Curtis E LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education
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The LeMay Center develops and publishes Air Force doctrine, teaches doctrine through resident and on-line courses, and advocates airpower through visionary wargaming. Here you can download and read our doctrine and learn about the courses and wargames we conduct.

Basic Doctrine

LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education

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The LeMay Center
Maj Gen Leahy, USAF

Major General Timothy J. Leahy
LeMay Center Commander

Welcome to the Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education where Air Force doctrine is developed, advocated in exercises and wargames, represented in Joint and Multinational doctrine, and deployed to Airmen through a multifaceted outreach program. Our ultimate aim is to create and sustain an Air Force doctrine culture that best serves our nation.

LeMay Center Mission and Vision

Mission: Develop Warfighters for the Joint and Combined team through Doctrine, Education and Wargaming.

Vision: One Team...Preeminent Warfighter Development