Open Legislation

Developed in-house at the New York State Senate, Open Legislation is a public web service that provides access to NYS legislative data from the Legislative Bill Drafting Commission system through a JSON API.

Browse Legislation

We have an Open Legislation interface that we use to assist in our development.
Feel free to access it by using your API Key.

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Data We Provide



Sign up for an API Key

By signing up for a key you can access the API to power your own legislative apps.
Simply provide a name and a valid email and we'll send over the credentials.

Get API Key

Thanks for signing up, please check your email to receive your API key.

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Open Source

OpenLegislation is developed using several open-source packages and frameworks.

Source code is published on GitHub. Feel free to open any tickets with issues you are having or contact the development team at

How to use the API

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