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Welcome to the homepage of the Missouri Sentencing Advisory Commission (MOSAC). The MOSAC is dedicated to supporting public safety, fairness and effectiveness in criminal sentencing.

The commission:
  • Publishes the User Guide annually. The advisory sentences are based on the actual sentencing practices of Missouri trial judges. Advisory sentences for felony offenses are available on the automated sentencing feature of this website.
  • Conducts statistical research and analysis of Missouri's offender population including sentence types and lengths, recidivism rates and prison populations.
  • Developed in cooperation with Probation and Parole, the Sentencing Assessment Report to provide judges and others involved with sentencing and corrections useful information about the offender, the offender's risk of re-offending, treatment programs and supervision options available in the community and in prison.

Smart Sentencing Bulletins
The Sentencing Advisory Commission produces this periodic bulletin to keep judicial decision-makers current as to the latest information related to sentencing practices and their impacts.

Progress Report on Recommended Sentencing
We hope you will find our site informative and easy to access. We encourage you to to contact us with your ideas, opinions and insights.