TraiNet and Visa Compliance System Support United States Agency for International Development

Health and Accident Coverage (HAC) FAQ

  • More HAC information is available in our Documents area.
  • HAC-related files can be downloaded in our Documents area.

Who provides HAC insurance and can answer my questions?

USAID does not have a contract to provide HAC coverage. There are a number of companies that can provide coverage, but most have a menu of levels so you must make sure you select the appropriate level of deductible ($50 max) and overall minimum per illness or accident of at least $150,000 and that there is coverage for repatriation of remains and medivac to the levels stated in ADS 252. Please review Health and Accident Insurance.

Our previous HAC contractor designed a coverage specifically for USAID that meets all requirements. Contact info:

Highway to Health
Diane Foraker, Sr. Enrollment Coordinator
1.877.424.4325 ext 8735 (U.S. Toll-Free)
610-254-8735 (direct/collect)

While there are many companies that will meet qualifications, the companies listed below have recently been used by USAID implementing partners:

IMG (must select appropriate levels from their menu of coverage)

CISI (must select appropriate levels from their menu of coverage)

AETNA (must select appropriate levels from their menu of coverage)

For USAID participants enrolled in university programs you may enroll the student in university coverage, as long as that coverage meets USAID requirements (many do not meet the USAID minimum coverage of $150,000). ADS 252 provides guidance:

When selecting appropriate health and accident insurance coverage, Sponsoring Units must also comply with these additional coverage considerations:

  • "EVs may be enrolled in health and accident coverage offered by a U.S. college or university, or by a private insurance provider that is typically used by the activity implementer or identified through a search of qualified insurance providers. Selected insurance provider coverage must meet or exceed the coverage requirements specified in this ADS chapter. If EVs participating in an academic program are required by a U.S. college or university to enroll in a particular health and accident coverage policy offered by the college or university that does not meet the coverage requirements specified in this ADS chapter, Sponsoring Units must ensure that EVs are enrolled in additional insurance coverage that does meet or exceed the coverage requirements specified in this ADS chapter."

How do I get HAC insurance for an exchange visitor?

HAC is obtained by contacting the HAC provider directly and by completing their enrollment information.

What is an Insurance ID?

The Insurance ID is an identification number or code the HAC insurance provider will issue when an exchange visitor is insured. The exchange visitor will use the Insurance ID to file claims. The Insurance ID will be returned in the confirmation of insurance, accompanied by the Enrollment ID you submitted for that exchange visitor. The combination of the Enrollment ID and Insurance ID will allow you to confirm that each individual exchange visitor has valid insurance.

Remember: you will receive an Insurance ID from the insurance provider for every exchange visitor you enroll. If have not received an Insurance ID for an exchange visitor, that exchange visitor may NOT be covered.

Billing Contact Information

Because USAID no longer has a single contractor managing HAC enrollment, you will pay the provider directly at the time of enrollment. At no time should the participant enroll themselves nor should a participant pay for their own coverage...except for approved dependents.

How do I obtain a site ID? What information do I need to provide?

Email to to request a TraiNet Site ID, or to obtain your current TraiNet Site ID. You must have a site ID to enter data into TraiNet and VCS. HAC enrollment data is required to be uploaded into VCS before a file can be transmitted to Homeland Security to secure a DS 2019 form that will enable the interview and issuance of a J-1 visa.

What is the deadline for HAC enrollment?

HAC insurance providers will accept enrollment requests up to 24 hours before coverage begins. However, it would be imprudent in most cases to wait this long since insurance confirmation must be obtained prior to initiating travel.

How will my HAC enrollment be confirmed?

HAC insurance providers are required to "provide immediate confirmation (within two business days) of insurance enrollment via email." The insurance provider will issue an Insurance ID that confirms that insurance has been issued. The Insurance ID will be used to file any eventual claims. Confirmation should also include exchange visitor's name, terms and conditions of coverage, a toll-free number to call in case of questions, and other relevant information.

Can I pick any HAC insurance provider I want?

Yes, as long as they meet all of the criteria in ADS 252.