Homeroom—Education and Outreach Information

Like a rock that slowly wears away beneath the pressure of a waterfall, our climate is almost imperceptibly changing. Glaciers are getting smaller, droughts are lasting longer, and "extreme weather events" like fires, floods, and tornadoes are occurring with greater frequency. Why? To try and answer that question, scientists use data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility.

Instruments at the ARM sites around the world collect data about clouds, precipitation, solar energy, and tiny particles in the air called aerosols. Scientists use that data to study the Earth's climate and develop better ways of predicting what the climate will be like in the future.

Complementing their research, the goal of the ARM Educational Outreach Program is to develop basic science awareness and increase critical thinking skills focusing on environmental science and climate change for K-12 students. In addition, the program supports relationship building between teachers, students, scientists, and communities. To learn more about our outreach program, start out in Homeroom.

Study Hall—Resources for Students

Climate science is cool!! You may not think so, but a quick visit to our Study Hall may change your mind. Check out our puzzles and interactive quizzes—then try to stump a scientist with a question!

Teachers' Toolbox—Resources for Teachers

Want some tools and tips to help you teach kids about climate and the environment? Do you need a little refresher yourself? For lesson plan ideas or to learn more about our workshop program, visit the Teachers' Toolbox.

To learn about our friends Professor Polar Bear, Teacher Turtle, and PI Prairie Dog visit here!