Welcome to GNPEC

The Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC) provides a service to Georgia’s citizens by authorizing and regulating the operations of for-profit and not-for-profit postsecondary colleges and schools.

Established by legislation enacted in 1990, the Commission staff began operation in 1991 and the first Commission members were appointed in 1992. Prior to the creation of GNPEC, the state Department of Education was responsible for regulating nondegree-granting schools (under the Proprietary School Act) and degree-granting schools (under the Postsecondary Educational Authorization Act). The Commission’s Act repealed this earlier statutes and consolidated regulatory authority in the Commission.

A nine person staff headed by an Executive Director appointed by the Governor handles the day-to-day activities of GNPEC. The staff is comprised of a Deputy Director, five professional staff members, a SARA Coordinator, and an office staff.

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