Stewart A. Brown

Last Updated: 3/15/2005



PDBView Syntax
Starting PDBView
Automatic or Implicit Plotting
Demonstration Script
Default State
Other PACT Documents

PDBView Commands

o indicates functions that are heavily used
o indicates functions for more optional use

Opening, Creating, Closing, and Controlling PDB Files
o CD Change directory
o CF Change file
o CLOSE Close file
o CLT Close text file
o FILE Print current file info
o LF List files
o MKDIR Make a directory
o N-ENTRIES # file variables
o OT Open text file
o PWD Print working directory

Opening, Closing, and Controlling Windows
o CLV Close viewport
o CLW Close window
o CV Create viewport
o CW Create window
o CREATE-PALETTE Create palette
o FONT Set font
o HCV Hardcopy viewport
o HC Hardcopy window
o LIST-PALETTES List all palettes
o LIST-WINDOWS List active graphics devices
o LOAD-PALETTE Load a palette
o NXM Create multi-viewport window
o SAVE-PALETTE Save a palette
o SHOW-PALETTES Show available palettes
o VIEWPORT-AREA Set viewport
o WU Update window

Plotting Data
o ANIMATE Animate a rotation
o ANNOT Annotate a window
o AUTOPLOT Set/get autoplot flag
o COPY-MAP Copy display mapping
o DATA-ID Set/get data-id flag
o DATA-REFERENCE Mapping from index
o VR Set default rendering
o DL Delete a mapping
o DISPLAY-DOMAIN Print the domain
o DR Set mapping rendering
o DOMM Set mapping domain
o DOMV Set viewport domain
o GET_DOMAIN Get domain limits
o GET-DOMAIN-NUMBER-POINTS Get # points in domain
o GET_LABEL Get mapping label
o GET-RANGE Get range limits
o GET-RANGE-NUMBER-POINTS Get # points in range
o HISTOGRAM Histogram rendering
o LABEL-DRAWABLE Set mapping label
o LEVELS Set contour levels
o LIGHT-SOURCE Set light source
o HIDE Suppress plot
o LNCOLOR Set line color
o LNSTYLE Set line style
o LNWIDTH Set line width
o LOGICAL Logical rendering
o LSV List viewport mappings
o MARKER-SCALE Set marker size
o MENU Print menu
o MOVE Move mapping
o OVERLAY Set/get overlay flag
o PLANE Create hyper-plane
o PL Plot a menu item
o PLOT Construct mapping and plot
o PALETTE Set default palette
o RANM Set mapping range
o RANV Set viewport range
o REFMESH Set/get refmesh flag
o REFMESHCOLOR Set/get refmesh line color
o SCATTER Scatter plot
o SET-VECTOR-ATT Set vector rendering
o SPAN Create line
o VA Set view angle

Working with Data
o NDS Make set from array
o CHANGE Change data values
o CHANGE-DIMENSION Change dimensions
o CMC Copy mapping as curve
o COPY Copy variable(s)
o COPY-DIR Copy directory contents
o CM Copy mapping to file
o DEF Define variable to workspace
o DEFINE-FILE-VARIABLE Define new file variable
o DESC Describe variable
o FIND Find array values
o LS List file variables
o LS-ATTR List variable attributes
o LST List workspace
o AC Make an AC set
o CPS Make Cartesian product set
o LR Make LR mapping
o LRS Synthesize LR mapping
o MINMAX Print mim/max of variable
o PDB-COPY Make PDB copy of file
o PRINT Print file variable
o PM Print mapping
o SM Save mapping to file
o SCALE-FILE-VARIABLE Scale file variable
o STRUCT Display struct definition
o TABLE Write table to text file
o TYPES List file data types

Data Analysis
o DERIVATIVE Derivative of 1D mapping
o INTEGRATE Integrate mapping
o NORM Norm of mapping
o DOMAIN FUNCTIONS Unary operators on domain
o RANGE FUNCTIONS Unary operators on range
o BINARY OPERATORS Binary operators on mappings
o MATH OPERATORS Functions on mappings
o SHIFT/SCALE OPERATORS Shift or scale mappings

Working with PDBView
o COMMAND-LOG Control command logging
o END Exit PDBView
o FORMAT Control data print formats
o HELP Get on-line help
o LD Load user functions
o MODE Struct print control
o SET Set printing parameters
o SYNONYM Define synonyms or aliases


This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Nneither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or the University of California, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

Part of this work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48.


The PACT system provides a number of tools for working with PDB files in a fairly generic fashion. In particular, PDBView lets you interactively browse a PDB file displaying the contents graphically or textually.

PDBView is an SX program. SX is the SCHEME dialect of the LISP programming language with PACT extensions. The extensions provide functionality for graphics, binary data handling, and other areas of functionality.

PDBView has a help command which provides information about available commands.

PDBView Syntax

PDBView uses a slightly different data description syntax than PDBLib. With PDBLib variable names and names of members of structures cannot contain the characters: ".", "(", ")", "[", and "]". The characters "(", ")", "[", and "]" are used in array reference and dimension definition expressions. In PDBView, "(" and ")" CANNOT be used in variable reference expressions because they are special characters for PDBView. For example,

is illegal and results in an error. The legal expression is:

Other examples of legal expressions are:

print a.b[3,2]

print a.b[3][2]

print a[3].b[2][5].c

print a[3].b[2][3].c[3:4,5:50:10]

The first two forms are not identical. In the first form an element of a two dimensional array is being referenced. In the second form, the third element of the fourth array of arrays is being referenced (assuming zero based indexing in the definition of the b member of a).

For completeness and clarity in the following discussion, an index expression is defined as:

         index expression := [index list]

         index list := index | index, index list

         index := simple index |

                       index-min : index-max |                 (*)

                       index-min : index-max : increment       (*)

         simple index := integer

         index-min := integer

         index-max := integer

         increment := integer

If an index expression uses either of the two starred forms it is said to be a hyper-index expression. A hyper-index expression implies more than one data item. Only the terminating index expression in a data reference may be a hyper-index expression. An index expression is said to dereference an indirection (or pointer or array). For each level of indirection a suitable index expression dereferences the desired data.

For example, this means that a variable defined as:

is said to have two levels of indirection and can have parts accessed as follows:

          print s			prints the entire item

          print s[2]			prints the third character array of s

          print s[3][10]		prints the eleventh character
                                        of the fourth character array of s

In the above example a zero based index is assumed.

When referring to part of a variable, especially a structured variable, the terminal node must be of primitive type or a structure containing no indirections and whose descendant members contain no indirections. Furthermore, the path to the desired part must contain one array reference for each level of indirection traversed.

Starting PDBView

On UNIX systems a shell script called pdbview is provided; it starts up SX which then loads the PDBView SCHEME forms. You must add a line to your .cshrc or .profile file that defines the environment variable SCHEME. This variable tells SX where to find the PDBView SCHEME files. Consult your system administrator or some other knowledgeable source to find out where these files are located on your system. If, for example, the directory /usr/localscheme contains the PDBView SCHEME files, add the line:

to your .cshrc or .profile file.

Usage: pdbview [-d] [-h] [-l command-file] [-p n] [data-file]

      d - dump the formatted contents of the data file in ASCII to stdout

      h - print execute line information to stdout

      l - load SCHEME forms (e.g. PDBView commands) from a file

            (not available with -d option)

      p - number of digits to use in displaying floating point numbers

            (only available with -d option)

Automatic or Implicit Plotting

PDBView can be used in several different contexts and in these contexts the behaviour of it with respect to refreshing the current window or viewport when new mappings are created can be quite different. Consider the following cases: (1) an interactive session doing visualization or data analysis; and (2) an interactive session that is not doing visualization but does create new mappings.

In the first case, it is very convenient for users if new data is plotted as it is available. This includes data read from file for display or data created via any of number of PDBView commands.

The autoplot flag is the important means of controlling PDBView's behaviour. By default it is on and data is automatically plotted in the current viewport of the current window as it becomes available. You can exert explicit control of what gets plotted where, but we are speaking about implicit or default behaviour here.

If you want to assert explicit control of all plotting then set the autoplot flag to off. This point can be confusing, but a little experimentation will help to familiarize you with the behavior of PDBView in these different contexts.

Demonstration Script

In order to help make sense of the sometimes bewildering variety of commands and capabilties in PDBView. We have included a PDBView demonstration script. It can be run by starting PDBView as follows:
   pdbview -l pdbvdemo.scm
The demo proceeds in small sections. Before each section starts it describes in broad terms what it is about to do. It then prompts you to go ahead with the commands in that section. Each command is printed out as you would do yourself and then it is executed so that you can see its effect. In this way, you get a chance to go through the demo at your own pace and study each section without losing your way in a blizzard of output.

The demo will open several plotting windows so you may want to run it with a relatively uncluttered desktop.

The demo will create some data files at the beginning for later use. Therefore, be sure to run the demo in a directory to which you have read and write permission.

PDBView Commands

In this section the PDBView commands are listed alphabetically. The command name is followed by synonyms, if any. Each command is given with a brief description of its function and its usage. The examples are intended to illustrate the various ways of invoking each command. Optional arguments are enclosed in brackets. Alternate argument forms are separated by `|'. Formal arguments in italic font are replaced by actual arguments. Command and argument keywords are in regular non-italic font.

The file most recently referred to in a cf (change-file) command is the current file. Most commands implicitly refer to the current file or its contents. Some commands permit another file to be explicitly specified. A file may be referred to by name or by the alias assigned when the file was opened. Commands that operate on the contents of more than one file (e.g. copy, copy-mapping), require that the target file be specified, while the current file is assumed to be the source.

For the sake of brevity all menu items including mappings, images, and ULTRA curves are collectively referred to as mappings. All commands that accept mappings as arguments, accept images and curves as well.

Opening, Creating, Closing, and Controlling PDB Files

A large part of PDBView has to do with browsing binary data files. It was specifically designed for PDB files, but it is extensible and the user can write functions which permit PDBView to examine many kinds of binary data files.


Change the current file directory. The new directory may be specified by either a relative path or a full path.

Usage: cd [directory]



Change the current file. If it is not already open, open the file. Many commands refer to the current file or its contents by default. Any number of files may be open - only one is the current file. The mode may be: r, open file read only; a, open file read/write (default); or w, overwrite any existing file. If no alias is specified, fd is assigned, where d is an increasing decimal integer. The options available for type are determined by the output spokes you have installed. The default type is pdb. Files are maintained in a circular list and, if given no argument, CF changes to the next file in the list.

Procedure version of this command is change-file*

Usage: change-file [filename [mode [alias [type]]]]



Close a file. The default is to close the current file.

Usage: close [file]



Close the opened text file.

Usage: close-textfile




Describe the current file. Information returned is: name; type; creation date; version of PDB that created the file; default offset; major order; types that will require conversion when read on the current host platform; header address; symbol table address; and structure char address.

Optionally, the file type alone may be requested.

Usage: file [t | type]


          file type


List the open files. The current file is indicated by an asterisk.

Usage: list-files




Create a new directory in the current file

Usage: mkdir [directory-name]

Examples: mkdir /foo/bar mkdir ../baz mkdir mydir


Print the total number of variables, links, and directories in the current file.

Usage: n-entries


Open a text file. These are used to dump out tabular ASCII versions of entries in binary files.

Usage: open-textfile filename

Example: open-textfile foo


Print the current file directory.

Usage: pwd

Opening, Closing, and Controlling Windows

An important aspect of handling data is visualization. The foundation of visualization is the display. PDBView gives the user many options for displaying data. It supports: multiple screen windows; multiple viewports in a window; and multiple other output devices - PS, CGM, JPEG, and MPEG.


Close a viewport. If no viewport is specified, close the current viewport.

Usage: close-viewport [viewport [window]]


          close-viewport "ABC"


Close a graphics window. If no window is specified, close the current window.

Usage: close-window [window]


          close-window "ABC"


Change the current viewport. When the NXM command has been used to make a multi-viewport window, CV is used to move the focus to a new viewport in such a window. Many commands refer to the current viewport or its contents by default. Viewports are maintained in a circular list and, if given no argument, CV changes to the next viewport in the list.

Usage: change-viewport [name [x y dx dy]]


          change-viewport "B" 0.01 0.01 0.98 0.48
          cv "V2"


Change the current window. If it is not already open, open the window. Many commands refer to the current window or its contents by default. Any number of windows may be open - only one is the current window. Windows are maintained in a circular list and, if given no argument, CW changes to the next window in the list.

Usage: change-window [title [mode type x y dx dy]]


          change-window "B" "COLOR" "WINDOW" 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.4
	  cw "bar"


Create a new palette. See the SAVE-PALETTE command for saving to disk.

Usage: create-palette name [ndims nx ny]


         create-palette new_palette
         create-palette new_palette 2 24 8


Set/get the current font information.

Usage: font [face point-size style]

face - helvetica | times | courier point-size - 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 ... style - medium | bold | italic


         font helvetica 12 medium


Send the current graph to all open hardcopy devices. Color output is indicated by an optional argument on the first call for a given device. The optional resolution scale factor is an integer factor by which the resolution will be decreased below the full resolution of the device.

Usage: hardcopy-viewport [color | monochrome] [portrait | landscape] [resolution-scale-factor]]


          hardcopy-viewport color
          hardcopy-viewport color 8


Draw the contents of the current window to all open hardcopy devices. Color output is indicated by the optional keyword, color, on the first call for a given device. The resolution is decreased below full device resolution by an integer resolution scale factor, if present. Hardcopy files remain open until explicitly closed or until PDBView is terminated.

Usage: hardcopy-window [color] [resolution-scale-factor]


          hc color 8


List the available palettes.

Usage: list-palettes [window]


          list-palettes "A"


List the open windows.

Usage: list-windows




Load a palette from a file.

Usage: load-palette fname


          load-palette foo.pal


If there is a current window, this command changes it to a multi-viewport window which are tiled n x m (hence the name). If there is no open window such a multi-viewport window will be created. See CW for further details.

Usage: nxm <# viewport in x> <# viewport in y> []+


          nxm 2 1 "A" "B"
	  nxm 3 2


Write palette pname out to disk file fname.

Usage: save-palette pname fname


          save-palette foo foo.pal


Show the available palettes and make selection current.

Usage: show-palettes [window]


          show-palettes "B"


Set drawing area, in NDC, of the current viewport.

Usage: viewport-area x-min x-max y-min ymax


Update all of the viewports of the specified windows. Sometimes plotting operations are done without a window update. User defined functions very commonly do this. WU lets you explicitly do the update. It also marks the completion of a picture for a non-screen device window. After an update a new frame or picture will be started.

Just typing a carriage return will implicity do a WU command.

Usage: update-window [window]+


          update-window "2x2"

Plotting Data

PDBView can be used to plot data. The most common usage is to plot data from files. It has a variety of commands to let users gather diverse kinds of data from files and assemble them into plots. It also possesses the capability of creating data from scratch to be plotted.

Plotted datasets are kept in a list associated with a viewport. Each dataset or mapping is referred to by an integer index. In many of the following commands and elsewhere you will see mappings referred to by a number. The meaning is the mapping whose index is specified in the viewport implicitly or explicitly specified. The LSV command is used to examine the list of mappings in a viewport.

Mappings in files are also specified by an integer index. These can be examined by using the MENU command. There can be some confusion as to whether an index refers to a file or a viewport. Try to be mindful of this. This behaviour differs from ULTRA where the displayed curves are referred to by letters. Unfortunately, this limited one to having a maximum of 26 curves displayed at once. PDBView removes this limitation at the cost of using integer indeces in both contexts.


Rotate the specified mapping thru 360 degress

Usage: animate [theta] [phi] [chi]


          animate 30 20 0


Add an annotation to the current window.

Usage: annot label color xmin xmax ymin ymax


          annot "look here" blue 0.4 0.6 0.95 0.98


Get/set the autoplot flag.

Usage: autoplot [off | on]


          autoplot off


Copy the specified mappings

Usage: copy-map [mapping]*


          copy-map 12


DATA-ID - Turn on/off the plotting of data ids.

Usage: data-id [on | off]


Refer to the nth mapping in the optionally specified file. This is primarily for the benefit of those who want to write their own functions.

The procedure version is data-reference*.

Usage: data-reference n [file-name|file-alias|file-type]


Specify a default rendering mode for a viewport.

Usage: default-viewport-rendering [viewport [window]] info

       for 1d domain - 1d range mappings
       info - cartesian | polar | insel

       for 2d domain - 1d range mappings
       info - contour [n-levels] |
              image |
              dvb |
              fill-poly |
              shaded |
              points |
              wire-frame |

       for 2d domain - 2d range mappings
       info - vector |
              shaded |

       for 3d domain
       info - mesh |

          default-viewport-rendering "A" "A" polar
          default-viewport-rendering contour
          default-viewport-rendering contour 15
          default-viewport-rendering image
          default-viewport-rendering fill-poly
          vr wire-frame
          vr shaded
          vr vector


Delete mappings from a viewport.

Usage: delete-mapping [vname [wname]] mapping*


          delete-mapping 2 4 5


Plot a domain mesh in a viewport.

Usage: display-domain [viewport [window]] domain*


          display-domain 18


Specify the rendering mode for a drawable. This permits the user to render different datasets differently in the same viewport.

Usage: drawable-rendering drawable info

info - [spec]* spec - (render render) | - (view-angle theta phi chi) | - (change-palette palette) for 1d domain - 1d range mappings render - cartesian | polar | insel for 2d domain - 1d range mappings render - contour [n-levels] | image | dvb | fill-poly | shaded | points | wire-frame | mesh for 2d domain - 2d range mappings render - vector | shaded for 3d domain render - mesh | shaded Examples:

          drawable-rendering 3 (render polar)
          drawable-rendering 1 (render contour)
          drawable-rendering 1 (render contour 15)
          drawable-rendering 12 (render image) (change-palette spectrum)
          drawable-rendering 18 (render fill-poly)
          drawable-rendering 4 (render wire-frame) (view-angle 60 45 0)
          dr 1 (render shaded) (change-palette cyans)
          dr 1 (render vector)


Select plotting limits for the domain of a mapping. If invoked with no limit values the domain will default to that implied by the data set.

Usage: domm [viewport [window]] mapping x1_min x1_max ...


          domm 1 -5.0 10.0 10 20
          domm 1


Select plotting limits for the domain of a viewport. If invoked with no limit values the domain will default to that implied by the data sets.

Usage: domv [viewport [window]] x1_min x1_max ...


          domv -5.0 10.0 10 20


Get the domain of the given mapping.

Usage: get-domain mapping


          get-domain 2


Get the domain of the given mapping.

Usage: get-domain-number-points mapping


          get-domain-number-points 2


Get the domain of the given mapping.

Usage: get-domain-number-points mapping


          get-domain-number-points 2


Get the range of the given mapping.

Usage: get-range mapping


          get-range 2


Get the range of the given mapping.

Usage: get-range-number-points mapping


          get-range-number-points 2


Display given mappings from current viewport as histograms.

Usage: histogram on | off | left | right | center [integer]+


          histogram on 1 2
          histogram left 3


Label a drawable.

Usage: label-drawable [vname [wname]] mapping


          label-drawable 2


Set the contour levels

Usage: levels [clev]*


          levels 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.5 5.8 10.3


Set the theta and phi angles for the light source. This is used in the rendering of surface of 3D renderings.

Usage: light-source theta phi mapping*


          light-source 30 -20 1


Don't plot the specified mappings. They remain on the list for the viewport and can be made visible with subsequent unhide commands.

Usage: hide [integer]+


          hide 1 3 19


Set the line color used in drawing the specified mappings.

Usage: lncolor color [integer]+


          lncolor blue 1 3 19
          lncolor red 2 5 7


Set the line style used in drawing the specified mappings.

Usage: lnstyle style [integer]+


          lnstyle dotted 1 3 19
          lnstyle dashed 2 5 7


Set the line width used in drawing the specified mappings.

Usage: lnwidth width [integer]+


          lnwidth 1.5 1 3 19
          lnwidth 2.0 2 5 7


Display given mappings from current viewport versus index.

Usage: logical on | off [integer]+


          logical on 1 3 19
          logical off 2 5 7


List the mappings or images associated with a viewport.

Usage: list-mappings-in-viewport [vname [wname]]


          lsv "V2"
          lsv "V2" "2x1"


Set the marker scale for the specified mappings.

Usage: marker-scale scale [integer]+


          marker-scale 1.8 1 3 19


List the labels of mappings in the current file directory. The ordinals preceding the labels are used to reference the mappings in other commands. An optional selection pattern may be specified. Each `?' in the pattern matches any single character in a label. Each `*' in the pattern matches any string of zero or more characters. Note that the pattern, if supplied, must match the entire label. Liberal use of "*"

Usage: menu [pattern]


          menu ?*d
          menu *foo*


Move items from the current viewport and window to the named viewport and window.

Usage: move vname wname item*


          move "V0" "B" 1 2 3
          move "V2" A 3


Get/set the overlay flag. If on, the overlay flag plots all mappings in the current window viewport in a common graphical viewport. Otherwise the mappings will have their own graphical viewport and won't in general register with one another unless they have the same rendering mode.

Usage: overlay [off | on]


          overlay off


Create and draw a hyper plane.

The proceure version is plane*.

Usage: plane c0 (c1 x1min x1max npts1) ...


          plane 1.0 (2.0 -5.0 5.0 100)
          plane 0.0 (2.0 -5.0 5.0 10) (0.5 -5.0 5.0 10)


Plot the specified mappings. Mappings are referenced by the numbers displayed by the menu command or by the names of variables containing mapping information.

Usage: display-mapping mapping-list


          display-mapping 5
          pl dir1/Mapping8
          pl 5 8


Plot one variable or part of a variable (range) against another (domain). Plot versus index (logical) if no domain given.

Procedure version is plot*.

Usage: plot range [domain]


          plot y x
          plot z
          plot dir1/ddd[0:60, 0:15, 20]
          plot log10 y x
          plot log10 z (cps log10 x log10 y)
          plot (nds x 10 15)


Set the current color palette.

Usage: change-palette standard | spectrum | rainbow | bw


          palette rainbow


Select plotting limits for the range of a mapping. If invoked with no limit values the range will default to that implied by the data set.

Usage: ranm [viewport [window]] mapping x1_min x1_max ...


          ranm 1 -5.0 10.0 10 20
          ranm 1


Select plotting limits for the range of a viewport. If invoked with no limit values the range will default to that implied by the data sets.

Usage: ranv [viewport [window]] x1_min x1_max ...


          ranv -5.0 10.0 10 20


Overlay the plot of a mapping with its mesh iff on.

Usage: refmesh on | off


Set the line color for the reference mesh.

Usage: refmeshcolor color


Display given mappings from current viewport as scatter plots.

Usage: scatter on | off | plus | star | triangle [integer]+


          scatter on 1 3 19
          scatter star 2 5 7


Set vector plotting attributes.

Usage: set-vector-att scale | headsize | color value


          set-vector-att 0.1 0.2 red


Create a line with slope 1 and intercept 0. This a restricted special case of the PLANE command.

Usage: span xmin xmax


          span 0 10


Do plot the specified mappings. This undoes what the HIDE command does.

Usage: unhide [integer]+


          unhide 1 3 19


Set the three Euler viewing angles. The view angle is a rotation by phi about the z axis starting from the negative y axis counterclockwise followed by a rotation by theta about the x' axis counterclockwise and followed by a rotation by chi about the z'' axis again starting from the negative y'' axis counterclockwise. Angles are measured in degrees.

Usage: view-angle theta phi chi


          va 20 30 0

Working with Data

PDBView allows the user to manipulate various kinds of data in non-graphical ways. Data in files can be perused, manufactured, or modified. Data types can also be defined and be used to add new data to a file.


Construct a set from an array which has specific dimensions.

Usage: array-nd-set var [dim]*


           array-nd-set x 10 20


Reset a single value in a variable or structure member. Note that the command keyword may be omitted. To change an array element, qualify the name with index expressions. (See the
PDBView Syntax section for a discussion of index expressions).

This command has an implicit form in which the "change" can be omitted. The implicit form can be used at the command prompt when the file variable name does not conflict with a PDBView command name.

Usage: [change] variable | structure-member value


          change a[10,15] 3.5
          change time 0.0
          x[1:2] 1 2
          a[5,10,3] 5.7e4
          dir1/jkl.k 2


Change the dimensions of a variable in memory.

Usage: change-dimension name dimension_list


          change-dimension foo 20
          change-dimension bar 10 10
          change-dimension foobar (2 . 10) (3 . 5)


Copy 1d mappings from the current file to another file as ULTRA curves. Mappings are referenced by the numbers displayed by the menu command. If the mapping list is *, copy all 1d mappings in the current directory.

Usage: cmc file mapping-list


          cmc foo *
          cmc bar 1 5


Copy variables from the current file to another file. If variable list is *, copy all variables in current directory.

Usage: copy file variable-list

Procedure version is copy*


          copy foo *
          copy f3 bird cat dog


Copy the contents of the specified directory from the source file to the destination file. The directory name will be the same in both files.

Usage: copy-dir dir src-file dst-file


          copy-dir "/a/b" f0 f1


Copy mappings from the current file to another file. Mappings are referenced by the numbers displayed by the menu command. If the mapping list is *, copy all mappings in the current directory.

Usage: copy-mapping file mapping-list


          copy-mapping foo *
          copy-mapping bar 1 5


Install an object in the workspace under the given name.

Usage: def name object


          def foo m3


Create a new variable in a PDB file

Procedure version is define-file-variable*.

Usage: define-file-variable type name [values]*


          define-file-variable double foo 3.42
          define-file-variable "char *" bar "Hi" "there"
          define-file-variable "int" baz 1


Describe variables or structure members in the current file directory. To get a description of part of a variable or structure member, qualify the name with index expressions. (See the
PDBView Syntax section for a discussion of index expressions.) If a selection pattern is specified in place of a variable name, all variables matching the pattern will be described. Each `?' in the pattern matches any single character. Each `*' in the pattern matches any string of zero or more characters. An optional type qualifier may also be specified in order restrict the list to a given type.

Procedure version is desc*.

Usage: desc variable | structure-member | pattern [type]


          desc Mapping1
          desc dir1/a.b.c[12:14]
          desc * double
          desc var? integer


Find and return the indeces in an array of numbers which meet the criteria specified.

This command has an implicit form in which the "find" can be omitted. The implicit form can be used at the command prompt when the file variable name does not conflict with a PDBView command name.

Usage: [find] arr [predicate # [conjunction]]*

          arr        :=  a pm-array of values
          predicate  :=  = | != | <= | < | >= | >
          conjuntion :=  and | or


          find x < 1 and > 0.5
          find x > 1 or < 0.5
          x > 0.1 and < 0.75 or > 1.25 and < 1.75
          x < 0.15 or > 0.75 and < 1.25 or > 1.75


List the names of variables, links, and directories in the current file directory. Directories have a terminal slash. An optional selection pattern may be specified. Each `?' in the pattern matches any single character. Each `*' in the pattern matches any string of zero or more characters. An optional type qualifier may also be specified in order restrict the list to a given type.

Usage: ls [pattern [type]]


          ls dir1/curve*
          ls var? integer
          ls * Directory


List the attributes in the current file.

Usage: ls-attr


          ls-attr foo


List the labels of mappings in the work space. A selection pattern may be specified.

Usage: lst [pattern]


          lst ?*d
          lst *foo*


Construct an arbitrarily connect mapping from component sets.

Usage: make-ac-mapping-direct ran dom [centering [label]]


         ac ran dom
         ac ran dom ncent "my label"


Construct a set which is the Cartesian product of a list of sets or arrays. Unary operations can optionally be applied to the components.

Usage: make-cp-set [item]* item := var | oper var


         cps x y z
         cps log10 x y exp z


Construct a logically rectangular mapping from component sets.

Usage: make-lr-mapping-direct ran dom [centering [existence-map [label]]]


         lr ran dom zcent nil "some data"


Construct a logically rectangular mapping by synthesis from lower dimensional datasets.

Usage: make-lr-mapping-synth ran dom ...


        lrs '("rng" 0 (td23 td24 td25 td26 td27 td28 td29
                       td30 td31 td32))
            '("dmn" 1 (td0 td0 td0 td0 td0 td0 td0
                       td0 td0 td0))


Print the minimum and maximum values and their offsets from the beginning of an array in a file.

Usage: minmax name


        minmax foo


Make a PDB file whose contents match the current file which may not be a PDB file.

Usage: pdb-copy file


        pdb-copy file.cdf


Print out all or part of the specified variable or structure member. Note that the command keyword may be omitted. To print part of a variable or structure member, qualify the name with index expressions. (See the PDBView Syntax section for a discussion of index expressions).

This command has an implicit form in which the "print" can be omitted. The implicit form can be used at the command prompt when the file variable name does not conflict with a PDBView command name.

Usage: [print] variable | structure-member


          print Mapping4.domain.elements
          print dir1/Mapping2.range.elements[1]
          print a.b[3].c[5,10:20,1:8:3]


Print out the specified mappings. Mappings are referenced by the numbers displayed by the menu command.

Usage: print-mapping mapping-list


          print-mapping 3 4


Save mappings from the current viewport to a file. Mappings are referenced by the numbers displayed by the lsv command. If the mapping list is *, save all mappings in the current viewport.

Usage: save-mapping file mapping-list


          save-mapping foo *
          save-mapping bar 1 5


Scale variable name by scale_factor and write it into the current file with name aliasname.

Usage: scale-file-variable name aliasname scale_factor


          scale-file-variable foo two_foo 2.0
          scale-file-variable bar -bar -1.0


Describe the specified data type in the current file.

Usage: struct data-type


          struct double
          struct PM_mapping


Write out all or part of a variable or member structure to an opened textfile To write part of a variable or member qualify the name with index expressions whose parts are in one of the three forms:




Only the first form may be used to qualify variables or terminal structure members with embedded pointers and non-terminal members.

Procedure version is table*.

Usage: table variable | structure-member


          table Mapping2
          table Mapping4.domain.elements
          table Mapping2.range.elements[1]
          table a[5,10:20,1:8:3]
          table a.b[3].c[5,10:20,1:8:3]


List the data types in the current file.

Usage: types

Data Analysis

In a more graphical context, PDBView offers the user many tools for data analysis. These include algebraic manipulations, calculus, and a wide variety of elementary functions (e.g. sin, exp, j0).


Take simple derivative of scalar function of one variable.

Usage: derivative mapping*


          der 2
          der 4 6:9


Integrate the specified mapping.

Usage: integrate mapping*


          integrate 2
          integrate 4 6:9


Take the Euclidean norm of the range values of a mapping.

Usage: norm mapping*


          norm 2
          norm 4 6:9


The following functions are appplied to all components of the domain values of the given mappings:
   Absolute value             absx
   Logarithm and Expontional  lnx, log10x, expx
   Trigonometry               cosx, sinx, tanx
                              acosx, asinx, atanx
   Hyperbolic Functions       coshx, sinhx, tanhx
   Bessel Functions           j0x, j1x
                              y0x, y1x
   Others                     sqrx, sqrtx, recipx

Usage: fnc mapping*


          sqrx 2
          lnx (j1x 3)


The following functions are appplied to all components of the range values of the given mappings:
   Absolute value             abs
   Logarithm and Expontional  ln,log10,exp
   Trigonometry               cos, sin, tan
                              acos, asin, atan
   Hyperbolic Functions       cosh, sinh, tanh
   Bessel Functions           j0, j1
                              y0, y1
   Tchebyshev Functions       tchn
   Others                     sqr, sqrt, recip, random

Usage: fnc mapping*


          sin 2
          cos (log10 3)


The following binary functions combine mappings two at a time:
   m+      Sum
   m*      Product
   m-      Difference
   m/      Quotient
   hypot   sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
The result is a new mapping.

Usage: oper [mapping]*


          m+ 1 3 5 9
          m/ 2 8 19
          hypot 3 17


The following functions operate on mappings using auxilliary information:

powrx, powx   Raise domain values to a power x = x^a
powax         Raise a to the power of the x value x = a^x

powr, pow     Raise range values to a power y = y^a
powa          Raise a to the power of the y value y = a^y

jn            Nth order Bessel function of the first kind on range values
yn            Nth order Bessel function of the second kind on range values

smooth        Smooth mapping using n point integral to average
xmm           Excerpt part of a mapping

These do not result in a new mapping.

Usage: oper [info] [mapping]*


          powax 3.0 8
          jn 2 2 10 56
          smooth 3  1 18
	  xmm '(1.0 3.0 4.0 18.0) 25


The following functions shift or scale the specified mappings

dx      Shift domain values of curve by a constant
dy      Shift range values of curve by a constant
mx      Scale domain values of curve by a constant
my      Scale range values of curve by a constant
divx    Divide domain values by a constant
divy    Divide range values by a constant

These do not result in a new mapping.

Usage: oper [info] [mapping]*


          dx -2.5 1 5 9
          divy 3.14 18

Working with PDBView

In a more graphical context, PDBView offers the user many tools for data analysis. These include algebraic manipulations, calculus, and a wide variety of elementary functions (e.g. sin, exp, j0).


Turn logging of typed commands on or off. A log file name may be specified in place of the keyword on. The default log file name is pdbview.log. If the log file already exists, it is appended to. Logging is off by default.

Usage: command-log [on | off | filename]


          command-log on
          command-log mylog2


End the session of PDBView.

Usage: end


Set the printing format for a specified data type. If the argument specifying the type has `1' or `2' appended, then the new format is applied only to arrays shorter than array-length or to arrays longer than or equal to array-length, respectively. Otherwise, the format applies to both. Invoking the format command with the single argument, default, causes the formats for all types to be reset to their default values. The format argument must be a Standard C I/O Library format string. Double quotes are only necessary if the format string contains embedded blanks. See the set command for more information about the array-length variable. This command overrides the settings of the decimal-precision and bits-precision display control parameters.

Usage: format integer[1 | 2] | long[1 | 2] | float[1 | 2] |

          	double[1 | 2] | short[1 | 2] | char[1 | 2] format
Usage: format default


          format double %12.5e
          format double2 %10.2e
          format char "%s "


Print a list of commands or documentation for an optionally specified command.

Usage: help [command]


          help menu


Read SCHEME forms (e.g. PDBView commands) from the specified ASCII disk file. The -l execute line option can be used to cause PDBView to read a file of SCHEME forms at start-up.

Usage: ld filename


          ld script.scm


Set the print mode for structures.

Display modes are:

          full-path - the full path name is printed at each branch, e.g. foo.bar[3].baz
          indent - indent 4 spaces at each branch (default)
          tree - display as a tree (lines connecting branches)
Type display is controlled by:

          no-type - turns off the display of types (default)
          type - displays the type of each item and branch
Display of recursive structures is controlled by:

          recursive - indent each level of recursive structures
          iterative - number each level of recursive structures (default)
Usage: mode full-path | indent | tree | no-type | type | recursive | iterative


          mode full-path


Set the value of some array display parameters. Parameters:

          line-length - the number of array elements per line
          array-length - for arrays shorter than value, label each element individually
          bits-precision - number of mantissa bits of precision
          decimal-precision - number of digits of precision
Usage: set line-length | array-length | bits-precision | decimal-precision value


          set line-length 3
          set decimal-precision 6


Define synonyms for the given function.

Usage: synonym func [synonym]*


          synonym change-file cf

Default State

The state in which PDBView starts out is:

Other PACT Documents

Interested readers may wish to refer to the other PACT documents which describe the data structures and functionality underlying the more common PDB files upon which PDBView operates. The PANACEA, PGS, and PDBLib manuals are of special interest to people who wish to generate and view data files with PACT.

The list of PACT Documents is:

PACT User's GuideUCRL-MA-112087
SCORE User's ManualUCRL-MA-108976 Rev.1
PPC User's ManualUCRL-MA-108964 Rev.1
PML User's ManualUCRL-MA-108965 Rev.1
PDBLib User's ManualM-270 Rev.2
PGS User's ManualUCRL-MA-108966 Rev.1
PANACEA User's ManualM-276 Rev.2
ULTRA II User's ManualUCRL-MA-108967 Rev.1
PDBDiff User's ManualUCRL-MA-108975 Rev.1
PDBView User's ManualUCRL-MA-108968 Rev.1Current Document
SX User's ManualUCRL-MA-112315

For questions and comments, please contact the PACT Development Team.