Welcome to the Aviation Weather Testbed

We are in the process of redesigning our site to better provide insight into aviation weather science and technology advancements. Please check back occasionally over the next several weeks as transition work continues.

2016 AWT Summer Experiment

The 2016 AWT summer experiment will be held August 15–26, 2016.
Joint participants include the NWS Operations Proving Ground (OPG) and FAA Aviation Weather Demonstration and Evaluation Services (AWDE).

Primary Experiment Activites

  • Cloud & Visibility forecast improvement within the Digital Aviation Services paradigm
  • Convective SIGMET testing using AWIPS2 Hazard Services
  • Convective forecast desk, including the Collaborative Aviation Weather Statement (CAWS)

Graphical Forecast for Aviation

Gate Forecast

Traffic Flow Management portal

Mission Statement:
To foster a science-based environment that assures an efficient transfer of innovative and information technology advancements for continuous improvement of NOAA operations, products, and services.
Our Vision:
A destination facility as the enterprise leader in realize the best science, technology, and training for operational aviation meteorology.

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