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Command Historian

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Office Symbol: ARSO-History Office
Address: 4130 Stanley Road, Suite 700
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Commercial Phone: (210) 295-5782
DSN Phone: 421-5782
Fax:  (210) 295-6336


Mission Statement:

The mission of the U.S. Army South History Office (ARSOUTH) is to preserve the institutional memory of the Command. This is accomplished by writing the annual command history and other special projects that enlist primary source documents and oral history interviews of present and past of ARSOUTH personnel along with other individuals who have specialized knowledge of the area of operation that encompasses the Caribbean, Central and South America.
In addition, the historian seeks to educate the Soldiers and Civilians about ARSOUTH'S unique lineage by erecting static historic
displays within the headquarters, keeping the Command historically informed through short monographs, videos and professional development with historical briefs and office calls upon request.
To stay current with new research techniques, technology and emerging sources, the history office maintains liaisons with fellow historians in the armed services, U.S. Government historical offices, academia, and professional historical organizations. The history office responds to inquiries from veteran organizations and the general public.


Dr. Isaac Hampton II, Ph.D.

U.S. Army South Command Historian