RxNorm API
The RxNorm API is a web service for accessing the current RxNorm data set. With one exception, no license is needed to use the RxNorm API. This is because the data returned from the API is from the RxNorm vocabulary, a non-proprietary vocabulary developed by the National Library of Medicine.

The API can be accessed by clients in two different ways:
Please check RxNorm API changes for the current updates.

Functions and Resources

In the table, the base URI ( https://rxnav.nlm.nih.gov/REST/ ) for the REST resources has been omitted to improve readability.

SOAP Function REST resource Description
filterByProperty /rxcui/{rxcui}/filter Filter by property
findRxcuiById /rxcui?idtype Search by identifier to find RxNorm concepts
findRxcuiByString /rxcui?name Search by name to find RxNorm concepts
getAllClasses /classes TO BE DEPRECATED. Use the RxClass API functions to return the drug class concepts for the specified drug vocabulary
getAllConceptsByTTY /allconcepts Return the RxNorm concepts for the specified term types
getAllHistoricalNDCs /rxcui/{rxcui}/allhistoricalndcs newReturn all National Drug Codes (NDC) for a concept
getAllNDCs /rxcui/{rxcui}/allndcs TO BE DEPRECATED. Use getAllHistoricalNDCs or /rxcui/{rxcui}/allhistoricalndcs instead.
getAllProperties /rxcui/{rxcui}/allProperties Return all properties for a concept
getAllRelatedInfo /rxcui/{rxcui}/allrelated Return all related concept information
getApproximateMatch /approximateTerm Approximate match search to find closest strings
getClassHierarchy /rxcui/{rxcui}/hierarchy TO BE DEPRECATED. Use the RxClass API functions to return drug class information
getClassMembers /members TO BE DEPRECATED. Use the RxClass API functions to return drug class members
getDisplayTerms /displaynames Return the auto suggestion names
getDrugs /drugs Return the related drugs
getIdTypes /idtypes Return the available identifier types
getMultiIngredBrand /brands Return the brands containing the specified ingredients
getNDCs /rxcui/{rxcui}/ndcs Return all National Drug Codes (NDC) for a concept
getNDCProperties /ndcproperties Return National Drug Code (NDC) properties
getNDCStatus /ndcstatus Return the status of a National Drug Code (NDC)
getPropCategories /propCategories Return the property categories.
getPropNames /propnames Return the property names.
getProprietaryInformation /rxcui/{rxcui}/proprietary Return the proprietary information for a concept
getRelatedByRelationship /rxcui/{rxcui}/related?rela Return the related concepts of specified relationship types
getRelatedByType /rxcui/{rxcui}/related?tty Return the related concepts of specified term types
getRelaTypes /relatypes Return the available relationship types
getRxConceptProperties /rxcui/{rxcui}/properties Return the concepts properties
getRxcuiStatus /rxcui/{rxcui}/status Return the status of the concept
getRxNormVersion /version Return the RxNorm data set version
getRxProperty /rxcui/{rxcui}/property Return the value of a concept property
getSourceTypes /sourcetypes Return the available vocabulary abbreviated source types
getSpellingSuggestions /spellingsuggestions Return spelling suggestions for a name
getTermTypes /termtypes Return the available term types

Note: Please check the Terms of Service for restrictions on using the APIs.

Deprecated Functions

SOAP Function REST resource Description
approxMatch /approx DEPRECATED. Use getApproximateMatch (SOAP) or /approximateTerm (REST)
findRemapped /remap/{rxcui} DEPRECATED. Use getRxcuiStatus (SOAP) or /rxcui/{rxcui}/status (REST)
getQuantity /rxcui/{rxcui}/quantity DEPRECATED. Use getRxProperty (SOAP) or /rxcui/{rxcui}/property (REST)
getSplSetId /rxcui/{rxcui}/splsetid DEPRECATED. Use getRxProperty (SOAP) or /rxcui/{rxcui}/property (REST)
getStrength /rxcui/{rxcui}/strength DEPRECATED. Use getRxProperty (SOAP) or /rxcui/{rxcui}/property (REST)
getUNII /rxcui/{rxcui}/unii DEPRECATED. Use getRxProperty (SOAP) or /rxcui/{rxcui}/property (REST)