout PDB

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  Optional - for future use your uploads will be saved under this name   Logout
  Optional (extra security for your uploaded data)

Find your catalytic sites in PDB proteins

Define catalytic sites by specifying critical residues given in PDB files (your own PDB files, uploaded below, or from standard PDB).

Format: Comma-separated: PDB_file_id, catalytic_site_name/EC_number, residue_name|substitute|..., chain, residue_number, label (optional)   More info

Format     Load example data     Two-catalytic-site example

Your proteins (uploaded below) will be searched, too.

Catalytic-site coordinate data

(Coordinate data file in PDB format)

Find CSA catalytic sites in your proteins

(File in PDB format)

Browse all matches between library catalytic sites and PDB

Search by PDB ID

Search for unannotated PDB proteins by EC number

(For example, "4.2.1" finds all that begin with "4.2.1.")