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Legislative Branch » Publication of Laws

All acts of the Legislature must be deposited in the Office of the Secretary of State. An act of the Legislature is not in force until the enacting bill has been published so that the public has proper notice that it is law. State law requires all acts passed at each session of the Legislature to be published as soon as practicable after the close of the session at which the same are passed, and not later than July 1. The laws passed at each session of the Legislature are printed in an indexed volume known as the Session Laws.

Laws take effect upon publication in the Session Laws unless otherwise specified in the act. Such volume or volumes also include an index, the veto messages of the governor, if any, all certificates that a bill or item or items of a bill have been approved notwithstanding the governor's veto, if any, and all concurrent resolutions adopted by the Legislature, except such resolutions extending congratulations or making a memorial for any decedent.

When there is reason for an act to take effect earlier than July 1, the act will state that it shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the Kansas Register, the official state newspaper, which is published weekly. Both publications are prepared under direction of the secretary of state.

The Sessions Laws serves as a temporary publication of the enacting bills. Each year after the close of the regular Legislative session, all general laws passed by the Legislature at the session are integrated into the body of existing law and become a part of the Kansas Statutes Annotated. New sections are assigned appropriate numbers and all such materials, both new and amendatory, are prepared and published by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes either in revised and republished volumes of the Kansas Statutes Annotated or in the annual supplement to existing volumes of the Kansas Statutes Annotated.

Session Law Books image
Acts of the Legislature take effect upon publication in the Session Laws
Photo by Todd Caywood