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NIH AIDS Research Budget

NIH AIDS Research Budget

The authorities of NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 require OAR to allocate all appropriated AIDS research funds to the Institutes and Centers according to the Trans-NIH Plan for HIV-Related Research. The Plan provides the framework for the annual budget development and allocation process.

The annual trans-NIH AIDS research budget is developed by the OAR Director, in consultation with the NIH Director, and is explicitly tied to the overarching HIV/AIDS research priorities and objectives of the strategic Plan. Each year, OAR reviews IC budget requests in relation to the overarching scientific priorities and to other IC submissions. This review reduces redundancy, promotes harmonization, and assures cross-Institute collaboration. The careful determination of the balance of the research budget – among Institutes, among areas of science, between AIDS and non-AIDS research, between intramural and extramural research programs, between basic and clinical research, and between investigator-initiated and targeted research – requires a comprehensive knowledge of the science and of the Institute and Center portfolios.

OAR conducts a multi-tiered trans-NIH review of all grants, contracts, and intramural projects supported with AIDS-designated funds in order to ensure that funding is based on the current state of the epidemic and scientific opportunities. Dollars are allocated to ICs based not on a formula, but on the overarching priorities of the Plan, scientific opportunities, and the capacity of individual ICs to absorb and expend resources for the most meritorious science. These processes promote collaboration, minimize duplication, and ensure that NIH AIDS research dollars are invested in the overarching HIV/AIDS research priorities that ultimately will lead to the development of new tools for use in the global fight against AIDS.

The law also requires the Director to “prepare and submit directly to the President, for review and transmittal to the Congress, a budget estimate for carrying out the Plan for the fiscal year...” That budget “shall estimate the amounts necessary for the agencies of the National Institutes of Health to carry out all AIDS activities determined by the Director of the Office to be appropriate, without regard to the probability that such amounts will be appropriated.” This Presidential By-Pass Budget is prepared by OAR each year.

FY 2017 Presidential By-Pass Budget
FY 2013 Presidential By-Pass Budget and Trans-NIH Plan

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