Stewart A. Brown
Dennis Braddy

Last Updated: 3/15/2005


The PACT SCHEME Language

SCHEME Language Guide
General Concepts of Scheme
Documentation Conventions
Syntax and Notation
Special Syntax
Naming Conventions
Reserved Identifiers
Scheme Data Types
Scheme Expressions
Literal Expressions
Variable Definition
Variable Reference
Variable Assignment
Conditional Expressions
Procedure Calls
Anonymous Procedures
Scheme Procedures
Scheme Programs
A PACT Scheme Tutorial
About Those Parentheses
Lists and Conses
Writing Scheme Functions
Recursion in Scheme Functions
Lists, Symbols, and the car, cdr, and cond Functions
A Matrix Example

The PACT SCHEME/SX Reference

PACT Scheme Procedures
The Core Set
The Large Set
The PACT Scheme Library
Object Type Constants
Evaluation Type Constants
Procedure Type Constants
Object Accessors
Number Accessors
Input_port/output_port Accessors
Cons Accessors
Variable Accessors
String Accessors
Procedure Accessors
Vector Accessors
Character Accessor
Process Accessors
Memory Management
Execution Control
Stack Control
Function Handlers
Variable Handlers
Memory Management
List Processors
C/SCHEME Interface
Top Level
Error Handling
Registration Routines
Syntax Modes in SCHEME
C Syntax Mode
SX Procedures
Pure SX Functions
PML Functions
Math Functions on Mappings
PDB Functions
PGS Functions
PANACEA Functions
PANACEA Variables
The SX Library
Object Type Constants
PDB Related Accessors
Top Level

Interfacing Compiled and Interpreted Code

Some PACT SCHEME Implementation Details
C Level Macros
Evaluation Types
SCHEME Function Protocol
Function Handlers
Defining New Objects to the Interpreter
Array Example
Compiling and Loading
Calling Interpreted Routines from Compiled Routines

Related Documents


A special acknowledgement is due to Lee Taylor who designed and implemented the internal interface between the PACT SCHEME interpreter and PDBLib. That code eventually became SX when the remainder of PACT was thrown into the pot.


This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Nneither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or the University of California, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

Part of this work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48.

The PACT SCHEME Language

This section introduces the reader to the PACT implementation of the SCHEME programming language. It does this through a formal description of the language (section 1.2) and a tutorial (section 1.3). For readers who are already familiar with SCHEME in general, this section may be skimmed. Note should be taken, however, of the differences between PACT SCHEME and other SCHEME implementations.



The LISP programming language is one of the most powerful computer languages ever developed. Somewhat ironically, it is also one of the simplest to implement, at least to a certain level. Many applications would benefit by being able to provide their users with the ability to extend the application via a macro or scripting mechanism. LISP turns out to be ideal for this purpose. The language is syntactically simple and can be molded to meet a variety of needs. It also offers more power than most applications care to provide to their users, but one would rather be in that position than in having an underpowered extension mechanism.

Scheme is a lexically scoped, properly tail recursive dialect of the LISP programming language. The PACT implementation is described abstractly in Abelson and Sussman’s book, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. It features all of the “essential procedures” described in the Revised3 Report on Scheme (Jonathan Rees and William Clinger, ed) which defines the standard for Scheme.

PACT SCHEME is implemented as a library; however, a small driver delivers a stand alone SCHEME interpreter. This is useful for people who want to learn the language as well as people who want to prototype algorithms (one of LISP’s strong points).

The PACT implementation features a reference counting incremental garbage collector. This distributes the overhead of memory management throughout the running of Scheme code. It also tends to keep Scheme from trying to grab the entire machine on which it is running which some garbage collection schemes will attempt to do.


SX is perhaps the ultimate PACT statement. It is simply Scheme plus the other parts of PACT. A more precise way to describe it is as a dialect of LISP with extensions for PGS, PDB, PDBX, PML, and PANACEA. What this yields is an interpretive language whose primitive procedures span the functionality of all of PACT.

Like the PACT SCHEME implementation which it extends, SX provides both a library and a stand alone application. The stand alone interpreter is the engine behind applications such as PDBView and PDBDiff. These examples demonstrate the extreme power of the PACT design. The modularization and layering make it possible to use the PACT components like building blocks.

In addition to the above mentioned functionality, SX contains functionality which is the generalization of that found in ULTRA II. This means that as the development of SX proceeds, an SX driven application will be able to perform arbitrary dimensional presentation, analysis, and manipulation tasks.

Because of the fundamental unity of these two PACT parts, they are documented in a single manual. The first part will cover the “standard” Scheme functionality and the second part will discuss the SX extensions.

SCHEME Language Guide

The PACT SCHEME implementation derives from two main sources. First, Abelson and Sussman’s book, The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs gives an account of a basic Scheme interpreter. To fill in the details and build a somewhat standard Scheme, I used the Revised3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. This has subsequently been updated with some of the features of the Revised4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme (R4RS).

This implementation differs from standard Scheme in a few fundamental ways. First, the numerics defined in R4RS are not suited to the main audience of PACT. For example, the notions of exactness and inexactness of floating point numbers are not practical concepts in actual numerical simulation codes. Furthermore, for ease of implementation and good matching to the needs of applications using the library version of the interpreter, the numeric types implemented map to the standard types of the C language. In short, I implemented integers, reals, and characters as C longs, doubles, and chars respectively. Second, keeping in mind that this interpreter is implemented in C and needs to be as compatible with C usages as possible, I chose to follow C conventions in situations where it was the convenient and “obvious” thing to do.

Throughout this manual little will be said of the differences between Scheme and LISP in general. The reader may assume that unless otherwise explicitly stated comments about the character of Scheme apply also to LISP in general. The functions in Scheme differ in many cases from those in LISP but the character of the languages is similar. For example, they are both fully parenthesized and they both use prefix notation.

General Concepts of Scheme

The term object is used to refer to an instance of any type of Scheme variable, data, or expression. This usage is similar to that used in connection with other programming languages. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Scheme is that every object in Scheme has a definite (although sometimes only implicit) type which can be queried. For example, an object, x, can be asked if it is a real number

(real? x)
All objects in Scheme have an internal representation and printing representation. That is to say that every object that is represented internally can be indicated in printed form in output operations. Most objects can be indicated in input operations by their printing representation. For example, the string “foo bar baz” has some internal representation in Scheme and has a printing representation that can be used in input or appears in output as

“foo bar baz”
By contrast, an object such as a hash table has an internal representation and a printing representation, but the printing representation cannot be used in input operations to indicate that a complete hash table should be inferred from the printing representation. The printing representation might look like

This clearly does not contain enough information to infer the entire contents of the hash table whose internal representation it is associated with.

The most important data structure in LISP is the list (LISP stands for LISt Processing language or, if you choose to believe, Lots of Irritating Silly Parentheses). This is also true of Scheme. Both programs and data are represented by lists. This feature of the language permits Scheme programs to manipulate Scheme programs as data. This is the source of a great deal of Scheme’s power.

Scheme is a tail recursive dialect of LISP. This means that certain recursively posed procedures execute as simple loops. This permits the Scheme programmer to write procedures using recursion and the interpreter (or compiler) to run these procedures in fixed space. The function call stack is never blown with tail recursive procedures.

Variables in Scheme are said to be bound when they are assigned to locations in which a value may be stored. Variables in Scheme may be either bound, in which case references to the variable yield a value, or unbound, in which case references to the variable yield an UNBOUND VARIABLE error.

The collection of all variables visible at any point in the execution of a program is called the environment in effect at that point. When interacting directly with the Scheme interpreter at the top level (no procedures executing) the environment in effect is called the global environment.

Scheme like C is a call by value language.

Scheme has a class of procedures called predicates. Predicate procedures return one of the two boolean values: TRUE or FALSE (represented by #t or #f respectively). Most languages have syntactic constructs to express this functionality. In Scheme which has a simple and uniform syntax (except for quote and quasi-quote) this functionality must be expressed as procedures.

Documentation Conventions

In this manual the following notational conventions will apply.

Syntax and Notation

It is a characteristic of LISP dialects to use prefix notation, that is operators precede their operands. LISP and its dialects also use parentheses to group and associate objects. Parentheses are the only syntactic mechanisms for separating groups of objects. So to add four numbers, 3, 25.2, 0.015, and -1.3e-4, one would use the expression
(+ 3 25.2 0.015 -1.3e-4)
Part of the power of the language derives from the fact that such expressions return values that can be used in other expressions, for example
(* 5 (+ 3 25.2 0.015 -1.3e-4))
which multiplies the result of adding 3, 25.2, 0.015, and -1.3e-4 by 5.


The characters (expressed in C style notation) ‘ ’ (blank),’\t’ (tab), ‘\f’ (formfeed), and ‘\n’ (newline) are considered to be whitespace in Scheme programs.


A semicolon begins a comment, and the comment extends to the end of the line containing the semicolon.


Numbers begin with any of the following characters: ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘.’, or ‘-’. They must correspond to the standard representations of either integer or floating point types used in C (and most FORTRANs).


Strings are arbitrary groups of characters which are delimited with double quotes ‘”’.


Subject to the special case listed below, all groups of characters delimited by whitespace which are neither numbers nor strings are identifiers. Case is significant in PACT Scheme unlike R4RS.

Special Syntax

The following characters have special meanings in some contexts. They should not be used in identifiers unless escaped by ‘\’.

. used in the notation of pairs and dotted argument lists
( begins a list of objects
) ends a list of objects
quote (don’t evaluate) an object
quasi-quote an object
, used in conjunction with quasi-quotation
,@ used in conjunction with quasi-quotation
# used with character constants, boolean constants, and vector constants
\ used with character constants and in strings as an escape character

Naming Conventions

Predicate functions (returning true or false) end with ‘?’.

Functions which store values end with ‘!’.

Functions which map objects of different types have “->” in their names. For example, the function which maps a list into a vector is called list->vector.

Reserved Identifiers

Identifiers typically occur as the names of variables (or symbols) or functions (or procedures). PACT Scheme allows programmers to use identifiers that have been assigned to the built in procedures of the language for their own variables and functions, but this has the effect of hiding (possibly for the duration of the session or program) the built in procedure. It is recommended that this not be done in the case of the following built in functions. They can be thought of as reserved keywords.

and if quasiquote
begin lambda quote
define let set!
do let* unquote
else or unquote-splicing

Scheme Data Types

The fundamental data types of PACT Scheme are:

boolean there are two boolean objects in Scheme, #t and #f, representing a TRUE and FALSE logical value respectively
char a character object is a single character and is represented by its printing representation preceded by a #\, e.g. #\A represents ‘A’
number a number is any object with a numeric type such as integer or real
pair an object with two parts called the car and cdr. This is the primitive object from which lists are built
string a collection of characters (not character objects) delimited by double quotes.
symbol a synonym for variable
procedure an object which specifies a procedure
vector a 1 dimensional array of objects
guest an object that encapsulates C variables and structures as a part of the interface between PACT Scheme and C applications
Each of these types has a corresponding predicate function. It is guaranteed that no Scheme object will return TRUE for more than one of the associated predicates.

In addition the number type is subdivided into

integer an object representing an integer number
real an object representing a floating point number
PACT Scheme does not implement



The reason for this is that in order to keep the implementation reasonably small and efficient, I chose to adhere closely to underlying C concepts and data types. Both of these types could be implemented as C structures, but handling the arithmetic with them is not consistent with the goals of the implementation.

Predicates exist for the integer and real types, but any object that is either an integer or a real is also a number.

Scheme Expressions

An expression in Scheme is an object which when evaluated returns a value. Scheme has a small set of primitive expression types and all other expressions in Scheme can be built up or derived from more primitive expressions. The primitive expression types are enumerated in this section.

This is the heart of Scheme, and although this is not by any means a tutorial, once the concept of expression is mastered along with the primitive expression types, the remainder of the work of this manual is filling in details on the set of procedures supplied in PACT Scheme.

Literal Expressions

An expression consisting of a constant or a quoted expression is a literal expression. Literal expressions evaluate to themselves. That is a string evaluates to itself, a number evaluates to itself, and so on.

Another kind of literal expression comes about by specifying that an expression should not be evaluated. This is a quoted expression. Its syntax is:

(quote expression)

Variable Definition

Variables are unbound until they are defined in a variable definition expression. The syntax is:

(define variable value)
This expression binds variable to a location where the value is then placed.

Variable Reference

An expression representing a reference to a variable consists of the variable itself.

It is an error to reference an unbound variable, i.e. a variable which has not be been bound in a variable definition expression.

Variable Assignment

The value in the location to which a variable is bound can be changed by the use of a variable assignment expression.

(set! variable value)
It is an error to try to assign a value to an unbound variable.

Conditional Expressions

In Scheme there is a single primitive conditional expression form from which all others may be derived.

(if test consequent alternate)
If test is not FALSE (evaluates to anything but #f) the consequent expression is evaluated and returned. Otherwise the alternate expression is evaluated and returned. The alternate expression is optional in which case if test is FALSE nothing is evaluated and the conditional expression returns #f.

Procedure Calls

Since procedures are a fundamental “data” type in Scheme, the problem of procedure calls splits into two parts. The first part is obtaining a procedure. The next section explores that issue in more detail. The second part is invoking a procedure once you have one. A procedure call is posed as a list consisting of the procedure object as the first element of the list and the arguments to the procedure as the remaining elements of the list.

(procedure argument1 ...)
Some examples of procedure calls are:

(* 2 3 4) => 24

((if #t + -) 20 10 5) => 5

In the first example the procedure object is “*” and the procedure call expression multiplies the numbers 2, 3, and 4 to obtain the value 24. In the second example, the conditional expression

(if #f + -) => -
is evaluated to return the procedure “-” which is then applied to the numbers 20, 10, and 5 to yield the result 5.

Anonymous Procedures

A characteristic of LISP which Scheme shares is the notion of an anonymous procedure. An expression called a lambda expression evaluates to a procedure. A lambda expression is the irreducibly primitive procedure definition mechanism for Scheme. All procedures and most of the special expressions except those mentioned in this section can be defined in terms of lambda expressions.

The syntax of a lambda expression is

(lambda arguments body)
The arguments are a list of formal parameters to the procedure, and the body is the set of expressions which define the action of the procedure.

The arguments can be one of the following:


(variable1 ...)

(variable1 ... variablen . variablen+1)

In the last case variablen+1 is bound to a list of the arguments in the procedure call which remain after the first n arguments are bound to the first n formal parameters.

Some examples of lambda expressions in procedure calls are:

((lambda x x) 1 “foo” 2.3) => (1 “foo” 2 3)

((lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) 4) => 5

((lambda (x y . z) z) 3 4 5 6) => (5 6)

An anonymous procedure can be bound to a variable in order to give a more convenient way of using procedure objects.

(define foo (lambda x x))
This would bind the variable foo to the lambda expression for the identity function. It can then be used as

(foo 3) => 3
This usage is so common that an alternate form of the define expression was created. Its usage is

(define (variable arguments) body)
Here the variable is bound to the procedure being made. The arguments are like those of the lambda expression.


variable1 ...

variable1 ... variablen . variablen+1

Note the absence of parentheses here. Compare with the lambda expression syntax. The first variant means that there are no arguments.

The body of the procedure is identical with that for the lambda expression.

(define (foo x) x)

Scheme Procedures

In most LISP dialects there are two kinds of procedures: those which evaluate their arguments before binding them to the formal parameters; and those which do not evaluate their arguments before binding them to the formal parameters. There are also procedures which carry out an additional evaluation of the result of the procedure call.

PACT SCHEME permits all combinations of evaluating arguments and evaluating results. This makes for a great deal of flexibility in the implementation and in the use of the library in applications. More will be said about this later in this manual.

The majority of Scheme functions evaluate their arguments and do not evaluate the result of the call. These will be referred to simply as procedures. All other functions will be referred to as macros (R4RS calls them special forms).

Scheme Programs

The conceptual structure of a Scheme program differs from that of a C program primarily in the entry into the program. Both will have a collection of function or procedure definitions, and both have a main entry point into the program.

In the case of C there is a special procedure called main which serves as the main entry point into the program. Arguments from the command line invocation of the C program are made available to main. The main procedure may call no other functions and simply do the work of the program itself or it may do nothing but call other functions.

In Scheme, their is no special function like main in C. A file is read in and variables and functions are defined sequentially. Functions and variables must be defined before they are invoked or referenced. Consequently the analog of the main entry point into a Scheme program must come at the end of a file or function definition, and it is just an ordinary procedure call.

Example C code fragment illustrating structure of a C program

foo(int x)

Example Scheme code fragment illustrating the structure of the same program

(define (foo x) ...)

(define (bar) ...)

(foo 1)


NOTE: a common complaint about LISP programming is that one has to count parentheses carefully which is a lot of bother. The answer to that problem is to use a text editor which indicates balancing parentheses. One common editor with this feature is GNU Emacs.

A PACT Scheme Tutorial

About Those Parentheses

Scheme evaluates expressions:

=>(+ 9 2)
=>; Comments can be added after a semicolon.
; Note that => is the SX prompt.
; For clarity, responses from SX will be outlined.
(+ 9 2) ; Scheme uses Polish notation.
Scheme evaluates expressions from left to right and from inside nested pairs of parentheses out:

=> (- (+ 4 2) 7)


The first argument (+ 4 2) is evaluated to 6, and the second argument 7 is evaluated to 7. Then (- 6 7) is evaluated to -1.

A little more integer arithmetic will show how the expression (9 + 2) (7 - 4)/3 might be written in Scheme:

=> (+ 9 2) ; i.e., 9 + 2
=> (- 7 4) ; i.e., 7 - 4
=> (* (+ 9 2) (- 7 4)) ; i.e., (9 + 2) (7 - 4)
=> (/ (* (+ 9 2) (- 7 4)) 3) ; Q.E.D., (9 + 2) (7 - 4)/3
Thus, (9 + 2) (7 - 4)/3 is evaluated in three steps:

(* (+ 9 2) (- 7 4)) 3) -> (/ (* 11 3) 3)
(/ (* 11 3) 3) -> (/ 33 3)
(/ 33 3) -> 11

Lists and Conses

One of the fundamental and powerful data structures of Scheme is a pair of pointers referred to variously as a cons, cell, or pair. To talk about Scheme you have to talk about conses. The printed representation of cons containing a and b is

(a . b)
The first part of the pair is called the car of the cons and the second part is called the cdr of the cons.

Lists consist of chains of conses. For example:

(a . (b . (c . ())))
This is really rather tedious, so a more compact notation is used to represent lists

(a . (b . c . ()))) <==> (a b c)
The rule is that if the cdr of a cons is another cons the “. (“ is suppressed. This also means that you will see things like:

(a b c . d)
which is equivalent to

(a . (b . (c . d)))
Compare this with the above to see another rule about lists and conses. If the final conses cdr is (), then suppress the “ . ()”. For example:

(a . ()) <==> (a)
The Scheme function cons is used to create a new cons:

=> (cons 1 2)

(1 . 2)

You can always use cons to build up lists:

=> (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 ())))

(1 2 3)

However there is a better way. Use the list function:

=> (list 1 2 3)

(1 2 3)

Writing Scheme Functions

Scheme provides predefined primitive functions such as sqrt, equal?, and cons:

=> (sqrt 25)


=> (equal? 3 5)


=> (equal? (* 3 6) (+ 9 9))


=> (cons ‘fish ‘())


=> (cons ‘fish1 (cons ‘fish2 (cons ‘fish3 ‘(fish4))))

(fish1 fish2 fish3 fish4)

The function equal? is one of a number of Boolean functions that return a true-or-false Boolean object: either #t or #f. The input of a decision-making function like cond (see below) is often the output of a Boolean function:

=> (cond ((equal? 2 2) “The numbers are equal.”)
(else “The numbers are not equal.”))
“The numbers are equal.”
=> (cond ((equal? 2 3) “The numbers are equal.”)
(else “The numbers are not equal.”))
“The numbers are not equal.”
In the two examples above, if equal? evaluates to #t, the first message is printed. Otherwise, the second message is printed.

Scheme programming consists of writing your own functions, e.g.:

=> (define (net-vol x2 y2 z2 x1 y1 z1)
(- (* x2 y2 z2) (* x1 y1 z1)))
The name of the function (net-vol) was declared in the define statement, and the arguments (six, in this example) were listed. Then the algorithm was stated, giving the locations of the arguments in the algorithm. SX returned the name of the function to confirm that the definition has been accepted.

After net-vol has been defined, it is called with its arguments like any other function:

=> (net-vol 6 9 27 4 3 1)


Once a function has been defined, it can be included in definitions of other functions. If we defined function square as

=> (define (square n)
(* n n))
we can define function lim-test as:

 => (define (lim-test lim n)

        (<= lim (square n)))    ; Second argument less than

                                ; or equal to first argument? 

 => (lim-test 9 100)


 => (lim-test 11 100)


Recursion in Scheme Functions

A Scheme function becomes recursive if it calls itself within its own definition. It takes the general form:

(define (name ...)
( name ...))
A conditional statement may be placed in the definition before the function calls itself, in order to eventually escape from the loop. Here is a function that uses the if statement, which takes the logical form:

(if (condition)  true false) 

=> (define (query n) 
      (if (zero? n) 
        "The number is zero." 
        "The number is not zero.")) 
=> (query 0) 
"The number is zero." 
=> (query 5) 
"The number is not zero." 

Now we’ll define n-fact, a function that uses recursion to calculate n!:

=> (define (n-fact n)
       (if (= 0 n)
           (* n (n-fact (- n 1)))))
=> (n-fact 0)
=> (n-fact 1)
=> (n-fact 5)

Lists, Symbols, and the car, cdr, and cond Functions

Scheme, which is a dialect of LISP (LISt Processor), processes lists!

A list is a set of space-delimited elements enclosed within a pair of left and right parentheses, e.g.:

(a b c d e)

(Look here)

(1 3 5 7 9)

A list can include other lists:

((a b c) d (e f))
List elements that are not lists are called atoms, e.g.:

(a b c d e) contains the atoms a, b, c, d, and e
(Look here) contains the atoms Look and here
(1 3 5 7 9) contains the atoms 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9
((a b c) d (e f)) contains the atom d.
((a b c) d (e f)) contains the atoms a, b, and c.
((a b c) d (e f)) contains the atoms e and f.
The Scheme function symbol? tests for a symbol:

=>(symbol? ‘(a b c d e))


=>(symbol? ‘a)


An important list, the null list, contains no elements:

In recursive functions, the elements in a list are often removed from the list and operated on one at a time until nothing remains but the null list. The null? function can test for the null list to provide an exit from a recursive loop. The looping action would produce results similar to the following non-looping sequence:

=>(null? `(1 2 3))

#f                      ; Loop again.

=>(null? `(2 3))

#f                      ; Loop again.

=>(null? `(3))

#f                      ; Loop again.

=>(null? `())

#t                      ; Stop.
The output of the function car is the first element in a list:

=>(car ‘(a b c d e))


=> (car ‘((a b c) d (e f)))

(a b c)

The output of the function cdr is the list without the first element:

=> (cdr ‘(a b c d e))

(b c d e)

=> (cdr ‘((a b c) d (e f)))

(d (e f))

The cond function uses the following logic:

if condition A is true then action 1

else if condition B is true then action 2

else if condition C is true then action 3


else action n

The following function uses the car and cdr functions to determine the truth of each condition in a cond function:

=>(define (look-see list1)
; The variable "list1" will be the name given to a list that we will
; examine.
; If the first element in the list is "d", print message.
            ((equal? (car list1) `d)
             "The d is the first element.")
; If the second element (the first of the rest of the list) is "d", 
; print message. 
            ((equal? (car (cdr list1)) `d)
             "The d is the second element.")
; If the third element (the first of the rest of the rest of the list)
; is "d", print message.
            ((equal? (car (cdr (cdr list1))) `d)
             "The d is the third element.")
; If the fourth element (the first of the rest of the rest of the rest
; of the list) is "d", print message.
            ((equal? (car (cdr (cdr (cdr list1)))) `d)
             "The d is the fourth element.")
; If the fifth element (the first of the rest of the rest of the rest
; of  the rest of the list) is "d", print message.
            ((equal? (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr list1))))) `d)
             "The d is the fifth element.")
; All five tests failed; print message.
          (else "The d is not present in the list.")))

Next we’ll define string list1 (to which we’ll assign the five elements "a b c d e"), and then we’ll execute function look-see:

=> (define list1

       `(a b c d e))


=>(look-see list1)

The following recursive function uses the null list and the car and cdr functions to add the numbers in a vector (a list whose elements are numbers). If v-sum is null, the result is 0. If v-sum is non-null, the first element is added to the cdr of v-sum recursively until the cdr of v-sum sum is the null list:

=>(define(v-sum v)
((null? v) 0)
(else (+ (car v) (v-sum (cdr v))))))
Variable v is replaced by a vector when function v-sum is executed:

=> (definev
‘(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30))
=>(v-sum v)

A Matrix Example

In this example we create matrix-one, a 5-by-4 matrix. Then, using matrix-one, we create matrix-two, a 5-by-3 matrix whose first column is the product of columns 1 and 2 in matrix-one, and whose second and third columns are columns 3 and 4 in matrix-one.

In Scheme, the matrix

2 6 87 92

5 23 15 8

2 32 45 1

56 7 29 4

8 48 25 6

may be written as:

 =>(define matrix-one 

          ‘((2 6 87 92) 

          (5 23 15 8) 

          (2 32 45 1) 

          (56 7 29 4) 

          (8 48 25 6))) 


We can test this by evaluating matrix-one:

  => matrix-one

  ((2 6 87 92) (5 23 15 8) (2 32 45 1) (56 7 29 4) (8 48 25 6))

The following expression will select column n in any matrix that contains at least n columns:

 => (define (col-n n matrix)

        (cond ((null? matrix) ‘())

              (else (cons (list-ref (car matrix) n)

                          (col-n n (cdr matrix))))))


What’s going on here? First, the list-ref function, which hasn’t been introduced before, selects the nth element in a list, e.g.,

 => (list-ref ‘(101 102 103 104 105) 3)


Returning to col-n, the cond function tests matrix to see if it is null. If matrix isn’t null, the list-ref function selects element n in the current vector (first row of the [current] matrix = "first matrix"), which will be cons-ed with the results of subsequent iterations of col-n of the cdr of matrix. When a new iteration yields a null, the list of elements is cons-ed with ().

Let’s test column 1 in matrix-one:

 =>(col-n 1 matrix-one)

(2 5 2 56 8)

Let’s test column 2 in matrix-one:

 =>(col-n 2 matrix-one)

(6 23 32 7 48)

Now that we know how to get columns 1 and 2, we can modify col-n slightly to get the product of columns 1 and 2:

=> (define (m-times-n m n matrix)

              (cond ((null? matrix) ())


                     (cons (* (list-ref (car matrix) m)

                              (list-ref (car matrix) n)) 

                     (m-times-n m n (cdr matrix)))))) 


We now have two column parameters, m and n, and now we cons the products of the list-ref of m and n of the car of matrix.

Let’s test m-times-n for columns 1 and 2:

=> (m-times-n 1 2 matrix-one)

(12 115 64 392 384)

Now we can get everything we need from matrix-one: any column and the product of any two columns. We need: the product of columns 1 and 2; column 3; and column 4. We get these columns as vectors, so first we’ll lay them out as rows in an intermediate matrix named matrix-temp:

=> (define matrix-temp

              (list (m-times-n 1 2 matrix-one)

                    (col-n 3 matrix-one)

                    (col-n 4 matrix-one)))


We got matrix-temp by cons-ing the product of columns 1 and 2, column 3, column 4, and left & right parentheses.

Let’s see matrix-temp:

=> matrix-temp

((12 115 64 392 384) (87 15 45 29 25) (92 8 1 4 6))

Finally, we’ll use col-n to get columns 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 from matrix-temp, and we’ll cons them all together within left and right parentheses to get matrix-two, our objective:

=> (define matrix-two 

              (list (col-n 1 matrix-temp)

                    (col-n 2 matrix-temp)

                    (col-n 3 matrix-temp)

                    (col-n 4 matrix-temp)

                    (col-n 5 matrix-temp)))


Now, let’s see matrix-two:

=> matrix-two

((12 87 92) (115 15 8) (64 45 1) (392 29 4) (384 25 6))

The PACT SCHEME/SX Reference

This section constitutes a more formal reference for using PACT SCHEME and SX. There are two main sections (one for SCHEME and one for SX) each of which is divided into two sections (SCHEME level use and C level use).

PACT Scheme Procedures

Although many of the procedures of Scheme can be expressed in terms of an irreducible set of primitive Scheme functions, the PACT Scheme implementation (as well as the R4RS description) provides a fairly rich set of Scheme functions which are coded at the C level. These run faster by virtue of running from compiled rather than interpreted code, and they make life a little bit easier for programmers by providing many procedures which would otherwise have to be supplied by the programmer.

In PACT Scheme, I implemented two sets of functions. The first set constitutes the core of the interpreter. The second set are not so essential to the majority of applications and on small memory machines are expendable given the choice between having these functions and not fitting on the machine. This second set will be referred to as the large set and the first set will be referred to as the core set. I will document these two sets separately.

The description of the functions consists of the following information:


Information for C based applications wanting to use this function

Description of the function

Usage of the function as a formal description


For example:


C Information: SS_ident, SIF, SS_args
Macro: Evaluate and return the consequent expression if the test evaluates to #t and evaluate and return the alternate expression otherwise.
Usage: (if test consequent alternate).
Example: (if (= i 3) (display “yes”) (display “no”))

The Core Set

C Information: SS_plus, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return sum of args or 0 if no args are supplied.

C Information: SS_minus, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return difference of args.

C Information: SS_times, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return product of args or 1 if no args are supplied.

C Information: SS_divide, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return quotient of args (left associative).

C Information: SS_lt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first argument is less than the second.

C Information: SS_le, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first argument is less than or equal to the second.

C Information: SS_neq, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first argument is equal to the second.

C Information: SS_gt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first argument is greater than the second.

C Information: SS_ge, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first argument is greater than or equal to the second.

C Information: SS_abs, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the absolute value of a numeric object.

C Information: SS_acos, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the arc cosine of the argument.

C Information: SS_ident, SAND, SS_sargs
Macro: Evaluate expressions from left to right until one evaluates to #f. The value of the last evaluated expression is returned.

C Information: SS_append, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a new list made from a copy of the first and the second arguments.

C Information: SS_ident, EE_MACRO, SS_sargs
Macro: Cons the procedure onto the args and evaluate the result.

C Information: SS_apropos, SS_nargs
Procedure: Search the symbol table for documentation.

C Information: SS_ascii_filep, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is an ascii file and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_asin, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the arc sine of the argument.

C Information: SS_assoc, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the first list whose car is equal? to the first arg.

C Information: SS_assq, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the first list whose car is eq? to the first arg.

C Information: SS_assv, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the first list whose car is eqv? to the first arg.

C Information: SS_atan, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the arc tangent of the argument.

C Information: SS_ident, BEGIN, SS_sargs
Macro: Evaluate a list of expressions and return the value of the last one.

C Information: SS_boolp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a boolean and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_break, SS_zargs
Procedure: Enter a Scheme break, return with return-level. A Scheme break is simply a recursively executed read-eval-print loop. It constitutes a separate loop n which to perform tasks before returning to the preceding evaluation.

C Information: SS_caaar, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the caaar of the argument.

C Information: SS_caadr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the caadr of the argument.

C Information: SS_caar, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the caar, i.e. the car of the car, of the argument.

C Information: SS_cadar, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the cadar, i.e. the car of the cdr of the car, of the argument.

C Information: SS_caddr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the caddr, i.e. the car of the cdr of the cdr, of the argument.

C Information: SS_cadr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the cadr, i.e. the car of the cdr, of the argument.

C Information: SS_car, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the first member of the pair which is the argument. For a simple pair this is the left hand member and for a list it is the leftmost member of the list.

C Information: SS_catch, SS_sargs
Procedure: Pass an escape procedure (a special procedure of one argument) to the argument.

C Information: SS_cdar, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the cdar, i.e. the cdr of the car, of the argument.

C Information: SS_cdaar, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the cdaar, i.e. the cdr of the car of the car, of the argument.

C Information: SS_cdadr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the cdadr, i.e. the cdr of the car of the cdr, of the argument.

C Information: SS_cddar, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the cddar, i.e. the cdr of the cdr of the car, of the argument.

C Information: SS_cdddr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the cdddr, i.e. the cdr of the cdr of the cdr of the argument.

C Information: SS_cddr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the cddr, i.e, the cdr of the cdr, of the argument.

C Information: SS_cdr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the second member of the pair which is the argument.

C Information: SS_ceil, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the smallest integer greater than the argument.

C Information: SS_cls_in, SS_sargs
Procedure: Close the specified input port and release the IN_PORT object.

C Information: SS_cls_out, SS_sargs
Procedure: Close the specified output port and release the OUT_PORT object.

C Information: SS_ident, SCOND, SS_sargs
Macro: Evaluate the list of cond clauses returning the value of the first one whose first expression does not evaluate to #f. A cond clause is a list of expressions whose irst element is evaluated and if the result is not #f, the remaining expressions are evaluated and the value of the last one is returned as the value of the clause, otherwise the cond clause evaluates to #f.

C Information: SS_cons, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a new pair whose car and cdr are the arguments.

C Information: SS_cos, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the cosine of the argument.

C Information: SS_ident, SDEFINE, SS_sargs
Macro: Define variables and procedures in the current environment.

C Information: SS_ident, SDEFINE, SS_sargs
Macro: Define a macro in the current environment.

C Information: SS_describe, SS_nargs
Procedure: Print the documentation for a procedure to the specified device.

C Information: SS_display, SS_nargs
Procedure: Print an object to the specified device in human readable form.

C Information: SS_eofp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is an end-of-file and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_eq, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the two objects are identical, i.e. the two objects are the same object.

C Information: SS_equal, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the result of recursively applying eqv? to the arguments.

C Information: SS_eqv, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the two objects are equivalent, i.e. the values of the two objects are the same.

C Information: SS_eval, SS_sargs
Procedure: Evaluate the given form and return the value.

C Information: SS_even, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the argument is a number divisible exactly by 2.

C Information: SS_exp, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the exponential of the argument.

C Information: SS_expt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the first argument raised to the power of the second.

C Information: SS_filep, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a file and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_floor, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the greatest integer less than the argument.

C Information: SS_foreach, SS_nargs
Procedure: Apply a procedure to a set of lists (for side effect).

C Information: SS_guestp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a GUEST object and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_ident, SIF, SS_sargs
Macro: Evaluate and return the consequent expression if the test evaluates to #t and evaluate and return the alternate expression otherwise.

C Information: SS_iportp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is an input port (IN_PORT) and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_intp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is an integer number and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_lambda, UR_MACRO, SS_nargs
Macro: Define an anonymous procedure.

C Information: SS_last, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the last element of a list or return any other object.

C Information: SS_length, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the number of elements in the given list.

C Information: SS_let, UE_MACRO, SS_nargs
Macro: Define a region with variables of local scope.

C Information: SS_letstr, UE_MACRO, SS_nargs
Macro: Define a region with variables of local scope. The variables can be used in the definition of other variables as soon as they are defined.

C Information: SS_list, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a new list made up of the arguments.

C Information: SS_ln, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the natural logarithm of the argument.

C Information: SS_load, SS_sargs
Procedure: Open a file of Scheme forms and eval all the objects in it.

C Information: SS_log, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the logarithm base 10 of the argument.

C Information: SS_newsym, SS_sargs
Procedure: Generate a new symbol.

C Information: SS_map, SS_nargs
Procedure: Map a procedure over a set of lists.

C Information: SS_member, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the first sublist of the second arg whose car is equal? to the first arg.

C Information: SS_memq, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the first sublist of the second arg whose car is eq? to the first arg.

C Information: SS_memv, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the first sublist of the second arg whose car is eqv? to the first arg.

C Information: SS_neg, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the argument is a number less than 0.

C Information: SS_newline, SS_nargs
Procedure: Print a <CR><LF> or equivalent to the specified device.

C Information: SS_not, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if object is #f and #f for any other object.

C Information: SS_nullp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the object is the empty list, ().

C Information: SS_numberp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a number and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_odd, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the argument is a number that is not even.

C Information: SS_opn_in, SS_sargs
Procedure: Open the specified file for input and return an IN_PORT object.

C Information: SS_opn_out, SS_sargs
Procedure: Open the specified file for output and return an OUT_PORT object.

C Information: SS_ident, SOR, SS_sargs
Macro: Evaluate the forms until one evaluates to something other than #f and return that value as the result and return #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_oportp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is an output port (OUT_PORT) and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_pair, SS_args
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a cons or list and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_pos, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the argument is a number greater than 0.

C Information: SS_print_toggle, SS_zargs
Procedure: Toggle the printing of values.

C Information: SS_printf, SS_nargs
Procedure: C-like formatted print function.

C Information: SS_procp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a procedure object and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_quasiq, UR_MACRO, SS_sargs
Macro: Like quote except that unquote and unquote-splicing forms are eval’d.

C Information: SS_quit. UR_MACRO, SS_zargs
Macro: Exit from Scheme.

C Information: SS_quote, UR_MACRO, SS_sargs
Macro: Return the expression without first evaluating it.

C Information: SS_quotnt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return quotient of two integers.

C Information: SS_read, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read an ASCII representation of an object and return the object.

C Information: SS_rd_guest, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a guest object using the supplied function rd_guest.

C Information: SS_realp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a real number and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_remnd, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return remainder of division of the two arguments.

C Information: SS_reset, SS_zargs
Procedure: Unwind the Error/Break Stack and return to top level.

C Information: SS_retlev, SS_nargs
Procedure: Pop n levels off the Error/Break Stack and return the second arg as value.

C Information: SS_reverse, SS_sargs
Procedure: Destructively reverse the list and return it.

C Information: SS_ident, SSET, SS_sargs
Macro: Replace the contents of the location the variable points to with the value.

C Information: SS_setcar, SS_nargs
Procedure: Replace the car of the first argument with the second and return the new car.

C Information: SS_setcdr, SS_nargs
Procedure: Replace the cdr of the first argument with the second and return the new cdr.

C Information: SS_sin, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the sine of the argument.

C Information: SS_sqrt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the principal square root of the argument.

C Information: SS_stats_toggle, SS_zargs
Procedure: Toggle the printing of control statistics.

C Information: SS_strp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a string and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_varp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a variable and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_system, SS_sargs
Procedure: Have the operating system carry out the command contained in the string.

C Information: SS_tan, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the tangent of the argument.

C Information: SS_trace, SS_nargs
Procedure: Trace calls to the procedures in the list of arguments.

C Information: SS_trans_off, UR_MACRO, SS_zargs
Macro: Close the transcript file to stop recording a Scheme session.

C Information: SS_trans_on, SS_sargs
Procedure: Open the specified transcript file to start recording a Scheme session.

C Information: SS_trunc, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the integer resulting from the truncation of the argument.

C Information: SS_unquote, UR_MACRO, SS_sargs
Macro: In a quasiquote’d form inserts the result of evaluating its argument.

C Information: SS_unq_spl, UR_MACRO, SS_sargs
Macro: In a quasiquote’d form splices the evaluated list into the quoted form.

C Information: SS_untrace, SS_nargs
Procedure: Stop tracing the procedures in the argument list.

C Information: SS_write, SS_nargs
Procedure: Put the printed representation of an object to the specified device.

C Information: SS_zero, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the argument is a number equal to 0.

The Large Set

C Information: SS_call_if, SS_nargs
Procedure: Open the named file and evaluate a procedure using the port for input. This is analogous to input redirection in certain operating systems

C Information: SS_call_of, SS_nargs
Procedure: Open the named file and evaluate a procedure using the port for output. This is analogous to output redirection in certain operating systems.

C Information: SS_charp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the object is of type char.

C Information: SS_chreq, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the chars are the same.

C Information: SS_chrge, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first character is ‘greater than or equal to’ the second.

C Information: SS_chrgt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first character is ‘greater than’ the second.

C Information: SS_chrle, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first character is ‘less than or equal to’ the second.

C Information: SS_chrlt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first character is ‘less than’ the second.

C Information: SS_chrint, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the integer representation of the given integer.

C Information: SS_curr_ip, SS_zargs
Procedure: Return the current default input port.

C Information: SS_curr_op, SS_zargs
Procedure: Return the current default output port.

C Information: SS_define_global, UE_MACRO, SS_nargs
Macro: Define variables and procedures in the global environment.

C Information: SS_hash_dump, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a list of the names in the given hash table.

C Information: SS_hashelp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a hash-element.

C Information: SS_hash_info, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the specified hash table’s size, number of hash-elements, and documentation flag.

C Information: SS_hash_install, SS_nargs
Procedure: Install the given object in the given hash table.

C Information: SS_hash_lookup, SS_nargs
Procedure: Look up and return the named object in the given hash table.

C Information: SS_hash_remove, SS_nargs
Procedure: Remove the named object from the given hash table.

C Information: SS_hashtabp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a hash table.

C Information: SS_intchr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the character representation of the given integer.

C Information: SS_lststr, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a string constructed from a list of characters.

C Information: SS_lstvct, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a vector whose elements are the same as the list’s.

C Information: SS_make_hash_table, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a new hash table.

C Information: SS_mkvect, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a new vector whose length is specified by the argument.

C Information: SS_prp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PROCESS_OBJ.

C Information: SS_cls_pr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Terminate a process.

C Information: SS_opn_pr, SS_nargs
Procedure: Exec and return a process object which can be used much like a port in those I/O functions which take a process object as the source or sink of messages.

C Information: SS_pr_rd_line, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a string received from a process.

C Information: SS_pr_runp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the process is still running.

C Information: SS_pr_sn_line, SS_nargs
Procedure: Send a string to a process.

C Information: SS_pr_stat, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a list of the process id, in, out, status, and reason members of the PROCESS structure.

C Information: SS_rd_chr, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read and return a single character.

C Information: SS_rd_line, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read a line of text and return a string.

C Information: SS_streq, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the strings are the same (length too).

C Information: SS_strge, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first string is ‘greater than or equal to’ the second.

C Information: SS_strgt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first string is ‘greater than’ the second.

C Information: SS_strle, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first string is ‘less than or equal to’ the second.

C Information: SS_strlt, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the first string is ‘less than’ the second.

C Information: SS_strlst, SS_sargs
Procedure: Construct a list of the characters in the given string.

C Information: SS_strprt, SS_sargs
Procedure: Encapsulate a string as a pseudo input port for reading.

C Information: SS_strsym, SS_sargs
Procedure: Make a new variable with name given by the string.

C Information: SS_strapp, SS_nargs
Procedure: Append the argument strings together into a new string and return it.

C Information: SS_strlen, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the number of characters in the given string.

C Information: SS_strref, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the nth character in the given string.

C Information: SS_strsub, SS_nargs
Procedure: Extract the substring zero-origin indexed by the last two args.

C Information: SS_symstr, SS_sargs
Procedure: Make a new string out of the given variable name.

C Information: SS_vector, SS_nargs
Procedure: Analog to list procedure for vectors.

C Information: SS_vectp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t iff the object is of type vector.

C Information: SS_vctlen, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the number of elements in the specified vector.

C Information: SS_vctlst, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a list whose elements are the same as the vector’s.

C Information: SS_vctref, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the nth element of the given vector.

C Information: SS_vctset, SS_nargs
Procedure: Sets the nth element of the given vector.

C Information: SS_wr_chr, SS_nargs
Procedure: Write a single character to the specified port.

The PACT Scheme Library

In this section we list some of the functions in the PACT SCHEME library. Although there are many functions here, only a relative handful are useful to application developers wishing to integrate the interpreter into their product. All of the relevant declarations are made in the header file scheme.h which should be #include’d in your source code.


These #define’d constants are part of the essential glue of PACT SCHEME and the other parts of PACT which use it (i.e. SX and ULTRA).

Object Type Constants

These constants define the type indeces for SCHEME objects. They are used in conjunction with SS_args, SS_call_scheme, and SS_make_list. They are also implicitly used by the C and SCHEME level predicate functions.

SS_OBJECT_I 10 Generic object type
CONS 11 Cons object type
VARIABLE 12 Symbol object type
PROC_OBJ 13 Procedure object type
BOOLEAN 14 Boolean object type
IN_PORT 15 Input port object type
OUT_PORT 16 Output port object type
VECTOR 19 Vector object type
CHAR_OBJ 20 Character object type
HASH_ELEMENT 21 Hash element object type
HASH_TABLE 22 Hash table object type
PROCESS_OBJ 23 Process object type

Evaluation Type Constants

The following #define’d constants are described in detail in the section on interfacing compiled and interpreted code.

SELF_EV 1 Objects evaluate to themselves
VAR_EV 2 Symbol objects evaluate to their value binding
PROC_EV 3 Procedure call (conses are the only things that have this)

Procedure Type Constants

These constants are used to distinguish among different ways of handling procedures and their calls. They are described in more detail in the section on interfacing compiled and interpreted code.

SS_PR_PROC ‘z’ Evaluate arguments, don’t re-evaluate the result
SS_EE_MACRO ‘p’ Evaluate arguments, re-evaluate the result
SS_UR_MACRO ‘r’ Don’t evaluate the arguments, don’t re-evaluate the result
SS_UE_MACRO ‘q’ Don’t evaluate the arguments, re-evaluate the result


These macros facilitate interfacing with the interpreter and writing C level routines to be used by the interpreter.

Object Accessors

SS_GET(type, x) cast the value part of x to be a type pointer and return it
SSS_INQUIRE_OBJECT(name) lookup name in the system table and return a pointer to the associated object
SS_OBJECT_GC(x) return the reference count of x (how many things point to it)
SS_UNCOLLECT(x) make sure that x can never be garbage collected
SS_OBJECT_TYPE(x) return the type index of x
SS_OBJECT_NAME(x) return the print name of x
SS_OBJECT(x) return the value part of x
SS_OBJECT_ETYPE(x) return the evaluation type of x
SS_OBJECT_PRINT(x, strm) invoke the print method of x on the output port strm
SS_OBJECT_FREE(x) invoke the release method of x

Number Accessors

SS_INTEGER_VALUE(x) return the value of the integer object x (as a long)
SS_FLOAT_VALUE(x) return the value of the float object x (as a double)
SS_int_val(x) return TRUE iff the number x has an integer value

Input_port/output_port Accessors

SS_OUTSTREAM(x) return the FILE * from the output port x
SS_INSTREAM(x) return the FILE * from the input port x

Cons Accessors

SS_CAR_MACRO(x) return the car of x (no error checking)
SS_CDR_MACRO(x) return the cdr of x (no error checking)

Variable Accessors

SS_VARIABLE_NAME(x) return the name of the symbol object x
SS_VARIABLE_VALUE(x) return the value of the symbol object x

String Accessors

SS_STRING_TEXT(x) return the text of the string object x
SS_STRING_LENGTH(x) return the length of the text of x

Procedure Accessors

SS_PROCEDURE_TYPE(x) return the type of the procedure object x
SS_PROCEDURE_NAME(x) return the name of the procedure object x
SS_PROCEDURE_DOC(x) return the documentation for the procedure x
SS_PROCEDURE_TRACEDP(x) return TRUE if the procedure x is traced
SS_PROCEDURE_PROC(x) return the actual procedure for x

Vector Accessors

SS_VECTOR_LENGTH(x) return the length of the vector object x
SS_VECTOR_ARRAY(x) return the array of objects of the vector x

Character Accessor

SS_CHARACTER_VALUE(x) return the value of the character object x

Process Accessors

SS_PROCESS_VALUE(x) return the PROCESS * of the process object x
SS_PROCESS_STATUS(x) return the status of the process x


SS_integerp(x) TRUE iff x is of type INTEGER
SS_floatp(x) TRUE iff x is of type FLOAT
SS_stringp(x) TRUE iff x is of type STRING
SS_consp(x) TRUE iff x is of type CONS
SS_variablep(x) TRUE iff x is of type VARIABLE (symbol)
SS_inportp(x) TRUE iff x is of type IN_PORT (input port)
SS_outportp(x) TRUE iff x is of type OUT_PORT (output port)
SS_eofobjp(x) TRUE iff x is of type EOF_OBJ (#eof)
SS_nullobjp(x) TRUE iff x is of type NULL_OBJ (() or nil)
SS_procedurep(x) TRUE iff x is of type PROC_OBJ
SS_booleanp(x) TRUE iff x is of type BOOLEAN (#t or #f)

The following are available with the LARGE option (default):

SS_hash_tablep(x) TRUE iff x is of type HASH_TABLE
SS_hash_elementp(x) TRUE iff x is of type HASH_ELEMENT
SS_charobjp(x) TRUE iff x is of type CHAR_OBJ
SS_vectorp(x) TRUE iff x is of type VECTOR
SS_processp(x) TRUE iff x is of type PROCESS_OBJ

Memory Management

SS_GC(x) decrement the reference count of x and release it if the count is zero
SS_mark(x) increment the reference count of x
SS_Assign(x, val) assign object x to object val making sure to get the reference counts right

Execution Control

SS_set_cont(to_go, to_return) setup a new continuation
SS_go_cont go to the current continuation
SS_jump(x) jump to the label x
SS_tracedp(x) return the trace field in the procedure struct x

Stack Control

SS_Save(x) save x on the stack
SS_Restore(x) pop an object off the stack into x and release the stack entry



SS_OBJECT_S string containing “object”
SS_POBJECT_S string containing “object *”
SS_prompt the prompt which is displayed by the interpreter
SS_ans_prompt the preamble to the interpreter’s printing of the result


SS_quoteproc pointer to the quote procedure
SS_indev pointer to the standard input port object (stdin equivalent)
SS_outdev pointer to the standard output port object (stdout equivalent)
SS_histdev pointer to the history output port object (see transcript)
SS_null pointer to the () object
SS_eof pointer to the #eof object
SS_t pointer to the #t object
SS_f pointer to the #f object
SS_else pointer to the else object


The following functions are described in detail in the section on interfacing compiled and interpreted code.

Function Handlers

object *SS_zargs(object *argl)

object *SS_sargs(object *argl)

object *SS_nargs(object *argl)

Variable Handlers

It is possible to give the following SCHEME level functional interpretation to compiled code variables: suppose you have a variable x bound to the value 3 then:

(x) => 3

(x 2) => 2

and x is now bound to 2. These handlers are supplied so that you may install your application variables as implicit functions. They are used with SS_install_cf.

object *SS_acc_REAL(byte *vr, object *argl)

object *SS_acc_int(byte *vr, object *argl)

object *SS_acc_long(byte *vr, object *argl)

object *SS_acc_char(byte *vr, object *argl)

object *SS_acc_string(byte *vr, object *argl)

object *SS_acc_ptr(byte *vr, object *argl)

object *SS_acc_var(byte *vr, object *argl, int otype)


The following functions are just some of the many functions in the PACT SCHEME library. They are selected because they are the ones that developers will use to integrate the interpreter into their applications. The remainder of the functions declared in scheme.h are C level implementations of SCHEME level functions and as such are only accessed by the interpreter.

Memory Management

These functions support the creation and destruction of SCHEME objects. Although these handle the native PACT SCHEME data types, they also provide some guidance for developers who wish to make their own data types known to the interpreter.

object *SS_mk_variable(char *name, object *v)

object *SS_mk_string(char *s)

object *SS_mk_inport(FILE *str)

object *SS_mk_outport(FILE *str)

object *SS_mk_integer(long i)

object *SS_mk_float(double d)

object *SS_mk_cons(object *car, object *cdr)

object *SS_mk_char(int i)

object *SS_mk_vector(int l)

object *SS_mk_hash_table(HASHTAB *tb)

object *SS_mk_hash_element(hashel *hp)

object *SS_mk_object(byte *p, int type, int ev_type, char *name)

SS_mk_object creates and returns a new object of type type which has the pointer p as its value. The object type is taken from the list of defined type indeces some of which are discussed in the section
Object Type Constants above. Also specified are its evaluation type (ev_type) which is required and its print name (name) if any. The evaluation type is one of the values from the Evaluation Type Constants section above. All of the SS_mk_xxxx functions above call SS_mk_object as the final step to wrap an object around whatever other data type they create and initialize.

void SS_rl_object(object *obj)

List Processors

These functions support applications in dealing with ubiquitous lists at the C level.

object *_SS_setcar(object *pair, object *car)

object *_SS_setcdr(object *pair, object *cdr)

These functions set the value of the car or cdr of the specified cons object.

object *SS_car(object *obj)

object *SS_cdr(object *obj)

object *SS_caar(object *obj)

object *SS_cadr(object *obj)

object *SS_cdar(object *obj)

object *SS_cddr(object *obj)

object *SS_caaar(object *obj)

object *SS_caadr(object *obj)

object *SS_cadar(object *obj)

object *SS_caddr(object *obj)

object *SS_cdaar(object *obj)

object *SS_cdadr(object *obj)

object *SS_cddar(object *obj)

object *SS_cdddr(object *obj)

These functions access parts of lists including imbedded lists.

object *_SS_lst_tail(object *lst, int n)
This function is a more general list accessor than the above, since it lets you go to arbitrary depth in the list. It returns the list starting at the nth element of the given list. Used in conjunction with SS_car, all lists can be picked apart this way.

int _SS_length(object *lst)
Return the length of the given list.


These functions handle most of the I/O chores which straddle the interpreter and the application.

void SS_unget_ch(int c, object *str)

void SS_put_ch(int c, object *str)

int SS_get_ch(object *str, int ign_ws)

These functions are used analogously to getc, putc, and ungetc in the C standard library. They are provided as the standard operators used by the SCHEME reader. Applications may define their own and attach them to the relevant hooks instead of these.

void SS_wr_atm(object *obj, object *strm)
Print an atomic object to the specified output port object.

object *_SS_print(object *obj,
char *begin, char *end,
object *port)
Print the given object to the given port preceded by begin and followed by end.

object *SS_load(object *port)
Read and evaluate the expressions in the specified input port (usually a file).

C/SCHEME Interface

These are the functions used to communicate between the interpreter and compiled code. See the section on interfacing interpreted and compiled code later in this manual.

object *SS_make_list(int first, ...)
Given a list of type index, variable pointer pairs create and return a SCHEME list. A pair with a type index of 0 terminates the list. The pointers in the pairs must be pointers to the types indicated by the type index. Thus SC_INTEGER_I would be accompanied by and int *.

object *SS_call_scheme(char *func, ...)
Call the function named by func with the arguments supplied. The arguments are specified the same way that they are for SS_make_list.

int SS_args(object *s, ...)
Extract arguments from the specified object which may be atomic or a list. The objects to be extracted are specified as for SS_make_list and SS_call_scheme as type index, pointer pairs. A type index of zero terminates the list. The number of items successfully extracted is returned. Only one thing can be extracted from an atomic object. It is not required that the length of the list match the number of specifications in the call. The extraction terminates at the earlier of the exhaustion of the list s or the end of the specifications for extraction.

int SS_run(char *s)
Parse and evaluate a single expression represented by s.

int SS_load_scm(char *name)
Open and load (in the sense of SS_load) the file specified by name.

Top Level

These functions are high level routines for initializing the interpreter and entering into read-eval-print loops.

void SS_inst_prm(byte)

void SS_repl(byte)

void SS_end_scheme(int val)

void SS_init_scheme(char *Code, char *Vers)

void SS_init_path(byte)

void SS_inst_const(byte)

void SS_init_stack(byte)

void SS_init_cont(byte)

void SS_interrupt_handler(int sig)

Error Handling

These routines are for controlling error handling.

int SS_err_catch(PFInt func, PFInt errf)

object *SS_pop_err(int n, int flag)

void SS_push_err(int flag, int type)

void SS_error(char *s, object *obj)

void _SS_restore_state(object *esc_proc)

void _SS_print_err_msg(FILE *str, char *s, object *obj)

void _SS_print_err_msg_a(FILE *str, char *s, object *obj)


int _SS_numberp(object *obj)

char *SS_get_string(object *obj)

Registration Routines

These routines make C level objects known to the interpreter.

void SS_install( char *name, char *doc,
PFPObject hand, PFPObject proc,
int type)
Install a procedure in the system table under the name, name, and with documentation, doc. The handler and procedure (hand and proc respectively) must be previously declared. The procedure type is one of those given in the
Procedure Type Constants section above.

object *SS_install_cf( char *name, char *doc,
PFPObject handler, ...)
Install a variable in the system table under the name, name, and with documentation, doc. The handler, hand, must be one of those given in the Variable Handlers section above.

object *SS_install_cv(char *name, byte *pval, int type)
Install a variable in the system table to be used as a conventional SCHEME variable. This is equivalent to doing (define name value) at the SCHEME level. It simply lets you compile into the application any variables that you wish to handle at the compiled and interpreted level.

Syntax Modes in SCHEME

The PACT SCHEME interpreter has the hooks to allow applications to install alternate parsers. The effect of this is to allow the interpreter to interpret other languages. The idea is to write a YACC-style grammar and perhaps a LEX-style analyzer to parse an input language. The grammar actions in effect translate the input language into SCHEME for evaluation.

As stated before this can be used to create an interpreter for your favorite language. Alternatively it can be thought of as a means of translating your (second) favorite language into SCHEME.

To add a mode, you supply the appropriate parser and analyzer. You supply a function to switch the reader into the new syntax mode. You can register a file suffix to tell the interpreter to switch to your new mode when loading source files with that suffix.

As an example of how this works a C syntax mode is supplied. Other modes can be patterned after C mode.

C Syntax Mode

C mode is based on the grammar of ANSI standard C. It features all of the syntax of ANSI standard C except:

type char ; although char * is supported

multi-dimensional arrays semantics (syntax is there)

a.b syntax ; although a->b is supported

& and * ; i.e. address of and dereference

Also the C preprocessor directives are not included at this time.

Because C identifiers are more restricted that SCHEME identifiers, the following conventions are used to map names of SCHEME functions into a form which the C parser/analyzer will accept:

- _
* _
? p
! b
-> _to_

Files ending in .c or .h are interpreted in C mode.

Because SCHEME objects carry their own type information, the use of types in C mode should be thought of more as a reminder to you than as a mandate to the interpreter. For example:

void foo(char *name)
   {void *x;
    int y;

    x = open_input_file(name);
    if (input_portp(x))

void foo(int name)
   {int x;
    int y;

    x = open_input_file(name);
    if (input_portp(x))

in spite of having wildly different types for the variables name and x behave the same as the SCHEME coding
(define (foo name)
   (let* (x y)
         (set! x (open-input-file name))
	 (if (input-port? x)
	     (close-input-file x))))
The first version should be preferred because the coding more clearly states in C terms the intentions for the data types. That is, char *name is a better way (in C at least) to think of a character array than int name.

Notice also the function names in compliance with the convention stated above.

It is also possible to mix SCHEME and C syntax in a file. There are two ways to do this. First by calling a function to set the parsing mode. For example:


(define (foo x)
    (+ x 3))




(foo 2)



The second method of mixing SCHEME and C is special to the C mode. The SCHEME interpreter has been programmed to look for { and switch to C mode until the corresponding }. For example:

(define x 3)

(if (= x 3)
    {int y;
     y = x + 2;
     printf(nil, "%s\n", y);})
This is handy especially for doing complicated arithmetic expressions in algebraic (infix) notation instead of Polish (prefix) notation.


The functions of SX are presented in groupings which correspond to the PACT functionalities to which they interface. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the functionality and structures of the part of PACT which these functions cover. See the end of this manual for references to the other PACT documentation.

SX Procedures

Pure SX Functions

C Information: SX_mem_trace, SS_zargs
Procedure: Return the number of allocated memory blocks.

C Information: SX_pp_names, SS_sargs
Procedure: Print a list in nice even columns.

PML Functions

C Information: SX_list_array, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a numeric array built from a list of numbers.

C Information: SX_numeric_arrayp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a numeric array and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_array_list, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a list of numbers built from a numeric array.

C Information: SX_num_arr_len, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the length of the given numeric array.

C Information: SX_pdbdata_mapping, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read a PML mapping object from a PDB file.

C Information: SX_grotrian_mappingp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PML grotrian mapping, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_make_pml_mapping, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a PML mapping.

C Information: SX_make_pml_set, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a PML set.

C Information: SX_mappingp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PML mapping, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_mapping_pdbdata, SS_nargs
Procedure: Write a PML mapping object to a PDB file.

C Information: SX_get_dimension, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a pair containing the dimensionality of the domain and range of the specified mapping.

C Information: SX_get_domain, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the domain of the given mapping.

C Information: SX_get_mapping_name, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the name of the given mapping.

C Information: SX_get_range, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the range of the given mapping.

C Information: SX_scale_domain, SS_nargs
Procedure: Multiply all components of a mapping domain by a scalar value.

C Information: SX_scale_range, SS_nargs
Procedure: Multiply all components of a mapping range by a scalar value.

C Information: SX_setp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PML set, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_set_map_type, SS_nargs
Procedure: Set the type of a mapping object to the given string.

C Information: SX_set_volume, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the product of the extrema of the given set.

C Information: SX_shift_domain, SS_nargs
Procedure: Add a scalar value to all components of a mapping domain.

C Information: SX_shift_range, SS_nargs
Procedure: Add a scalar value to all components of a mapping range.

Math Functions on Mappings

C Information: PM_fplus, _SX_mh_b_s,
Procedure: Sum of range values, i.e. a+b.

C Information: PM_fminus, _SX_mh_b_s,
Procedure: Difference of range values, i.e. a-b. If there is only one argument the result is unary negation.

C Information: PM_ftimes, _SX_mh_b_s,
Procedure: Product of range values, i.e. a*b. If there is only one argument this is an identity operation.

C Information: PM_fdivide, _SX_mh_b_s,
Procedure: Quotient of range values, i.e. a/b. If there is only one argument this takes the multiplicative inverse of the mapping.

C Information: ABS, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Absolute value of range values.

C Information: acos, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Arccos of range values.

C Information: asin, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Arcsin of range values.

C Information: atan, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Arctan of range values.

C Information: cos, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Cosine of range values.

C Information: cosh, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Hyperbolic cosine of range values.

C Information: exp, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Exponential of range values.

C Information: SX_integrate_mapping, _SX_mh_u_s_nm,
Procedure: Compute the integrals of the given mappings.

C Information: j0, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Zeroth order Bessel function of the first kind on range values.

C Information: j1, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: First order Bessel function of the first kind on range values.

C Information: PM_jn, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Nth order Bessel function of the first kind on range values.

C Information: PM_ln, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Natural log of range values.

C Information: log10, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Base 10 log of range values.

C Information: SX_norm_mapping, _SX_mh_u_s_nm,
Procedure: Compute the euclidean norms of the given mappings.

C Information: PM_random, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Generate random range values between -1 and 1 for the mappings.

C Information: PM_recip, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Reciprocal of range values.

C Information: sin, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Sine of range values.

C Information: sinh, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Hyperbolic sine of range values.

C Information: PM_sqr, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Square of range values.

C Information: PM_sqrt, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Square root of range values.

C Information: tan, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Tangent of range values.

C Information: tanh, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Hyperbolic tangent of range values.

C Information: y0, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Zeroth order Bessel function of the second kind on range values.

C Information: y1, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: First order Bessel function of the second kind on range values.

C Information: PM_yn, _SX_mh_u_s,
Procedure: Nth order Bessel function of the second kind on range values.

PDB Functions

The functions in this section are divided into two parts. The first part deals with PDB functionality somewhat in parallel to the PDB C API. The second part describes functions that go beyond the PDB C API and allow more arbitrary binary files to be accessed with lower levl PDB machinery.

High Level API Functions

C Information: SX_change_directory, SS_nargs
Procedure: Change the current PDB file directory.

C Information: SX_close_pdbfile, SS_sargs
Procedure: Close a PDB file.

C Information: SX_create_link, SS_nargs
Procedure: Create a link to a variable in a PDB file.

C Information: SX_create_pdbfile, SS_sargs
Procedure: Create and return a PDB file.

C Information: SX_current_directory, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the current directory in a PDB file.

C Information: SX_current_file, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the current default PDB file.

C Information: SX_def_common_types, SS_sargs
Procedure: Define some common internal SX data types to the given file.

C Information: Slist, UR_MACRO, SS_nargs
Procedure: Special Form: Create a member list.

C Information: SX_default_offset, SS_nargs
Procedure: Set and/or return the default offset for the given file.

C Information: SX_defp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a DEFSTR, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_desc_variable, SS_sargs
Procedure: Describe a PDB variable.

C Information: SX_diff_var, SS_nargs
Procedure: Compare an entry in two files

C Information: SX_display_diff, SS_nargs
Procedure: Display information returned by diff-variable.

C Information: SX_menu, SS_nargs
Procedure: Display a menu of mappings, images, and curves.

C Information: SX_file_varp, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return #t if the variable is in the specified file, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SS_find_types, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a list of the derived data types in a variable.

C Information: SX_hash_to_pdbdata, SS_nargs
Procedure: Convert a hash table to a PDBDATA object.

C Information: Slist, SS_nargs
Procedure: Create a type list.

C Information: SX_list_defstrs, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return a list of the data types in a file.

C Information: SX_list_file, SS_zargs
Procedure: Return a list of open pdbfiles.

C Information: SX_list_variables, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return a list of the variables in a file directory.

C Information: SX_major_order, SS_nargs
Procedure: Set and/or return the major order (row or column) for the given file.

C Information: SX_make_defstr, UR_MACRO, SS_nargs
Procedure: Special Form: Create a DEFSTR object from the list (macro version).

C Information: SX_make_defstr, SS_nargs
Procedure: Create a DEFSTR object from the list (procedure version).

C Information: SX_make_directory, SS_nargs
Procedure: Create a directory in a PDB file.

C Information: SX_make_syment, SS_nargs
Procedure: Create a SYMENT object from the list.

C Information: SX_open_pdbfile, SS_nargs
Procedure: Open and return a PDB file.

C Information: SX_pdb_to_list, SS_sargs
Procedure: Convert some PDB type to a list.

C Information: SX_read_numeric_data, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read a numeric array from a PDB file.

C Information: SX_pdbdatap, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PDBDATA, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_pdbdata_to_hash, SS_sargs
Procedure: Convert a PDBDATA object to a hash object.

C Information: SX_pdbfp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PDB file, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_set_format, SS_nargs
Procedure: Set a format printing control value. These values control the printed representation of numerical types.

C Information: SX_set_switch, SS_nargs
Procedure: Set a switch which controls the behavior of SX. The switches are:

0 -- structure printing prefix (0 -> full path, 1 -> space only, 2-> current leaf)

1 -- structure printing information (0 -> print name only, 1-> print name and type)

2 -- control recursive indentation (0 -> recurse and indent, 1-> print the recursion depth count but don’t indent)

3 -- maximum number items a variable can have before being printed in array format

4 -- number of items printed on a line.

C Information: SX_show_pdb, SS_nargs
Procedure: Display the contents of a guest variable.

C Information: SX_symp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a SYMENT, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_target, SS_nargs
Procedure: Set and/or return the data standard and alignment to be applied to next file created.

C Information: SX_pdb_type, SS_nargs
Procedure: Create a type list for write-pdbdata.

C Information: SX_write_pdbdata, SS_nargs
Procedure: Write PDB data to a file and encapsulate it as a PDBDATA object.

C Information: SX_wrt_ultra_curve, SS_nargs
Procedure: Create an ULTRA curve.

Low Level Binary File Access Functions

C Information: SX_close_raw_file, SS_nargs
Procedure: Close a file opened with open-raw-binary-file.

C Information: SX_open_raw_file, SS_nargs
Procedure: Open an arbitrary file as a PDB file without a symbol table and possesing a minimal structure chart. Subsequent data access calls will provide the missing information. This file can be closed with close-raw-binary-file.

C Information: SX_rd_raw, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read arbitrary binary data from file using the specified information and return it as a SCHEME object. This is a low level access mechanism. See read-pdbdata for the main high level PDB interface call.

C Information: SX_wr_raw, SS_nargs
Procedure: Write arbitrary binary data encapsulated as a SCHEME object to a file using the specified information. This is a low level access mechanism. See write-pdbdata for the main high level PDB inteface call.

PGS Functions

The majority of the PGS functions are documented in the PGS User’s Manual. You are encouraged to read that manual since it explains not only the SX bindings of the graphical functionality but the drawing model and general approach used in PGS.

The functions which are documented here are ones that have less to do with the PGS API than the usage of graphical objects in the SX context. For example, the predicates for the PGS objects are irrelevant to the PGS API but are an important part of using them in SX applications.

C Information: SX_pdbcurve_graph, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read an ULTRA curve object from a PDB file.

C Information: SX_pdbdata_graph, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read a PGS graph object from a PDB file.

C Information: SX_pdbdata_image, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read a PGS image object from a PDB file.

C Information: SX_get_ascii_curve_name, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the curve referenced by name or menu number.

C Information: SX_def_file_graph, SS_sargs
Procedure: Set up a PDB file to receive PGS graph objects.

C Information: SX_devicep, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PGS device, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_dev_attributesp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a set of PGS device attributes, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_graphp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PGS graph, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_graph_pdbcurve, SS_nargs
Procedure: Write an ULTRA curve object to a PDB file.

C Information: SX_graph_pdbdata, SS_nargs
Procedure: Write a PGS graph object to a PDB file.

C Information: SX_grotrian_graphp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PGS grotrian graph, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_imagep, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PGS image, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_image_pdbdata, SS_nargs
Procedure: Write a PGS image object to a PDB file.

C Information: SX_get_ascii_image_name, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the image referenced by name or menu number.

C Information: SX_get_ascii_mapping_name, SS_nargs
Procedure: Return the mapping referenced by name or menu number.

PANACEA Functions

C Information: SX_advance_name, SS_sargs
Procedure: Advance the given file name according to the PANACEA naming convention. For a file, foo.xdd, where dd is a two digit base 36 number, the number dd is incremented.

C Information: SX_advance_time, SS_nargs
Procedure: Set the problem time and time step.

C Information: SX_pan_cmmnd, SS_nargs
Procedure: Hand a command line off to PANACEA for processing by the installed commands.

C Information: SX_def_var, SS_sargs
Procedure: Define a new variable to the PANACEA database.

C Information: SX_desc_pan, SS_sargs
Procedure: Display a description of a PANACEA variable or package.

C Information: SX_display_pan_object, SS_sargs
Procedure: Display a PANACEA object in nice form.

C Information: SX_fin_system, SS_zargs
Procedure: Gracefully conclude a numerical simulation.

C Information: SX_init_system, SS_zargs
Procedure: Initialize a numerical simulation.

C Information: SX_inst_com, SS_zargs
Procedure: Install the package generator commands so that they may be invoked by subsquent operations.

C Information: SX_intern_packages, SS_zargs
Procedure: Return a list of variables which are bound to the PANACEA packages.

C Information: SX_iv_specp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PANACEA initial value specification, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_packagep, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PANACEA package, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_package_name, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return the name of the PANACEA package.

C Information: SX_readh, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read and process the user installed commands in the named file.

C Information: SX_rd_restart, SS_nargs
Procedure: Read the named state file and do the specified conversions.

C Information: SX_run_package, SS_sargs
Procedure: Execute the given package and return its time step and controlling zone.

C Information: SX_dump_pp, SS_zargs
Procedure: Save the data for the output requests from this cycle.

C Information: SX_pan_simulate, SS_nargs
Procedure: Run a simulation from Ti to Tf.

C Information: SX_srcvarp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PANACEA source variable, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_panvarp, SS_sargs
Procedure: Return #t if the object is a PANACEA variable, and #f otherwise.

C Information: SX_db_numeric_data, SS_sargs
Procedure: Save the data for the output requests from this cycle.

C Information: SX_wr_restart, SS_zargs
Procedure: Write a restart dump.


The following variables provide SX level access to compiled PACT variables.

PANACEA Variables

The following variables are used primarily in conjunction with the definition of PANACEA database variables. The following example illustrates their use:

(pa-define-variable “foo” “double” nil nil
scope runtime class optional attribute

number-of-zones dimension

cm per eV units)

A string used to delimit the dimensions of variable definitions. Its value is “dimension”. (Required)

A string used to indicate that the following two parameters in a dimension specification form a (min index, max index) pair. It’s value is “upper-lower”.

A string used to indicate that the following two parameters in a dimension specification form a (offset, number of elements) pair. It’s value is “offset-number”.

An integer value used to denote the end of the unit specifications. Its value is -1.

An integer value used to denote the end of the numerator unit specifications. Its’s value is -2.

An integer value used to denote the end of the variable attribute specifications. It’s value is 102.

Scope variables

An integer used to denote that the next argument will specify the SCOPE attribute of the variable. It’s value is 97.

Denotes the DEFN SCOPE for the variable. It’s value is -1.

Denotes the RESTART SCOPE for the variable. It’s value is -2.

Denotes the DMND SCOPE for the variable. It’s value is -3.

Denotes the RUNTIME SCOPE for the variable. It’s value is -4.

Denotes the EDIT SCOPE for the variable. It’s value is -5.

Denotes the SCRATCH SCOPE for the variable. It’s value is -6.

Class variables

An integer used to denote that the next argument will specify the CLASS attribute of the variable. It’s value is 98.

Denotes the REQU CLASS for the variable. It’s value is 1.

Denotes the OPTL CLASS for the variable. It’s value is 2.

Denotes the PSEUDO CLASS for the variable. It’s value is 3.

Persistence variables

An integer used to denote that the next argument will specify the PERSIST attribute of the variable. It’s value is 99.

Denotes the REL PERSIST for the variable. It’s value is -10.

Denotes the KEEP PERSIST for the variable. It’s value is -11.

Denotes the CACHE PERSIST for the variable. It’s value is -12.

Centering variables

An integer used to denote that the next argument will specify the CENTER attribute of the variable. It’s value is 100.

Denotes the Z_CENT CENTER for the variable. It’s value is -1.

Denotes the N_CENT CENTER for the variable. It’s value is -2.

Denotes the F_CENT CENTER for the variable. It’s value is -3.

Denotes the E_CENT CENTER for the variable. It’s value is -4.

Denotes the U_CENT CENTER for the variable. It’s value is -5.

Allocation variables

An integer used to denote that the next argument will specify the ALLOCATION attribute of the variable. It’s value is 101.

Denotes the STATIC ALLOCATION for the variable. It’s value is -100.

Denotes the DYNAMIC ALLOCATION for the variable. It’s value is -101.

Units variables

The units variable here only reflect the default unit set of PANACEA. Applications are responsible for defining their own units with a compiled call such as:

An integer denoting the index of the RAD unit. Connected to PA_radian.

An integer denoting the index of the STER unit. Connected to PA_steradian.

An integer denoting the index of the MOLE unit. Connected to PA_mole.

An integer denoting the index of the Q unit. Connected to PA_electric_charge.

An integer denoting the index of the CM unit. Connected to PA_cm.

An integer denoting the index of the SEC unit. Connected to PA_sec.

An integer denoting the index of the G unit. Connected to PA_gram.

An integer denoting the index of the EV unit. Connected to PA_eV.

An integer denoting the index of the K unit. Connected to PA_kelvin.

An integer denoting the index of the ERG unit. Connected to PA_erg.

An integer denoting the index of the CC unit. Connected to PA_cc.

The SX Library

In this section we list some of the functions in the PACT SX library. Although there are many functions here, only a relative handful are useful to application developers wishing to integrate the interpreter into their product. All of the relevant declarations are made in the header file sx.h which should be #include’d in your source code.


These #define’d constants are part of the essential glue of SX. These items by and large are the interface between the interpreter and the data structures of the other parts of PACT. See the discussion in the section Interfacing Compiled and Interpreted Code

Object Type Constants

These constants define the type indeces for various PACT objects. They are used in conjunction with SS_args, SS_call_scheme, and SS_make_list. They are also implicitly used by the C and SCHEME level predicate functions.

G_FILE 30 SX generic file object type
G_DEFSTR 31 PDB defstr object type
G_SYMENT 32 PDB syment object type
G_DIMDES 33 PDB dimdes object type
G_MEMDES 34 PDB memdes object type
G_PDBDATA 35 SX pdbdata object type
G_PANVAR 36 PANACEA PA_variable object type
G_PACKAGE 37 PANACEA PA_package object type
G_SOURCE_VARIABLE38 PANACEA PA_source_variable object type
G_IV_SPECIFICATION39 PANACEA PA_iv_specification object type
G_PLOT_REQUEST40 PANACEA PA_plot_request object type
G_GRAPH 43 PGS PG_graph object type
G_DEVICE 44 PGS PG_device object type
G_DEV_ATTRIBUTES 45 PGS PG_dev_attributes object type
G_NUM_ARRAY46 PML C_array object type
G_MAPPING 47 PML PM_mapping object type
G_SET 48 PML PM_set object type
G_IMAGE 50 PGS PG_image object type


These macros facilitate interfacing with the interpreter and writing C level routines to be used by the interpreter.

PDB Related Accessors

FILE_FILE(type, x) the file pointer cast to type * in the g_file object x
FILE_TYPE(x) the type string from the g_file object x
FILE_EXT_TYPE(x) the external type string from the g_file object x
FILE_NAME(x) the name string from the g_file object x
FILE_STREAM(type, x) the FILE * from the thing in the g_file object x
FILE_MENU(x) the menu from the g_file object x
FILE_N_MENU_ITEMS(x) the actual number of items in the menu
FILE_MAX_MENU_ITEMS(x) the maximum number of items in the menu
PDBDATA_NAME(x) the name string of a pdbdata object x
PDBDATA_DATA(x) the data pointer of a pdbdata object x
PDBDATA_EP(x) the symbol table entry of a pdbdata object x
PDBDATA_FILE(x) the PDBfile of a pdbdata object x


PDBLib Types
SX_DEFSTRP(x) TRUE iff x is a defstr object
SX_SYMENTP(x) TRUE iff x is a syment object
SX_PDBDATAP(x) TRUE iff x is a pdbdata object
SX_PANVARP(x) TRUE iff x is a PA_variable object
SX_PACKAGEP(x) TRUE iff x is a PA_package object
SX_SOURCE_VARIABLEP(x) TRUE iff x is a PA_source_variabl
SX_IV_SPECIFICATIONP(x) TRUE iff x is a PA_iv_specificatio
SX_PLOT_REQUESTP(x) TRUE iff x is a PA_plot_reques
PGS Types
SX_GRAPHP(x) TRUE iff x is a PG_graph object
SX_IMAGEP(x) TRUE iff x is a PG_image object
SX_DEVICEP(x) TRUE iff x is a PG_device object
SX_DEV_ATTRIBUTESP(x) TRUE iff x is a PG_dev_attributes object
PML Types
SX_NUMERIC_ARRAYP(x)TRUE iff x is a C_array object
SX_MAPPINGP(x)TRUE iff x is a PM_mapping object
SX_SETP(x)TRUE iff x is a PM_set object



SX_autorange flag controlling auto ranging of plots
SX_autodomain flag controlling auto domaining of plots
SX_autoplot flag controlling replotting
SX_background_color_white flag controlling white backgrounds for screens
SX_border_width window border width in pixels
SX_cgm_background_color flag controlling white backgrounds for CGM
SX_cgm_flag CGM flag
SX_default_color default color to use
SX_grid flag controlling grids on plots
SX_label_length number of label characters to print
SX_label_type_size size in points of label font
SX_lines_page number of lines per page in window
SX_plot_flag flag controlling plottting
SX_plot_type_size size in points of plot related fonts
SX_ps_flag PostScript flag
SX_render_1d_1d default 1d domain vs 1d range plot rendering
SX_render_2d_1d default 2d domain vs 1d range plot rendering
SX_render_2d_2d default 2d domain vs 2d range plot rendering
SX_show_mouse_location flag controlling display of mouse location
SX_squeeze_labels flag controlling whitespace compression in labels
SX_x_log_scale flag controlling log scale in x direction (1d-1d only)
SX_y_log_scale flag controlling log scale in y direction (1d-1d only)






















The following functions are just some of the many functions in the SX library. They are declared in sx.h.


These functions augment the I/O capabilities of the basic interpeter.

object *SX_pp_names(object *argl)

void SX_parse(PFByte replot, PFPChar reproc)

Top Level

void SX_init(char *code, char *vers)

Initialize the SX system. This includes all the initialization of the interpreter done with SS_init.

Interfacing Compiled and Interpreted Code

In this section we will explain how to make your C (or Fortran) data and routines available to the SCHEME or SX interpreter (referred to simply as the interpreter from now on). We will also explain how to have your C or Fortran routines (referred to as compiled routines or compiled code) call interpreted functions (that is SCHEME code).

This information will enable developers to build knowledge of their compiled code into the interpreter so that they or their users can write interpreted code that uses the full power of SCHEME. SX itself is an example of this approach to development. SX is largely involved with defining the structures of PACT to the interpreter and supplying routines to manipulate them. As a result of this, PDBView is an SX program which manipulates binary data files in more general terms than any fixed set of compiled routines could do.

The other interesting capability which we will discuss is the ability to have compiled routines call interpreted ones. This component gives a complete interface by which compiled and interpreted routines interact. Developers then have maximal flexibility in using SCHEME or SX with their applications

Some PACT SCHEME Implementation Details

We present here a discussion of details of the implementation of the interpreter which are necessary in order to be able to successfully interface your applications with the interpreter.


All SCHEME objects carry certain information with themselves. In particular, all SCHEME objects know: what their data type is; how they are to be evaluated; how to print themselves; and how to release themselves. The object type is defined in the header file scheme.h.

With the exception of lists (actually CONS cells) and numbers all objects also have a printing name. This is the easiest way to handle the printing of objects in that the print name can be set when the object is created and a single printing method can be used for all objects with a non-NULL print name.

C Level Macros

The following C macros (#define’d in scheme.h) define the application access to SCHEME objects:

Return a pointer to the SCHEME object known to the interpreter’s symbol table by the name given in x.

Return the number of references to the given object.

Render the memory management facility unable to release the given object.

SS_GET(type, x)
Return the value part of the given object (a pointer) cast to the specified type.

Return the integer type value for the given object.

Return the print name of the given object.

Return a pointer to the value part of the given object.

Return the integer evaluation type for the given object.

Print the given object on the specified I/O stream. You should not have to use this since the interpreter will use it on your behalf

Release the given object. You should not have to use this, the interpreter will invoke it when necessary.

Evaluation Types

Every SCHEME object has an evaluation type. This tells the evaluator how to treat the object. There are three evaluation types (defined in scheme.h):

Such objects evaluate to themselves (this is what most SCHEME objects do)

Such objects are variables and evaluate to the value to which they are bound

Such objects are evaluated as procedure calls (only the CONS should have this evaluation type!!!)

SCHEME Function Protocol

PACT SCHEME has a non-standard mechanism for specifying how the interpreter will process the arguments to procedure calls and how the return value will be processed. This property is assigned to primitive (i.e. C level) procedures when they are installed in the SCHEME symbol table. This permits one C level procedure to be installed in more than one way (under different names) to achieve different effects. The following constants are #define’d in scheme.h.

Evaluate the arguments to the call and do not re-evaluate the result of the call

Evaluate the arguments to the call and re-evaluate the result of the call

Do not evaluate the arguments to the call and do not re-evaluate the result of the call

Do not evaluate the arguments to the call and re-evaluate the result of the call

SCHEME procedures defined using define are SS_PR_PROC and macros defined using define-macro are SS_UR_MACRO.

To illustrate some of the protocol uses:

read and pair? are implemented as SS_PR_PROC
let and let* as SS_UE_MACRO
lambda and quote as SS_UR_MACRO
apply as SS_EE_MACRO.
A loose convention for functions installed as both macros and procedures is for the procedure name to be the same as the macro name only with a trailing ‘*’ added. For example, foo and foo* would be the macro and procedure versions of some functionality called foo. In applications involving user interactions (SCHEME level read-eval-print loops) the macro form is generally to be preferred in that users generally type simple expressions at command line prompts and they generally don’t want to deal with any more punctuation than absolutely necessary. By contrast, when users write their own functions they generally want the procedure form. Since these functions are prepared “one time” with a text editor, the extra syntax if any is tolerable.

Function Handlers

To factor out commonality among different functions, the interpreter calls primitive procedures in a two step process. Each C level function is called by a C level function called a handler. It is the job of the handler to do all of the work generic to the class of functions for which the handler may be used. The function itself does the specific operations only. This approach guarantees that all of the functions invoked by a handler are uniformly treated. This lends a great deal of semantic consistency to applications. Application developers may supply both handlers and functions thus giving them great flexibility in designing their products.

For example, consider the case of the operators +, -, *, /. Only one handler is needed to process the argument lists which each of the operators would get. Each of the basic functions only need be written to operate on a pair of numbers and return a numeric result. It is the handler that performs the looping over the argument list, carries out type checking; and accumlates the result.

PACT SCHEME supplies three very fundamental handlers:

All handlers must return a pointer to an object. All handlers take two arguments. First is a pointer to the basic function. The return type is specified as pointer to an object. However, since the handler is responsible for the actual value returned to the interpreter, the function can be cast to any type which the handler wants to deal with. The second argument to a handler is a SCHEME list of the arguments supplied. There is always a list given to the handler even if it is empty. How the handler processes that list and how it invokes the function that is the first argument is entirely up to the application developer!

Defining New Objects to the Interpreter

To fully exploit the PACT SCHEME interpreter as a user extensibility mechanism, you should consider defining your own data structures (C structs) to the interpreter so that they become (or can be treated as) true SCHEME objects. Once this is done, the interpreter can operate on these objects in the ways which you define, and your users can extend your application to match their requirements.

To define your data structures, supply the following code elements:

1. Define an index value for your type (start at 1000 or more)

2. Define a C level predicate macro for this type (see ARRAYP below)

3. Define any useful structure accessor macros (see ARRAY_TYPE and others below)

4. Write three functions to: instantiate, release, and print the object.

5. Write a function implementing the SCHEME level predicate (see arrayp below)

6. Write any other functions and/or handlers to manipulate the object at the SCHEME level

7. Install the functions from steps 5 and 6
(see install_array_functions below)

You are now able to have the interpreter understand your data structures well enough to perform whatever operations you have defined for them. By doing a careful layering of functionality, it is possible to write a very basic and thin interface between C and SCHEME level coding and develop more elaborate functionality entirely in SCHEME.

Array Example

Here is an example illustrating the above procedure. This is very close to how SX handles the PML defined C_array structure (in fact this is a simplified version of that code).


typedef struct s_array
   {long length;
    char *type;
    void *data; array;

/* this is the index from step #1 */
#define G_NUM_ARRAY         1000

/* this is the predicate mentioned in step #2 */
#define ARRAYP(obj)         (SS_OBJECT_TYPE(obj) == G_NUM_ARRAY)

/* these are macros suggested by step #3 */
#define ARRAY(obj)          SS_GET(array, obj)
#define ARRAY_TYPE(obj)     (SS_GET(array, obj)->type)
#define ARRAY_LENGTH(obj)   (SS_GET(array, obj)->length)
#define ARRAY_DATA(obj)     (SS_GET(array, obj)->data)


/* _WR_GNUM_ARRAY - print a g_num_array
 *                - this is the function invoked by SS_OBJECT_PRINT
 *                - this is part of step #4

static void _wr_gnum_array(obj, strm)
   object *obj, *strm;
   {PRINT(SS_OUTSTREAM(strm), "", ARRAY_TYPE(obj));



/* _RL_GNUM_ARRAY - release a g_num_array
 *                - this is the function invoked by SS_OBJECT_RELEASE
 *                - this is part of step #4

static void _rl_gnum_array(obj)
   object *obj;
   {array *arr;

    arr = ARRAY(obj);





/* _MK_ARRAY - encapsulate an array as an object
 *           - this is part of step #4

object *_mk_array(arr)
   array *arr;
   {object *op;

    op = SS_mk_object(arr, G_NUM_ARRAY, SELF_EV, arr->type);
    op->print   = _wr_gnum_array;
    op->release = _rl_gnum_array;;



/* ARRAYP - function version of ARRAYP macro
 *        - this is the function mentioned in step #5

object *arrayp(obj)
   object *obj;
   {return(ARRAYP(obj) ? SS_t : SS_f);


/* MK_ARRAY - allocate and return a array
 *          - form: (make-array   )
 *          - this is a step #6 function

static object *mk_array(argl)
   object *argl;
   {array *arr;
    long size, bpi;
    char *type, ltype[MAXLINE];

    type = NULL;
    size = 0L;
            SC_STRING_I, &type;,
            SC_LONG_I, &size;,
            SC_LONG_I, &bpi;,

    arr = MAKE(array);

    sprintf(ltype, "%s *", type);

    arr->type   = SC_strsave(ltype);
    arr->length = size;
    arr->data   = (byte *) MAKE_N(char, size*bpi);


/* INSTALL_ARRAY_FUNCS - install some array extensions to SX
 *                     - this is step #7
void install_array_funcs()

/* install the fundamental array operations */
               "Return #t if the object is a numeric array, and #f otherwise",
               SS_sargs, arrayp, SS_PR_PROC);

               "Allocate and return an array of the specified type and size",
               SS_nargs, mk_array, SS_PR_PROC);

/* suggestions for other SCHEME level operations with arrays */

#if 0
               "Return a numeric array built from a list of numbers",
               SS_nargs, list_array, SS_PR_PROC);

               "Return a list of numbers built from a numeric array",
               SS_sargs, array_list, SS_PR_PROC);

               "Reallocate the given array to the specified size",
               SS_nargs, resz_array, SS_PR_PROC);

               "Reference the nth element of an array",
               SS_nargs, array_ref, SS_PR_PROC);

               "Set the nth element of an array",
               SS_nargs, array_set, SS_PR_PROC);

               "Return the length of the given numeric array",
               SS_sargs, num_arr_len, SS_PR_PROC);



Compiling and Loading

To compile your C programs you must use one or the other (not both) of the following

#include <scheme.h>

#include <sx.h>

in the source files which deal with the interpreter.

To link your application you must use the following libraries in the order specified. For SCHEME only programs use:

-lscheme -lppc -lpdb -lpml -lscore [-lm ...]
For SX programs use:

-lsx -lscheme -lpanacea -lpgs [-lX11] -lppc -lpdb -lpml -lscore [-lm ...]

Although this is expressed as if for a UNIX linker, the order would be the same for any system with a single pass linker. The items in [] are optional or system dependent.

Each system has different naming conventions for its libraries and the reader is assumed to understand the appropriate naming conventions as well as knowing how to tell the linker to find the installed PACT libraries on each system that they use.

Calling Interpreted Routines from Compiled Routines

The only real trick to having a compiled routine call an interpreted one is to map the compiled parameters or arguments into a representation which the evaluator is able to use. Naturally, that means making a list of SCHEME objects out of the arguments and applying the interpreted function to them. The interpreted function can be specified by name so that part it easy. To make the correct SCHEME objects (referred to simply as objects from now on - sorry but the LISP folks co-opted that term long before the OOP folks) from the compiled variables, you need only give the integer object type designation (see the previous section) and a pointer to the variable for each argument. The function SS_call_scheme does the rest. Specifically, it builds a list of objects from the supplied information, looks up the named procedure, applies it to the list of arguments, and returns the value which the interpreted routine returns. The important part to note here is that SS_call_scheme returns a SCHEME object! Note also the similarity between SS_call_scheme and SS_args. These two functions are complementary and realize the majority of the run time interface between interpreted and compiled functions.

Here is an example continuing the array example of the last section:

    object *rv;
    char *type;
    int n, bpi;

/* invoke the SCHEME level function create-array
 * this is the same as (create-array "float" 10 4)
    type = "float";
    n    = 10;
    bpi  = sizeof(float);
    rv = SS_call_scheme("create-array",
                        SC_STRING_I, type,
                        SC_INTEGER_I, &n;,
                        SC_INTEGER_I, &bpi;,
    long length;
    char *ntype;
    double *data;

    length = ARRAY_LENGTH(rv);
    ntype  = ARRAY_TYPE(rv);
    data   = ARRAY_DATA(rv);

The SCHEME level use of this example is limited only by the number of functions defined so far to manipulate such objects. Here is a fragment of SCHEME code showing their use:

 (let* ((x (make-array "double" 10 8)))

     (if (array? x)

          (printf nil "We have an array: %s\n" x)))

If we assume the existence of the functions alluded to in install_array_funcs we can show a more useful example:

(let* ((x (make-array "double" 10 8)))

    (array-set! x 5 15.34)

    (examine x 5)


(define (examine x n)

   (cond ((and (pair? x) (< n (length x)))

          (printf nil "List element %d = %s\n" n (list-ref x n)))

         ((and (array? x) (< n (array-length x)))

          (printf nil "Array element %d = %s\n" n (array-ref x n)))))

Related Documents

SX is one part of PACT, a set of tools for portable code development and visualization. Users of SX may be interested in the other parts of PACT especially since the various aspects of SX are derived from PACT. That is the graphics is handled by PGS; and the binary file handling is done by PDBLib.

The list of PACT Documents is:

PACT User’s GuideUCRL-MA-112087
SCORE User’s ManualUCRL-MA-108976 Rev.1
PPC User’s ManualUCRL-MA-108964 Rev.1
PML User’s ManualUCRL-MA-108965 Rev.1
PDBLib User’s ManualM-270 Rev.2
PGS User’s ManualUCRL-MA-108966 Rev.1
PANACEA User’s ManualM-276 Rev.2
ULTRA II User’s ManualUCRL-MA-108967 Rev.1
PDBDiff User’s ManualUCRL-MA-108975 Rev.1
PDBView User’s ManualUCRL-MA-108968 Rev.1
SX User’s ManualUCRL-MA-112315Current Document

For questions and comments, please contact the PACT Development Team.