The mission of the Division of Accounting is to provide statewide expert financial and technical accounting services for the State of Delaware, delivering central support to state organizations as well as consistent and reliable financial information to the public. The division is responsible for preparing and issuing the State's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) in full compliance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 34 and 35, which more closely aligns governmental financial statements with the ones found in private industry.

Each fiscal year since 1995, the State has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association.

The division also establishes and implements procedures and regulations pertaining to the statewide accounting and payroll systems; processes the state's accounting and payroll transactions; certifies the validity of transactions; and coordinates accounting, payroll, and other financial matters with state agencies.

In fulfillment of its mission, the division's on-going initiatives have increased the efficiency of the state's financial processes and continue to enhance the availability of information to its customers. The division is committed to reaching these goals through the application of technology. The division continuously works to eliminate obsolete, paper-based processes in favor of more efficient electronic alternatives.