Mission Command Capabilities & Computing Platforms

Mission Command Capabilities & Computing Platforms coordinate and enable the seamless integration of six Warfighting functions - Intelligence, Fires, Protection, Maneuver, Sustainment and Mission Command in order to achieve mission success.

Mission Command Capabilities and Computing Platforms efforts focus on providing the commander the ability to effectively manage resources to achieve a successful mission. Mission Command augments the skill and experience of Soldier leaders with Soldier-intuitive technologies to effectively plan, control, adapt and execute mission objectives. Mission Command Capabilities & Computing Platforms coordinate and enable the seamless integration of six Warfighting functions - Intelligence, Fires, Protection, Maneuver, Sustainment and Mission Command in order to achieve mission success.

Coordinated communications between Soldiers is essential to successful missions. Whether Soldiers are in an operations center with systems such as Command Post of the Future (CPOF), in a vehicle or platform with mounted systems such as FBCB2 or dismounted with FM Radios, mission effectiveness often depends on the gathering, synthesizing and delivering of the right information to the right person at the right time regardless of environmental circumstances and constraints.

CERDEC’s Mission Command Capabilities & Computing Platforms efforts maintain ongoing relationships with active Soldiers and commanders to better understand their needs, to provide technical expertise and engineering leadership in support of Mission Command programs of record, and to conduct research and development to advance the technology, interfaces and interoperability of government and commercial innovation.

CERDEC provides the Army's technical and operational expertise for integrating government-off-the-shelf and commercial-off-the-shelf solutions, as well as developing original solutions to supply needed Mission Command capabilities. This is particularly important when developing systems that must scale to the complexity of Army disconnected operations and meet unique Army requirements for size, weight, power and cost.