About TriageTrak
This is testing site, and a demonstrator for potential adopting hospitals and other organizations. TriageTrak, a customization on NLM's People Locator, and its associated TriagePic apps, can aid triage-station reporting and family reunification during a mass casualty disaster.

Most disaster events and associated artificial-patient data here are non-public in the sense that they are visible only with TriageTrak "hospital staff" credentials, which you may request as explained at https://github.com/TriagePic/TriagePic-WinStore/wiki/How-To-Get-TriageTrak-Credentials. More broadly, as a demonstration site, any data appearing here is not private and may be subject to deletion or change by NLM and others who share it.

About the TriagePic Apps
  • For a quick overview of TriagePic and related offerings from the "Lost Person Finder" project, see http://lpf.nlm.nih.gov
  • For information and download of Win 7 TriagePic, first log in here with hospital credentials, then follow the "TriagePic" link in the column to the left of search results.
  • For developers with a GitHub account:https://github.com/TriagePic/TriagePic-WinStore
About the "Test Exercise" Disaster Event
This search-only public event is primarily a placeholder, so you can see the above information and a bit of the site before you have requested hospital credentials.  With those credentials, you will see additional events, some of which, unlike "Test Exercise", are open for new reports.

This event has a total of 110 records.