
By consolidating information about hundreds of rare species and natural communities, the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) ensures that the public is able to get the information that is needed to weigh the ecological significance of various sites and to evaluate the ecological impacts of development.

The information aggregated and shared by NHP, using methodology developed by the Nature Conservancy, helps project planners and landowners make land use decisions that have the most benefit for society and the economy, while having the least ecological impact. Use our tools and research to better understand the rich natural heritage belonging to the people of our state.

Data You Can Trust

Government, industry, the military, and conservation groups all trust NHP data to make important economic development, infrastructure investment, and land conservation decisions. Partnering with NHP can help ease your permitting process, maximize limited resources, and improve your project's speed.

NHP biologists are recognized for their decades of field experience and commitment to complete and accurate data, and our client-focused analysts respond to hundreds of large-scale and site-specific information requests annually. We are committed to providing timely, creative, highly-quality solutions to a wide variety of environmental and development planning needs. NHP is a leader in the environmental field. Our data systems are linked with powerful mapping tools - now accessible online 24/7.