RESAVE is a California Energy Commission (CEC) Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program. The overall goal of this program is to facilitate the reduction of energy and peak power spent in homes to condition air that enters from outdoors. Infiltration, the uncontrolled exchange of air through leaks and penetrations, typically accounts for over one-third of the total space conditioning energy. New homes typically spend the same fraction of energy on mechanical ventilation. This program aims to reduce ventilation and infiltration related peak load and energy costs by 25-50%.

This program will provide important research and technical tools to advance the strategy of "Build Tight, Ventilate Right". This approach combines high-quality building construction (low leakage, low emitting materials, etc.) with optimized ventilation systems to maximize energy efficiency while maintaining acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ). The program will develop new technologies and recommendations for improvements to existing technologies. The involvement of industrial partners in the program will ensure that these technological developments find their way into California homes. The program will leverage best practices and leading-edge building and ventilation technologies from California, the United States, Japan and Europe. A specific goal will be the optimization of hybrid, passive and active ventilation systems to facilitate their adoption in California homes. In addition to technology development, this program will make recommendations for changes to California State Energy Code for buildings (Title 24) together with providing the diagnostic and commissioning tools necessary to ensure code compliance. These tools will also help in market transformation by demonstrating the performance and value of good ventilation systems to consumers, contractors, building managers and other potential decision makers and beneficiaries.

RESAVE has the potential to:

  • Eliminate energy demand due to ventilation during 4 peak hours of each day
  • Reduce energy attributable to infiltration by 25% in existing homes and 50% in new homes
  • Reduce the need for whole house ventilation by 20% using contaminant control measures
  • Increase the number quality ventilation and ventilation control technologies by 50%
  • Improve the energy and indoor air quality performance of existing ventilation strategies by 20% using control and commissioning strategies