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csBanner is a comprehensive system for maintaining a set of rotating banner ads on your site. Banners can be displayed on your pages via SSI or JavaScript tags. Multiple groups can be created, this allows you to organize your banners rotations with ease.
csCalendar is a Web-based calendar program to help you keep track of your company events, meetings, appointments, birthdays, etc. Easily display the calendar on your Web site. You can call the calendar in using multiple formats. You can call the calendar in using Server Side Includes (SSI) or JavaScript call codes.
csDynamic is designed to rotate content through your site automatically - dynamically. Webmasters spend a lot of time updating content on their pages to make things look fresh and to keep information current. psDynamic allows you to do this automatically.
An automated system for displaying FAQs (frequently asked questions) on your website. Easily create/edit/delete Q&A Categories & Questions
csForum is a powerful, web based light-weight forum.  Many forums on the market are very cumbersome and hard to understand.  There are so many settings on some of them that you never really know what you are doing.  Many of the forums, in fact, are complete websites.  That is great if that is what you want.  But what if all you want is to add one or more forums to your existing website?  We have solved that problem for you by developing csForum!
An automated script that allows the user to manage flat file databases with very little effort. Import existing databases (tab, comma or pipe delimited).
Update and maintain news items on your web site with this full-featured and extremely flexible news updating script. We have incorporated our powerful WYSIWYG HTML editor.
A robust, web based, newsletter management system. Manage multiple email lists. Send text or HTML emails, even add attachments.


A content management system for displaying text/html in random order, in true order, or refreshed every 'n' days. Joke of the day, Recipes, Daily scriptures, etc.
