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Campaign: Transparency

Create a JFK Records Declassification Project

The National Archives should create a project to declassify remaining secret JFK assassination records before the 50th anniversary of that tragic event in 2013. The Archives recently established Berlin Wall and Pentagon Papers anniversary projects. Public interest is high in the remaining secret JFK assassination records. Such a project would fulfill President Obama's desire that his administration be the most open ...more »

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37 votes
37 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Citizen Archivists

Include transcriptions in the National Archives Catalog

Should transcriptions from the National Archives Transcription Pilot Project be automatically included in the National Archives Catalog?


Check out the Transcription Pilot here:



Check out the National Archives Catalog (through Online Public Access) at:


Submitted by


8 votes
11 up votes
3 down votes

Campaign: Federal Register

Digitize pre-electronic Federal Register publications

Would you like to have pre-electronic editions of Federal Register publications digitized to make them available online? If so which publications?


The major Federal Register publications are:

the daily Federal Register,

Code of Federal Regulations,

Public Laws,

Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents,

Public Papers of the Presidents, and

U.S. Government Manual.

Submitted by


3 votes
4 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Federal Register

Develop mobile apps and ebooks for Federal Register publications

Would you like to see Federal Register publications developed as mobile apps and ebooks for smart phones and tablets. If so, which ones?


The major Federal Register publications are:

the daily Federal Register,

Code of Federal Regulations,

Public Laws,

Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents,

Public Papers of the Presidents, and

U.S. Government Manual

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2 votes
3 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Digitization

Add digitized materize requested by public to Archives.gov

When the public request digitized materials, add the materials to Archives.gov regardless of whether the request covers one item or 200 items. At the same time, encourage people who digitize items at the Archives to contribute items to NARA. Perhaps some items would be digitized according to different standards, but it would allow for more access sooner.

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0 votes
0 up votes
0 down votes

Displaying all 19 Ideas