Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Precision effects fielded within months

The sponsor needed this low-collateral-damage munition fast. A Lawrence Livermore team completed a prototype within 9 months, and BLU-129/B was completely fielded in 18 months, a process that typically takes 4 to 6 years.

Fiber composites play a critical role in the Laboratory's advanced manufacturing capability. They have some of the highest specific strength (strength/density) and specific modulus among structural materials. In addition, the characteristic of orthotropic properties (i.e., differing in three mutually perpendicular directions) has allowed for many unique applications in defense, aerospace, aircraft, and more recently in energy and ground transportation.

At the Laboratory, we have focused on structural applications that can be produced by filament winding of continuous fibers (carbon, glass, etc.) with epoxy-based matrix material systems, while a new generation of composites includes hybrid fibers and modified matrix material such as epoxies with nanoparticles.

Lawrence Livermore's multiscale modeling capability is key to dramatically shortening the development times and minimizing the need for prototype hardware to design systems. Particularly important are understanding mechanical behavior and the processing and deformation mechanisms of these advanced materials.

Munition Cases

Lightweight, high-strength "third-generation munitions" have proved to be relatively easy to manufacture and can incorporate specialized effects such as the elimination of shrapnel for certain applications.

The extensive use of simulations has enabled robust designs of joints between composites and metals, which is one of the major challenges in use of composites. Simulations have also been essential to designing and understanding coupling on metal-to-composites joints and the incorporation of essential features that cannot be easily engineered.

Flywheels and More

Another technology that uses composites is rotors for electromagnetic flywheels for energy storage. Livermore materials engineers have developed a multiple-fiber approach to manage the various types of extreme forces encountered. Some efficient advanced designs call for rotational speeds in the tens of thousands of RPMs. Fiber composites are the only known material than can withstand the stresses that these devices may encounter during service conditions.

Gil Gallegos


    Deputy Division Leader, Materials Engineering Division

    Gil Gallegos


    Deputy Division Leader, Materials Engineering Division