
Welcome to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Child Care Connections search page. Here you will be referred to a list of licensed child care providers in the District of Columbia that meet your specific criteria such as type of care, age of child, location, services needed and more. Check the options that apply to you and then click on "view results" to obtain the list of referred providers. You can adjust your selections and re-run the search as often as you need. The more specific you are, the fewer providers will be listed. If you need assistance, please call us at (202) 469-8523 and select option 1 for resource and referral.
Email address: osse.dcchildcareconnections@dc.gov

Para padres y guardianes que buscan cuidado infantil, llame al (202) 469-8523 para asistencia.

Type of Care Desired:
Time of Day:

By selecting more than one age group, you will receive referrals for providers that match at least one of the age groups selected. If you are having difficulty finding a provider you may want to consider doing separate searches for the different age groups.
Age of Child:
Days that Care is Needed:

Primary Services Needed:
Accepts Child Care Subsidy/Voucher:

Extra Services Needed:
Provider Language(s):

Special Needs:

Select one or more zip codes where you would like to find child care. If you would prefer to look in a specific ward OR quadrant, please select one or the other instead of zip codes. If you select more than one of these options (zip, ward, or quadrant) you will only receive referrals that match all options you selected.
Provider Zip Code:

Provider Ward:
     Find My Ward

Provider Quadrant:

Disclaimer:This service is provided free of charge to any person seeking placement of a child or children in a licensed child development center, child development home, or before and after school program. Child care providers listed are referrals only. Inclusion in this list does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of child development centers, child development homes or their caregivers by this referral organization, OSSE Child Care Connections. We urge you to do a thorough investigation of the background, qualifications and references of anyone who may provide care for your child. Selection, contracting, and monitoring of child care are the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

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