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Local Info
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The Silver Spring Metro Center (SSMC), which houses more than 4,700 NOAA workers, is located on the northern edge of DC, about 10 miles from the downtown area. Home of NOAA Headquarters since 1993, the NOAA Silver Spring Metro Center consists of four buildings, a science center and an auditorium.

The NOAATECH2004 conference will be held in the auditorium, science center and the Building 4 conference center. The address is: 1301 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

If you would like to know more about the local history of the area, visit
the Silver Spring Historical Society web site for a wealth of articles and photos of the area.


There are three airports that service the Washington, D.C.
area: National Airport, which is immediately south of and adjacent to downtown Washington. Baltimore-Washington International (BWI), 20-25 miles north of Washington near Baltimore, Maryland; and Dulles Airport, 25-30 miles west of Washington in Reston, Virginia.

There is taxi and limousine service at all three airports. National Airport has a metro line (subway) that services all of DC, including the Silver Spring station that is adjacent to the NOAA facility.

If you are renting a car, BWI and Dulles are the most convenient as far as getting in and out (BWI is actually a little closer to Silver Spring); National can be very congested and traffic in the downtown area can be heavy. However, if your hotel is in downtown Washington, then National may be the best choice.

There are a number of hotels within the Silver Spring area. Information can be found at these web sites: RESTAURANTS

There are many fine places to dine in Silver Spring - from Chinese to Mexican. NOAA also has a cafeteria located in SSMC Building 3 and local cafes adjacent to the complex.

Publication of the NOAA CIO/HPCC, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), US Department of Commerce

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Last Updated: November 12, 2003 10:27 AM