General Information

  • Property Identification #
  • Owner Name
  • Street Address
  • Advanced Search

  • Garfield County
  • NE Dept of Revenue
  • Nebraska Taxes Online
  • T.E.R.C.
  • Valuation Protest Form
  • Property Appraisal and Assessment Information


    The Garfield County Assessor makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information. The information provided has been compiled from a variety of sources, and is subject to change without notice. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or interpretation. With the use of this website and information, you assume all risks arising out of or associated with such access, including but not limited to risks of damage to your computer, peripherals, software and data from any virus, software, file or other cause associated with your access to this information. Any questions regarding the amount or payment of real property tax should be directed to and/or verified with your county treasurer. The parcel identification number is utilized by the Assessor's Office. Each parcel of record has a unique Property Number. This number is identified on the Assessment Notice as "Parcel ID". I have read and understand the foregoing disclaimer: