
World-Class Facilities

The Defense Health Agency Facilities Division (DHA-FD) of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs is committed to delivering world-class medical facilities that support a care experience that is patient and family-centered, compassionate, convenient, equitable, safe, and always of the highest quality. This site is a place of learning and sharing for everyone involved in making this happen.

Drug Screening Laboratory, Naval Station
Great Lakes, IL
Sherlock, Smith & Adams, Inc.
Medical/Dental Clinic Replacement
Tinker Air Force Base
Oklahoma City, OK
Sherlock, Smith & Adams, Inc.
Medical Clinic Replacement
Camp LeJeune, NC
Sherlock, Smith & Adams, Inc.
U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam
Sherlock, Smith & Adams, Inc.
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DoD Medical Facilities Organizations


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