If you have a question and don't see it here, please contact us.  You may click here or you may click on the Contact Us Link at the bottom of most pages on this site.

  • How do I reset my CM/ECF Password? or I can't remember my CM/ECF Password. or I've lost my CM/ECF Password.

    On the CM/ECF Login Page, text states "If you have lost or forgotten your password, click here."

    Once you click on "click here" a new screen will open. This new screen will prompt you for your login ID *or* your email address. (If your login is assciated with more than one login ID, enter a login ID only.)

    You will have to complete the 'Captcha' security word and then Click Submit. An email will be generated. Please check the email address that you have entered or the email address that is associated with the login ID that you entered.

    This will allow you to reset your password.


  • How long are Bankruptcy Cases retained?

    "General bankruptcy case files are retained by the court for a 15-year interval. Presently, most of
    the 1970-1995 bankruptcy case files have been destroyed in accordance with their approved
    records disposition authority (N1-578-11-001, in accordance with 44 USC § 3303).

    National Archives can be reached at 1-866-272-6272.
    The Federal Records Centers can be reached via email at: frc@nara.gov. "

  • I'm having a problem uploading my document. I believe the file size is too large. What can I do?

    If you are scanning the document, this will create a larger file size than a document created and saved online. If the document contains signatures, graphics and non standard fonts, these can contribute to a larger file size. Here are some things you can do:

    1. Check your scanner settings. Make sure your scanner is set to black and white - not color or gray scale.
    2. Check your dpi settings. A suggested setting is no larger than 300 dpi.


    If the document was created using word processing software, convert the document directly to PDF, instead of printing the document and scanning it. This will result in better resolution and a smaller file size.

    If the document has numerous pages, break the document up into separate files and upload the separate files using the Attachments option.




  • What is the procedure to take care of a 341 Meeting \ Trustee Meeting of Creditors, when the debtor(s) are homebound and can not attend the Meeting?

    The Trustee in the Bankruptcy Case should be contacted. Arrangements should be discussed with the Trustee.

  • I received a notice, from BNC or the US Post Office, that an address on the matrix is not correct or undeliverable. What should I do?

    In the event the Debtor or Debtor's Attorney has received a document back, with a letter on the reverse, stating that the address is undeliverable, and that the creditor will not be notified, the Debtor or the Debtor's Attorney must notify the court of the corrected address.

    The Debtor may mail in the form with the address corrected on the form and signed. The court will docket. The form is to be filed using the event" Notice of Change of Address of Creditor (BNC Undeliverable Notice) Court Events. There is no fee for filing the Notice.

    The Debtor's Attorney may electronically file the form with the address corrected on the form and signed. The form is to be filed using the event " Notice of Change of Address of Creditor (BNC Undeliverable Notice)" under Notice. There is no fee for filing this Notice.



  • When I click on a WPD Form on the Local Forms List, it does not open directly into WordPerfect. What can I do?

    This is happening with Internet Explorer. One solution is to "right-click" on the WPD Form Link and select "Open with WordPerfect". Mozilla Firefox appears to handle this document link a little better, in that when you click the WPD Form Link, it opens a dialogue box that allows you to "Open With" and WordPerfect is the default in this scenario.

  • How do I withdraw from a case or proceeding?

    Please refer to our Local Rules and Local Rule 9010-1(B).

  • How do I cancel email notices?

    Please complete Local Form 9036-1 and File it with our court.

     Local Form 9036-1 (WPD)

     Local Form 9036-1 (PDF)

  • How do I change my address in only one or two cases?

    For a creditor or debtor, please complete our Local Form 1009-1(G) Notice of Change of Address for Debtor and file it with our court.

    A creditor would need to edit the form to reflect creditor.

     Local Form 1009-1(G) Notice of Change of Address for Debtor (WPD)

     Local Form 1009-1(G) Notice of Change of Address for Debtor (PDF)

  • As a creditor, I need to change my address in all of our cases. How do I do this?
