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Members List

The following is a list of the current TMC PFS members their points of contact, and other individuals from their agency who have been identified as their representative related to each of the various projects. Click on a name to compose and send an email to one of the members.

List of TMC Pooled-Fund Study Members
Members Agency
Ahoura Vahedi 213-999-6100 California Department of Transportation
Jimmy Chu 202-366-3379 Federal Highway Administration
Fred Heery, Sr. 850-410-5606 Florida Department of Transportation
Mark Demidovich 404-635-8014 Georgia Department of Transportation
Jeff Galas 708-524-2145 Illinois Department of Transportation
Bonnie Castillo 515-239-1678 Iowa Department of Transportation
Shari Hilliard 785-296-5652 Kansas Department of Transportation
Suzette Peplinski 616-451-8448 Michigan Department of Transportation
John McClellan 651-234-7025 Minnesota Department of Transportation
Alex Wassman 314-275-1365 Missouri Department of Transportation
Seth Daniels 775-888-7565 Nevada Department of Transportation
John Bassett 518-457-2384 New York State Department of Transportation
Meredith McDiarmid 919-825-2619 North Carolina Department of Transportation
Eric Sponsler 717-836-3443 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Brian Hoeft 702-432-5306 RTC Southern Nevada (FAST)
Donald Gedge 615-350-4189 Tennessee Department of Transportation
Ron Fussel 512-506-5104 Texas Department of Transportation
John Leonard 801-964-4045 Utah Department of Transportation
Cathy McGhee 434-293-1973 Virginia Department of Transportation
Vinh Dang 206-440-4462 Washington State Department of Transportation
Paul Keltner 414-225-3727 Wisconsin Department of Transportation