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Flexible Spending

Flexible Spending

Your One Stop Place for Flexible Spending Accounts Information and Updates !

You can still access the BAS System, for Benefits and Flexible Spending Information. Use the ID and password you selected during Online Enrollment.

FSA New Enhancements

Grace period implemented for incurring eligible expenses!
You now have until March 15 of the following year to incur eligible expenses for the current Plan Year. While this does not eliminate the use-it-or-lose-it rule completely, you now have a great advantage to avoid forfeiting unused funds. If you have a balance remaining in your Health, Dependent Care, and/or Mass Transit FSA account as of December 31, you can use those funds for eligible expenses incurred from January 1 through March 15 of the following year. This is effective immediately, so for the 2008 Plan Year, you have until March 15, 2009 to incur eligible expenses.   Oldest money pays first... Your Jan 1, 2009 - March 15, 2009 expenses will pull from any funds left over in 2008 first then pull from 2009 if you have enrolled in both years.  Expenses incurred prior to January 1, 2009 must be paid out of the Plan Year 2008 account only.

Deadline for submitting eligible expenses to Your FSA at Employees Benefits Council:
The deadline for submitting claims for eligible expenses remains the same as previous years. You have until March 31, 2009; following the end of the Plan Year to submit claims for eligible expenses you incurred through March 15, 2009.

The Health Care FSA maximum contribution for 2009 will be $5,000. Remember, to take advantage of this you must re-enroll for the 2009 Plan Year.
You can find a detailed cost and savings calculator provided at MyBenny.com

Medical Spending Account

The Medical Spending Account provides tax-free reimbursement of eligible expenses such as copays, deductibles, coinsurance, etc., that are NOT covered by your health, dental or vision plan.

Daycare Spending Account

The Daycare Spending Account allows you to pay for childcare and dependent elder care expenses, that enables you (and your spouse) to work, with tax-free dollars.

Mass Transit Spending Account

The Mass Transit Spending Account allows you to be reimbursed for monthly bus passes.  The monthly maximum for 2009 will be $115.00 ($1,380 annually).

Your Flexible Spending Information is now in BAS, Log on to BAS>
See Claim History And Detail.
Currently Flexible Spending Detail is available. Please allow Pop Ups from this Site when viewing reports.

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Need to Fill out a Claim?
Try the new File a Claim voucher
in BAS, which easily Pre-fills all your information making filling out a paper claim a snap.
Log in and check your 

Benny Card Account Information.

Deadline for Submitting 2007 Claims is Over!

Customer Satifaction


Continuing our vision of serving state employees with the highest level of customer satisfaction, the Award Winning Flexible Spending Accounts Operation Team has brought you direct deposit in 2002 and on-line flexible spending account information in 2003. And, Debit cards available for 2006. 
To activate your card call
1-866-898-9795.  A list of paperless IRS Inventory Approved (IIAS) Merchants is available at www.mybenny.com on the left side of the screen updated daily. 


The Flexible Spending Account Operation Team received the Governor's Commendation Award in May 2000 for significant cost savings for the State of Oklahoma while providing excellent service.  The Flexible Spending Account Team received the Governor's Commendation Award in May 2006 for offering Debit Cards to state employees.