Welcome to the Discussion Forum for the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Initiative at the NIMH!


The Matrix Needs You!

The NIMH seeks open and on-going dialogue about the RDoC Matrix. This discussion portal is a step in fulfilling that goal. The RDoC Matrix is intended to evolve, and we encourage you to:

  • Use the RDoC Discussion Forum to discuss matrix components. Your input can help to refine the structure of existing matrix components.
  • Propose and discuss new components of the matrix or alternative constructions of established matrix components. The matrix is heuristic and not static. Your input is vital to develop the matrix at every level.
  • Highlight and discuss research that can bear upon the matrix. The evolution of the matrix will depend on research findings.
  • Suggest or discuss which reliable and valid measures could be used to elaborate the matrix.
  • Let the community discover and discuss your ideas.
  • The Discussion Forum is a place for the research community to engage on the above topics.  We invite anyone with general questions or comments on RDoC to email the RDoC team via RDoCAdmin@mail.nih.gov.

More information can be found on the NIMH website describing the Research Domain Criteria Project.