
Welcome to the Labs21 Benchmarking Tool!

Use this tool to compare the energy use of your lab buildings with that of similar facilities in the US. The tool's database contains owner-submitted data from an ever-growing number of lab facilities.

Buildings in database: 639
Last database update: July 2016
Enter Data For Your FacilityEnter your data into the database.
Your facilities appear in output reports.
Username and password required.
Comparative Analysis of DataView data already in the database.
Output reports show database facilities only.
No login required.
Useful Information for Tool Users: To enter facility data into the database, you will need to input facility characteristics (e.g. lab type, gross building area) and energy use data (e.g. annual electricity use). Measured data is preferred, but estimated data may also be provided.

The data you provide will remain anonymous to other users of the database.

The Labs21 Benchmarking Tool is hosted by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) and is maintained by LBNL and the Benchmarking Working Group of the International Institute for Sustainable Labs (I2SL).

Version 1.6 Release Notes.