NIH Plain Language Training

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Welcome to the NIH Plain Language Online Training.

**Note: You must have "cookies" enabled in your browser** The tracking portion of this training requires the use of session "cookies" to keep track of your progress and completion. If these "cookies" are disabled in your browser settings, please enable cookies on your browser and try accessing this training again.

This training is offered to anyone who has an interest in public health and in providing clear and concise communication to forward that information.

If you want to review the contents of these training modules without receiving credit, click on "Review Only." This will allow you to move freely through each module, including modules that you have already completed for credit.

However, if you are required to complete the training, click "Login." If you Login, you will have an opportunity to print a certificate upon completion of Modules 1-8.

Note: This training is designed to be used with browsers Internet Explorer v. 6.0 or newer.

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