3-D Bulk Models of Quasicrystals

Illuminating the structure of various quasicrystals is the focus of a number of research groups throughout the world. In an effort to help disseminate this very important work and to improve the understanding of these complex materials, we have received permission to put several of these structures and models on the web.

What you will find below is a list of available models and a brief description. By clicking on the "More Info" button you can learn more about each dataset and obtain information about the downloadable file. The references point to references in the literature so the user can learn more about the model. If you have any problems, suggestions for this page, or would like your own work included, please contact Cynthia Jenks at cjenks@iastate.edu. Many thanks to Pat Thiel for seeing her idea to fruition and to Zorka Papadopolos for her work in getting this project going.

Papadopolos and Kasner Model

This bulk model of icosahedral Al–Pd–Mn (with positions also applicable to Al–Cu–Fe) [1,2,3] is a decoration of an F-phase icosahedral tiling *(2F) [4] by Bergman (and therefore automatically Mackay) polyhedra. This model is deterministic and in agreement with inflation rules [3,5].


Katz and Gratias Model

This bulk model of icosahedral Al–Pd–Mn is Katz and Gratias' simplest model of Al–Pd–Mn. The underlying model of atomic positions was developed for icosahedral Al–Cu–Fe in references [1,2]. It is the primitive tiling P decorated by Bergman (and therefore automatically Mackay) polyhedra. The atomic positions in the model are deterministic.