GASNet smp-conduit documentation Dan Bonachea User Information: ----------------- smp-conduit provides a single-node loopback GASNet implementation for smp or uniprocessor systems lacking network hardware, or where all the cores to be used coexist within a hardware-shared memory. Where this conduit runs: ----------------------- smp-conduit is extremely portable and should run anywhere with a POSIX-like environment and hardware-shared memory. smp-conduit jobs can be launched directly in the same manner as normal POSIX executables - ie on the command line, no spawner script required. Recognized environment variables: --------------------------------- * GASNET_PSHM_NODES When process-shared memory (PSHM) support is enabled at configure time, this variable controls the number of GASNet smp-conduit processes to fork at job launch within gasnet_init (ie the degree of process parallelism). These processes will communicate through shared memory using PSHM. For more details on enabling and using PSHM support, see the top-level README and pshm-design.txt. If PSHM is disabled, this variable is ignored and smp-conduit jobs consist of only a single process (but the client may still utilize thread-level parallelism within that process, in GASNET_PAR mode). * GASNET_BARRIER=PSHM (default when PSHM support is enabled) Enables shared-memory implementation of GASNet barriers * All the standard GASNet environment variables (see top-level README) Optional compile-time settings: ------------------------------ * All the compile-time settings from extended-ref (see the extended-ref README) Known problems: --------------- * See the Berkeley UPC Bugzilla server for details on known bugs. Future work: ------------ =============================================================================== Design Overview: ---------------- All puts/gets are local accesses (with the locality check removed at compile time). When PSHM is not in use all AM handlers execute synchronously on the calling thread, and segment alignment is trivially guaranteed.