Industrial Energy Analysis

Our Purpose

Empower industry and other large energy users to be globally competitive by obtaining the highest value from available energy and water resources.

Our Value to US Industry

  • Demonstrating to US industry that the adoption of state-of-the-art energy and water management practices will increase both competitiveness and sustainability,
  • Developing standardized measurement and verification methods to allow market valuation of the resulting energy and water savings, and
  • Using the resulting market valuation to establish globally recognized shareholder value of energy and water management practices.

Our Staff

Paul Sheaffer (703) 689-1202
Peter Therkelsen (510) 486-5645
Prakash Rao (510) 486-4410
Arian Aghajanzadeh (510) 495-2145
Bunmi Adesola (510) 486-6966
Darren Sholes (510) 486-5627
Jingjing Liu (510) 486-5410

Our Research: Next Generation Manufacturing

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) conducts research in collaboration with governments and industry to more effectively and productively use energy, both in the US and globally. We accomplish this through developing energy management, energy efficiency and demand management practices, standards, policies, analysis, and technologies.

Cover of the ISO 50001 report

Energy Management Systems

Developing and analyzing standards, programs, workforce qualifications and implementation models for energy management business practices, especially ISO 50001 standard and Superior Energy PerformanceTM.

Significant Accomplishments

  • Proposed and fostered development of ISO 50001-Energy management system standard
  • Chief architect of US DOE Superior Energy PerformanceTM
  • Internationally recognized expertise

Selected Publications

P. Therkelsen, R. Sabouni, A. McKane, P. Scheihing. (2013). Assessing the Costs and Benefits of the Superior Energy Performance Program, 2013 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Niagara Falls, NY

A. McKane, P. Scheihing, R. Williams. (2007). Certifying Industrial Energy Efficiency Performance: Aligning Management, Measurement, and Practice to Create Market Value. LBNL-63413

Low-swirl injector flame

Thermal Technologies

Assessing the impacts of combustion systems fueled with conventional and next-generation fuels, and developing low emission combustion systems with increased system efficiency for industrial applications.

Significant Accomplishments

  • Revitalize Combustion Lab and Group
  • Facilitate tech transfer

Selected Publications

P. L. Therkelsen and J. Enrique Portillo and D. Littlejohn and S. M. Martin and R. K. Cheng. (2013). "Self-induced Unstable Behaviors of CH4 and H2/CH4 Flames in a Model Combustor with a Low-swirl Injector". Combustion and Flame, Vol. 160, pp. 307-321

D. W. Davis, P. L. Therkelsen, D. Littlejohn, R. K. Cheng. (2013). Effects of hydrogen on the thermo-acoustics coupling mechanisms of low-swirl injector flames in a model gas turbine combustor. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 34, Iss. 2, pp. 3135-3143

Industrial Energy Systems

Developing tools, market assessments, and strategies for quantifying and educating industry on energy system efficiency (i.e. pumps, fans, compressed air, process heat, steam).

Significant Accomplishments

  • Recognized world leader in industrial energy system efficiency assessment
  • Leading major DOE national study of commercial and industrial motor systems and markets

Selected Publications

P. Therkelsen, A. McKane. "Implementation and rejection of industrial steam system energy efficiency measures." Energy Policy, 06/2013, Vol. 57, pp. 318-328

A. McKane, A. Hasanbeigi. "Motor systems energy efficiency supply curves: A methodology for assessing the energy efficiency potential of industrial motor systems." Energy Policy, 10/2011, Vol. 39, Iss. 10, pp. 6595-6607

Amy's Kitchen Case Study

Demand Management

Demonstrating and assessing demand response strategies and opportunities; creating models to understand load profiles, demand response availability, value to system operators, and deployment tools.

Significant Accomplishments

  • Developed Agricultural Irrigation Demand Response Estimation Tool
  • Developing Refrigerated Warehouses Demand Response Quick Assessment Tool

Selected Publications

D. Olsen, N. E. Matson, M. D. Sohn, C. Rose; J. H. Dudley, S. Goli, S. Kiliccote, M. Hummon, D. Palchak, P. Denholm, J. Jorgenson, O. Ma. Grid Integration of Aggregated Demand Response, Part 1: Load Availability Profiles and Constraints for the Western Interconnection, 09/2013. LBNL-6417E

Thompson, L., A. B. Lekov, A. T. McKane, and M. A. Piette. (2013). Opportunities for Open Automated Demand Response in Wastewater Treatment Facilities in California - Phase II Report. San Luis Rey Wastewater Treatment Plant Case Study. LBNL-3889E

Industrial Policy, Analysis, Program Design

Assessing technologies and practices for improving industrial energy efficiency, operations, productivity, and emissions; modeling energy use for forecasting, scenario analysis and economy-wide life-cycle impacts; developing and evaluating energy efficiency policy and programs.

Significant Accomplishments

  • Recognized for expertise in Energy and Water policy and program design
  • Recent contributions:
    • California Statewide Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan (2008, 2014)
    • ISO Strategic Advisory Committee on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    • DOE Better Buildings, Better Plants
    • DOE Water Savings Pilot